"Well! Don't be fooled by her. Just a woman, how can she defeat so many people like me? "

Yuan shuang'er's intention of terrorist gun shocked many strong men and talents present.

I thought that those people would be wise and dare not step forward rashly, but I don't know who roared in the crowd.

Those who have a face of hesitation of the strong and genius, once again show bloodthirsty cruel smile.

That's right!

The number of people who are fighting for it is completely dominant. Even the strong ones on their own side come to help. There are many strong people and talents, which is absolutely not weak. Yuan Shuanger even has it.

Whoosh ~

the sound of breaking the air, immediately, a person quietly went to kill Ye Lan, and did not intend to give ye LAN a breath.

Bang -


The moment that this strong man's attack has not yet fallen on Ye Lan's body, a gun shadow instantly penetrates his chest, and the terrible gun force rushes into his body, smashing his spirit.

"Said, nobody wants to step forward!"

Yuan Shuanger has a cold face.

Boom ~

in the nine sky, there was a huge sound.

More than a dozen strong men with half a step of cultivation in the true divine realm joined hands to set up a divine array.

In the divine array, thunder is rolling and sky fire is raging.

This divine array is exactly the terrible divine array that used to deal with Ye Lan.


Yuan Shuanger saw that in the divine array, a thunder came down from nine days with fury and fire. With the irresistible destruction, a silver spear in his hand shook, a silver dragon roared out and hit the thunder pillar.

The power of silver dragon is incomparable.

After a stalemate between the two sides, the terrible thunderbolt could not be resisted and broke up in the sky. Finally, the silver dragon was allowed to enter the divine array and smash it, killing the ten strong men who were half in the true divine realm.

"Up! Kill her

There was a roar.

Whoosh, whoosh

One after another, the sound of breaking the air resounded continuously.

In each sect, many strong men and geniuses killed yuan Shuanger and Ye Lan angrily.

Now, Ye Lan is recuperating and can't fight any more. Only yuan Shuanger can resist it. It's a good time. If you miss it, once Ye Lan's injury is healed, you and others will face a terrible enemy!

Bang Bang

A sound of explosion, continuous resounding.

Yuan shuang'er holds a silver spear and protects Ye Lan. He looks at the strong and talented people who come from the fight with indifference.

In the hand long gun stabs repeatedly, will that one by one wants to attack and kill Ye Lan's various strongmen and geniuses to kill one after another, stirred up their spirits.

With a crack, yuan shuang'er accidentally cut out a taste of blood on his shoulder.

With a backhand shot, she shot the powerful swordsman who succeeded in sneaking attack.

The so-called long guard will lose.

Yuan Shuanger guards Ye Lan by herself. She can't take the initiative to pursue those strong and talented people, not to mention that the number of the other side is dominant. She is the only one who supports her from the beginning to the end.

After a battle, injuries are inevitable.

"Well! How long can you carry it? "

In the crowd, there was another cold hum.

Yuan Shuanger's eyes were cold and his spirit swept away. He suddenly noticed that the speaker was a gifted disciple of the ancient emperor. His cultivation was in the half step divine realm. He didn't rush to kill like other people. Instead, he constantly encouraged the strong and talented people of all sects to come to death in the rear, trying to kill each other.

"Tian Shuang Quan!"

Yuan Shuanger drinks violently.

A fist roars angrily. There is a terrible chill in the fist. Everything is frozen where it passes.

Many of the strong and talented people in different schools were frozen by the blow. At last, they burst into pieces and turned into ice dregs.

Then, yuan Shuanger's long gun in his hand was thrown suddenly. The silver long gun, like a silver meteor, shot at the ancient emperor's disciples.

Whoosh ~

Where can the ancient emperor's disciple stand and how can he escape? The eyebrow was pierced by the silver light, and the spirit was broken.

"That's special. You talk a lot!"

Yuan shuang'er looked at the ancient emperor's disciples whose vitality was rapidly disappearing. With a cold curse and a shake of hand, the silver light flew back quickly and became a silver spear again.

Backhand a pick, the rear, there are many strong people intend to take advantage of her inattention, want to attack Ye Lan, as a result, their action is already aware of yuan Shuanger, one after another killed under yuan Shuanger's long gun.

The fight continues.

