
Cang Guangmo's feeling to Ye Lan is totally different from other ordinary talents. Some time ago, he once fought with Cang Xuan, and the other side was very strong, which also made Ye Lan spend some time.

However, compared with the vast desert in front of me, cangxuan is weak, and I don't know how much to raise!

Dare not have the slightest carelessness, in the palm of Ye Lan's hand, the green wood divine sword gives out a sharp sword sound, which breaks out the bright divine awn. The terrible sword spirit also bursts out from the green wood divine sword.

A powerful sword idea broke out from Ye Lan's body and poured into Qingmu Shenjian continuously, which made Qingmu Shenjian more powerful.

"Sword God? That's interesting

Cang Guangmo sees that what ye LAN is exerting now is the artistic conception of the sword God. With a powerful fist, he tears the void of heaven and earth and smashes into Ye Lan.


With a roar, Ye Lan slashes the green wood sword into the sky. With a sword spirit like competition, Ye Lan cuts the terrible fist that comes from the bully and cuts it in half.

As soon as the fist power was dispersed, the vast desert was like a ghost bullying Ye Lan, and another fist was suddenly roaring out.

Boom -

a big bang.

Ye Lan was directly blasted out by cangguangmo's terrible blow, crashing one mountain after another, blowing up countless dust and gravel, and the whole void of heaven and earth broke at this moment.

"That's not the only strength you have

Cangguang desert cold road.

Body shape is a flash again, blink of an eye, approach Ye Lan near again.

This time, he failed to fight Ye Lan, but ye LAN to dodge away, more than that, Ye Lan also a sword cut in his body.

Qiang ~

the terrible sword with the artistic conception of sword spirit can only be cut back on cangguangmo. It can't break his physical defense, let alone his spirit.

"What a physical force."

Ye Lan's pupil shrinks, and his face is startled. He doesn't dare to hesitate. He rushes up again with the green wood sword, and the sword cuts down again.

Qiang ~

there was another sound like the sound of gold and iron. Cang Guangmo was cut off by a sword, but his body was still intact.

"The sword is very powerful, which makes me feel a little uncomfortable. Unfortunately, the sword is not fast enough to break my body!"

Cang Guangmo, cloud light and wind light smile.

"Eight Buddha seals!"

Ye Lan roared, and the power of Ten Thousand Buddhas in her body surged, and a seal went away.

All of a sudden, the heaven and earth, filled with a mighty solemn atmosphere of Buddhism, nine heaven, a huge golden Buddha seal, like the sky down, with the supreme power.

Under that terrible power, Cang Guangmo's body continued to sink, and the earth under his feet also continued to sink. Under that power, all the mountains collapsed and disappeared into nothingness.

GA bang, GA Bang ~

under the powerful Dharma seal which contains the great power of Buddhism, the vast body is bursting out with the sound of GA Bang like fried beans.

But his body did not burst, still easily blocked the strong suppression of the eight Buddha seal.

"Buddhism is not bad. It's a pity that you are not strong enough to inherit the power of the emperor of Ten Thousand Buddhas."

Cang Guangmo laughed loudly.

There's no fancy. It's another blow, a blow to the sky.

Bang Ka ~

the huge and terrifying golden seal of Buddha was directly smashed by the seemingly simple but actually swift and domineering blow of the vast desert. It turned into countless golden stars and diffused between heaven and earth.

Then, cangguangmo rose up again and killed Ye Lan fiercely. His whole body was full of black air. A sense of invincible hegemony condensed in his whole body, just like substance, which was enough to affect people's mind.

Whoosh ~

Ye Lan broke through the void and disappeared into the vast sky.

The next second, cangguangmo also disappeared in the void in the blink of an eye.

Not long, nine days above, a certain space, suddenly broken, a shadow from which inverted fly out, is Ye Lan.

