
Tianqiong, the rest of the ancient emperor's disciples, their faces were full of surprise and shock, and more of them were unbelievable.

Ancient huangzong, which is the most powerful Sect on the second step in the land of Wanchuan, is also the most outstanding one among many sects on the second step.

In this land of ten thousand rivers, who can really fight against the people of his ancient emperor?

Almost none!

But now, the young man who has just risen from the lower world dares to do so.

Without saying a word, he killed Qiu Wuxue first, and then killed a gifted disciple of his clan, without hesitation.

It was not just the disciples of the ancient emperor who were surprised.

The two disciples of Xianyue sect were stunned!

"Lying grass! The fierce man from the lower world

The young man, who looked a little chubby, looked at Ye Lan and the body of the ancient emperor's disciple who had been killed on the ground. He could not help but gasp.

"Well done!"

On the one hand, the disciple of Xianyue sect, whose surname is Murong, was very happy and couldn't help shouting.

"I'm a senior brother, you can say less! Do you want to bring disaster to Xianyue gate? "

The chubby young man looked at his elder martial brother with a wry smile on his face.

However, elder martial brother Murong did not pay any attention at all.

He stood up, forced to support the body has not yet healed injury, quickly offered a magic weapon.

It's a divine weapon of heaven level. After absorbing the power of elder martial brother Murong, it suddenly erupted into a bright and terrible situation.


Elder martial brother Murong roared.

He controls his own magic weapon, Xianyue Ding, and smashes it at a disciple of the ancient emperor who is also at the level of yin and Yang.

The ancient emperor's disciple was still in a state of consternation and did not wake up.

When he woke up, it was too late.

As soon as Xianyue Ding fell, he was directly smashed into pieces and died on the spot.

"Murong Lingtian! You want to die

In ancient emperor Zong, a gifted disciple with Nirvana level cultivation cheered angrily.

With a flash of body shape, he went straight to Murong Lingtian.

As a result, he had not yet killed Murong Lingtian. A huge energy handprint came down from the sky, smashing him and destroying his spirit.

"If you dare to hurt him, you will die!"

Ye Lan's eyes swept, looking at the sky, several other ancient emperor's disciples, said in a cold voice.

"Lower bound, you have seed, this account, I ancient emperor recorded, one day, I ancient emperor will want you..."

A disciple of the ancient emperor clan threatened him, but before he finished speaking, he slapped him and killed him.

Seeing this scene, how dare other ancient emperor's disciples talk too much nonsense?

They immediately displayed their own means to protect their lives, intending to escape.

Unfortunately, they can't escape from Ye Lan's hand at all. They are slapped to death by Ye Lan one after another.

"Thank you for saving your life, sir. We will certainly repay you for your kindness today."

Murong Lingtian comes to Ye Lan with a sincere face.

There is a precept in his Xianyue gate, which is to be rewarded by the spring.

Murong Lingtian did not dare to forget this precept.

Today, without Ye Lan's help, he will die. Therefore, Ye Lan saved him, which made him very grateful and determined to repay his kindness in the future.

"It's not necessary to repay your kindness. Today's move is to see the face of your founder of Xianyue gate!"

Ye Lan waved her hand.

Originally, the quarrel between Murong Lingtian and that Qiu Wuxue, he didn't care.

But as soon as I heard of Murong Lingtian's Xianyue gate, its founder was a general under the command of emperor Taiyin.

Ye Lan had to do it.

After all, he had the power of the blood of the emperor of Taiyin in his body. To some extent, he inherited the orthodoxy of the emperor of Taiyin.

Since Xianyue gate has something to do with the emperor of Taiyin, it's about his Ye Lan.

Naturally, Ye Lan can't sit back and ignore.

"What? Do you know our ancestor

Murong Lingtian was stunned.

"It's fate."

"So, would you like to join our Xianyue gate?"

Murong Lingtian pleaded.

"I'm not going to join any sect."

"It's a pity. Since you don't want to join the sect, how about having a rest in my clan first? "

Murong Lingtian invited each other.


Ye Lan nodded and did not refuse.

He has many questions to ask in the field of God.

Just as it happens, there are Murong Lingtian's two brothers. They can find out some things about the realm of God from their mouths. What kind of geographical situation is the top boundary of all the heavenly realms?"Murong Lingtian. I don't know, sir. What do you call it? "

With Ye Lan all the way out of the endless huanglin, Murong Lingtian took out a woodcut boat, raised his hand, the boat rose in the storm, hanging in the air.