Under the command of ancient emperor Zong, the strong and talented of each sect were like a group of fire fighting moths. They surrounded yuan Shuanger crazily, one by one like madness. Everyone's one shot was the best way to kill yuan Shuanger, which would not give yuan Shuanger any chance.However, yuan Shuanger is too strong.

Whether it's Tian Shuang Quan, Yi or the silver spear in her hand, it's extremely powerful.

For a moment, the powerful talents of the ancient emperor wanted to kill yuan Shuanger, but they couldn't do it at all.

"Go on, go on! That woman won't last long! "

In ancient emperor Zong, another gifted disciple roared angrily.

Under his command, those who belong to the ancient emperor's powerful genius, how dare not comply?

"It's endless!"

Yuan shuang'er is sweating all over now, and his hand holding the long gun is shaking faintly.

It's numb!

Kill me!

Although the fighting time is only a cup of tea, it is extremely terrifying to spend it on one enemy.

Yuan Shuanger didn't know how many strong men and talents she had killed in this cup of tea.

All she knew was that her strength had been wasted in this short cup of tea, and her body was extremely tired now.

She wanted to rest, but she knew she couldn't fall now.

But he promised Ye Lan, for him to block for a while, block a quarter of an hour!

"Twelve golden statues!"

Seeing that the enemy's strongmen and talents were too many, yuan Shuanger knew that it was hard for him to really compete with them. Immediately, his mind moved.

Wisps of golden light rushed out of her body and turned into twelve huge golden giants.

Every golden giant is tall and bulky, exuding an extremely terrifying momentum.

They face each other and form a circle, protecting yuan Shuanger and ye LAN in the center of the garden.

However, those strong and talented people under the command of the ancient emperor were smashed by the twelve Jin people once they got close to them. Even those extremely huge and terrifying immortal beasts could not bear the blow of the twelve Jin people!

"It's so fierce! Is that twelve Jin man a three grade immortal

Some people saw the terrible power of the twelve Jinren, and their faces changed greatly. They did not dare to rush forward to die.

The twelve Jin people, just now, beat to death with one fist, the powerful existence of the double realm of the true God!

In the realm of God, there are immortal utensils. The level of immortal utensils ranges from one to nine.

Since the time of the ancient gods and demons, the resources in the field of gods are not as good as they are every year. Therefore, ordinary first grade and second grade immortal utensils are almost common, but third grade and sixth grade immortal utensils are extremely rare. As for seventh grade and ninth grade immortal utensils, that is legend.

"The gate of Xianyue has been desolate for many years, and the resources of the sect have been wiped out. Where can we find the third grade immortal utensils? Don't scare yourself

There was a response.

"That's right."

The man nodded, feeling very reasonable.

Even the sects on the third step don't exist, and the sects on the second step are the most precious. How can xianyuemen, an old and lonely sect, take out the three grade immortal wares?

Boom -

a bang.

As soon as his voice fell, he suddenly saw a strong man in the triple peak of the true God who was slapped to death by a golden man!

All of a sudden, his face was as ugly as eating excrement.


A slap to death a true God, a strong man in triple peak state, how can the twelve Jin people do if they are not the three grade immortal?

Not only him, but also the monk who threatened that Xianyue gate couldn't take out the third grade immortal utensils.

"San pin Xian ware! Back! Back! The twelve Jin people are three kinds of immortals. They can't be shaken by force. "

At this moment, someone called out.

The rest of the people woke up and quickly retreated, but it was still a step too late. The twelve Jin people erupted in terror and power, and they all took action.

Thundering ~

the earth shaking explosions have been ringing continuously in these nine days and ten places.

Under the command of the ancient emperor, the strong and talented people in the major sects, ancient countries and even the immortal Dynasty, died in large numbers in the terror of the twelve Jin people.

Hit hard!

This time, the outbreak of terror in the twelve Jin Dynasty directly dealt a heavy blow to the powerful sects and geniuses under the command of the ancient emperor Zong, which greatly damaged their vitality!

"What the hell

Many of the survivors have a look of fear.

In any case, they did not expect that yuan shuang'er had sacrificed three kinds of immortal utensils!

Where on earth did the other party get the third grade immortal?

Isn't xianyuemen a bad sect after years of decline?

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