"It's said that as the son of heaven, you have inherited the power of the five great emperors in ancient times. You still have a lot of weapons of the emperor, even the five emperors in the flood and famine period. You have also inherited their blood and their magic weapons. Why don't you take them out and have a look?"

Cang Guangmo plunges down and oppresses Ye Lan with terror. He directly suppresses Ye Lan to the ground. The ground, which is thousands of miles away, suddenly collapses and collapses, rolling dust and smoke into the sky.

Hoo ~

in the rolling dust and smoke, a mighty golden flame, like the raging waves of the vast sea, madly burns to the vast expanse of the sky.

The golden flame is extremely hot and domineering, where it passes, everything turns into nothingness.

However, the vast desert was fearless. A black gas gushed out of the body and turned into a bottomless dark whirlpool, directly devouring the raging golden flame.

"The ancient Fusang tree of the Sun God Emperor is very powerful. It has recovered a little. Unfortunately, it is not at its peak!"Cang Guangmo smiles a little and sees a huge ancient tree burning with golden flame in the dust and smoke below. In the depth of his eyes, there is a flash of greed.

The Sun God Emperor, one of the five great gods in ancient times, can be called a legend in his life. His Fusang ancient tree is also a treasure for future generations.

Cang Guangmo, as the first genius of the Cang nationality, is naturally well-informed. He knows a lot about the treasures of the ancient times and even the flood and famine period, and is naturally very coveted.

"What about the others?"

Cang Guangmo laughs.

Roar ~

a lifelike white real dragon suddenly rises up and pours fiercely at the vast desert.

Seeing the white real dragon, Cang Guangmo laughs, hands one, left hand against the real dragon's upper palate, right hand against the real dragon's lower palate, hands suddenly exert force, the terrible and overbearing real dragon is directly torn by his brute force in an instant, turning into a bloody rain. Of course, it's not real blood, just some black ink with rich divine power.

"It's said that the yuxu magic brush of the emperor yuxu can draw all things in the world, revive all self paintings, and even paint all the heaven and all the world, imprison all evils. It's really good and eye-catching for such a wonderful brush."

Cang Guangmo's eyes swept, and saw Ye Lan's hand, green wood sword in one hand and yuxu magic pen in the other.

The smile on his face became more and more brilliant.


Three treasures!

"Where is the treasure of the five emperors?"

Cangguangmo continues the road.

This time, Ye Lan did not sacrifice the treasure of the five emperors, but looked coldly at the vast desert.

The other side is very strong, really strong, so strong that Ye Lan has already used the power of the five emperors to sacrifice the green wood sword, Fusang ancient tree and yuxu magic pen, which is also the last thing she can do.

Cangguangmo's strength is unreasonable!

He is worthy of being the first martial genius of the Cang nationality. He is so powerful that many of the older generation of the Cang nationality are looking up at the foreign world and sighing.

"You are not qualified to let me sacrifice the five emperors' treasures!"

In ye Lanmei's heart, the cinnabar fire is burning rapidly, and the surging killing evil Qi begins to break out in his body.

At the same time, in his eyebrow heart, the killing seal flies out in an instant. He wants to release the murderous air between nine days and ten places, making this piece of heaven and earth become a bloody purgatory.

Among them, as if you can see countless corpses, countless spirits roaring.

Cang Guangmo frowned slightly. He saw the shadow of killing the demon emperor behind Ye Lan. For the first time, the smile on his face was not there, only dignified.

"It's so murderous. It seems that this is the murderous spirit of killing the devil emperor in ancient times. Unexpectedly, as the son of heaven, you even get the inheritance of the devil emperor!"

Cangguang desert cold road.

"You talk too much nonsense!"

Ye Lan's body is vertical, soaring to the sky.

A sword slashes so fast that Cang Guangmo doesn't have time to react. He is directly cut out by the sword which contains the spirit of killing demons and the artistic conception of sword God. At the same time, a light white trace appears on the surface of his gold body, which is too subtle to be observed, but it makes Cang Guangmo's face more dignified.

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