All the power in Ye Lan's body disappears without any trace. Suddenly, her face is muddled and she doesn't know the situation.

However, during the movement of his mind, many forces appeared one after another, such as fighting the soul, the power of God, the power of rebirth, the power of yin and Yang, and so on.

"Back to the basics?"

Ye Lan whispered to herself.

He can't feel any power in his body, but every time he exerts a power, he can clearly find that the power is stronger than ever.

"The power doesn't disappear, it's just hidden! What is the black fog? "

Ye Lan is puzzled.

He really didn't know what the hell that black fog was?

Then, after learning some relevant information and records from the magic tower, Ye Lan just found some clues. The black fog is the gas of chaos!

It is not in the list of yin and Yang, nor in the five elements, but a special energy body that existed before the birth of heaven and earth!

Chaos of the gas, the most powerful is phagocytic power!

It can devour everything, hide everything, extremely terrifying and overbearing.

Once it is really integrated with the practitioner, it can be used by the practitioner, so that the practitioner can devour other people's true Qi power to continuously improve his cultivation.

But it's hard to integrate chaos.

All over the world, even if the gods and kings in the ancient times or the three emperors and five emperors in the flood and famine times were powerful, they did not dare to absorb and refine the Qi of chaos.

Because the Qi of chaos itself is a powerful force beyond their yin and Yang. If you don't pay attention to it, you may be engulfed by it and die miserably.

Now, Ye Lan is able to swallow the chaos of the gas, and the perfect fusion.

To tell you the truth, this is the first person since the beginning of the world. As for why he can suddenly merge the chaos, Ye Lan doesn't know what the situation is.

He just felt that he had some epiphany outside the world, and then, the spirit returned to his body, and the chaotic Qi inexplicably began to integrate into his body. All of a sudden, all of a sudden, all of a sudden, all of a sudden, all of a sudden, all of a sudden, all of a sudden, all of a sudden, all of a sudden, all of a sudden, all of a sudden, all of a sudden, all of a sudden, all of a sudden, all of a sudden, all of a?

"Mixed Qi, a special energy body before the birth of heaven and earth, melts into me. It seems that it's a blessing, not a disaster!"

After understanding the relevant information and situation, Ye Lan took a long breath.

The fusion of chaotic Qi is not a bad thing. On the contrary, many people, gods, demons and Buddhas, can't absorb it!

Because, this kind of power transcends the five elements of yin and Yang, was born before the birth of heaven and earth!

Get up, leave the courtyard, Ye Lan came outside, looked at the distant sunrise, enjoying the warm spring breeze.

"Brother ye, you are finally out of the pass!"

A voice rings out, red tail appeared in Ye Lan side.

"How long have I been shut up?"

Cultivation without years, Ye Lan this closed door, how long time has passed, he is not clear.

"More than ten years!"

Red tail responded with a smile.

"It's true that there is no time for cultivation. The closing time passed so fast that I didn't realize it. When I left, I still felt that everything was yesterday!"

Ye Lan is full of emotion.

"By the way, what can I do for you

Ye Lan asked.

"Brother ye, Shenwu has been stable all these years. But recently, the strong in Shenwu have been falling down.

We can't find out the cause, and everyone died miserably! "

Red tail responded.

"Take me to see the dead!"

Ye Lan responded.

Red tail nodded and led the way. Soon, they came to a morgue in Longyuan holy land.

In the room, the second prince and many other high-level figures of Longyuan gathered here one after another.

In addition, Ye Yu, Niu Mo, Yin Shaoge and others all came here one after another, looking at the cold corpse with a dead and miserable look.

"Brother Ye Lan!"

Ye Yu see Ye Lan smooth clearance, to meet, sweet smile.

The second prince and others also say hello to Ye Lan one after another, while the other generals and ministers of Longyuan salute one after another.

After a brief greeting, Ye Lan looks at the dozens of corpses.

I found that all of them had no blood on their faces, and their bodies were shriveled, as if the whole body had been drained of blood in an instant. On the surface of their bodies, they were even more dark, cold and dark, forming a kind of poisonous pattern!

"When did it start?"

Ye Lan looks at the second prince and asks in a voice.