Jump up, Murong Ling Tianshi brothers two, with Ye Lan all the way to the Xianyue gate of the zongmen address quickly fly.

"Ye Lan."

Sitting on the boat, Ye Lan can't help feeling.

Murong Lingtian's boat is not an ordinary spirit vessel, but an immortal vessel made of unknown wooden materials!

Although the boat is many times smaller than Ye Lan's star domain warship, its speed of shuttling is amazing. It's 100 times faster than ordinary star domain warships.

"You're a pretty boat."

Looking at the boat, Ye Lan smiles.

"Haha, this is a gift from the head of our Xianyue sect. It's carved from the heart of a ten thousand year old tree in the endless Huang forest. There are many powerful arrays on it. It's very defensive, and the speed of shuttle flight is very fast."

Talking about the boat, Murong Lingtian looks proud, which is his most proud throne. It is a necessary magic weapon to escape and protect his life.

"Master of your family, your cultivation is profound!"

Ye Lan looked at the array pattern charm carved on the boat. It was very complicated, and the inner divine power was even more vast.

The divine power is by no means what the ordinary existence of the true divine state can send out.

"That's right. I admit that since the battle against the ancient gods and demons, our Xianyue gate has been decadent and no longer glorious.

In this land of thousands of rivers, thousands of sects, ancient countries and immortal dynasties, it can only be regarded as a small role.

But the leader of Xianyue sect is a great man!

Even the heads of the sect of the second step forces should be respectful when they see the leader of our Xianyue sect. Even the heads of some ancient countries and the saints of the immortal Dynasty have to call him the elder. They dare not make mistakes at will! "

Murong Lingtian looks proud.

If you want to say that the whole Xianyue gate, who can make them feel proud, it's only the master of Xianyue gate!

If it were not for him, the leader of Xianyue gate would still be in this world. I'm afraid that now, in the land of Wanchuan, Xianyue gate has already become the past!

"I've been listening to you all about the second step. What does that mean?"

Ye Lan asked.

"Brother ye, you don't know something. The realm of God is divided into five immortal realms, namely, the land of Wanchuan, the realm of Shenhuo, the heart of heaven, the holy land of ancient Buddha and the sacred land of hundred trees.

This land of ten thousand rivers was under the command of the emperor Taiyin in the ancient times.

Since the fall of the ancient gods and demons, the land of Wanchuan has been reduced to a piece of ruins and returned to the dead. Until after many years, people in the lower world began to rise, and at the same time, creatures were born again.

Over time, the land of Wanchuan began to restore the noise of the past.

For a time, zongmen, ancient countries, and Xianchao forces rose in this land of Wanchuan, occupying their own land as kings and controlling one side.

The ladder is divided according to the influence of these clans, ancient countries and immortal dynasties.

There are three steps.

On the first step, there are four top forces, namely Loulan ancient kingdom, wanlongzong, tianyuexianchao and jianxingge.

There are more than 30 forces in the second step. Today, the ancient emperor's disciples you killed belong to the powerful sect of the second step. The four top forces next only to the first step are among the best in the second step.

On the third step, there are more than 100 powerful forces.

As for Xianyue gate, in this place of ten thousand rivers, it's just not in the class, not qualified to enter the ladder.

Of course, the land of Wanchuan is extremely vast and boundless. There are so many sects like xianyuemen that can't be divided into the ladder

"Is the other four immortal regions like Wanchuan?"

Ye Lan suddenly nodded.

"Then I don't know, because I've never been able to get out of Wanchuan!"

Murong Lingtian shook his head with a bitter smile.

"You've never been out of your house?"

Ye Lan doubts.

"No, the land of Wanchuan is very big! It is said that no one can have the ability to travel through the immortal realm without entering the golden immortal! "

Murong Lingtian responded.

"Golden fairy?"

Ye Lan is stunned.

This is the first time he heard that he failed in his ascent in the last life. This is the first time he came to the realm of God. Ye Lan has too many questions and curiosity about this strange place and strange things.

"By the way, you are rising in the lower bound. You don't know our classification here.

As soon as you enter the realm of God, it means that you have the strength of the true realm of God.Perhaps, in the lower world, many people think that the true divine realm is the peak.

In fact, there are golden immortals, mysterious immortals, God King and God Emperor above the true God!

For example, the nine reals of God, the seven changes of Jinxian, the five levels of Xuanxian, and the three levels of Shenwang, above which is the emperor.

The emperor, who is the real top power in this area, ranks supreme and can command hundreds of millions of immortals.

As for what else is on the emperor, I don't know! "

Murong Lingtian explained in detail.

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