"Ten days ago, we found the first dead person in an asteroid settlement outside the region. The other person is a senior general of our Longyuan, and his cultivation has already stepped into the nine peaks of yin and Yang.

Then, in the past ten days, there have been many strong people's tragic deaths in our Shenwu Longyuan. Without exception, they are all in Yin and Yang! "

The second prince gave a brief account of the situation.Ye Lan looked at the corpse, lost in thought.

Why focus on Yin and Yang?

Who is the person who started?

How cruel the means are!

Looking at the appearance of the dead, it is obvious that they suffered a lot before they died.

"What can we find out?"

Ye Lan asked.

"No, we are all wondering if the Mohists are beginning to feel uneasy?"

"No, it's him!"

Ye Lan said decisively.

"He? Who is it? "

In the room, everyone was puzzled.

"Don't ask any more. Leave it to me. Now, all the people stationed outside the territory are ordered to return to the holy land. In order to ensure safety, they are not allowed to go out in the near future!"

Ye Lan orders.

As soon as the second prince heard this, he immediately ordered someone to go and order the execution.

Ordered everything, Ye Lan's figure just slowly disappeared in situ.

"Sunglasses, out!"

Outside, in the center of Ye Lan's eyebrows, there is a mirror, which is the shadow mirror.

He injected an idea into the sunglasses. After a while of rotation, a picture immediately appeared on the sunglasses.

In the picture, there is a mysterious black robed man, who is the evil emperor!

Then, the sunglasses shoot a beam of light straight into the endless dark universe.

Ye Lan's body, turning into streamer, flies all the way to the hiding place of the evil emperor under the guidance of the light beam of the Taiyin mirror.


This is a big blood red star. The red sand is rolling in thousands of miles, the wind is howling, and it is lifeless. It gives people a very uneasy feeling.

On the top of a mountain, the evil emperor sat on his knees, as if waiting for something.

Soon, a beam of light came from outside and came to the big blood star.

The evil emperor raised his mouth slightly and stood up slowly.

"I've been waiting for you for some time. I thought you wouldn't come!"

Standing on the top of the mountain, the evil emperor coldly overlooks Ye Lan below, and his tone is full of cold meaning.

"Recently, I was a dead soldier in Longyuan, but what did you do?"



"Very simple, I want to kill people, there is no reason!"

The evil emperor responded aggressively.

Behind him, three days of empty shadows appeared one after another, and the evil spirit of terror and hegemony rushed to the sky and enveloped the whole world.

Under that divine power, the earth is constantly breaking, the void is constantly shaking, and the mountains are constantly collapsing, which is a scene of doomsday.

Then, three days in the shadow, there is a special force!

Ye Lan is familiar with that power!

Gas of chaos!

"You've got chaos in you?"

Ye Lan looks dignified.

The Qi of chaos is not so easy to fuse. Even though the three emperors and five emperors in the flood and famine era could not easily fuse, the evil emperor at present, like himself, also fused the Qi of chaos and controlled it.

Once the chaos is controlled, it can be said that the evil emperor's means of killing and cutting will have multiplied.

"I'm not old enough to know a lot about chaos!

Since you know it, you should know that the Qi of chaos does not belong to the Yin Yang five elements.

So, now you, in my eyes, there is no means to fight!

Hand over the emperor's bone, I can only kill you, and I won't embarrass the people of your Shenwu Longyuan! "

Evil emperor cold way.

At the beginning, after the failure of seizing the emperor's bone, he fled. By chance, he entered a secret place.

During that period, the evil emperor also had amazing Qi, perfectly integrated the Qi of chaos and controlled it.

After escaping from the secret place, he went to Shenwu decisively, killed many soldiers in Longyuan, selected the strong in Yin and Yang, devoured their power of yin and Yang, and provided the Qi of chaos to grow up!

This chaotic Qi is different from others. Except that the power of yin and yang can make it grow slowly, any other power can't make it grow. At most, it will be destroyed by it!

This is also the reason why the evil emperor killed Yin and Yang, but he didn't attack the nirvana and even the empty God in the Dragon abyss.

Of course, more reason or, after the evil emperor killed, deliberately left a part of the breath in those bodies, want to lead Ye Lan here.

As he said, if ye LAN is obedient to hand over the emperor's bone, he can consider sparing the whole Shenwu!

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