With one blow, Liu Xiaolang quickly bullied him again, and his golden power surged, and he was angry again.

Bang ~

with a terrible explosion, Wu Kuangxiao's body fell from the sky.

Under the earth, direct subsidence collapse hundreds of miles, countless rocks straight into the sky.

It hurts!

At the moment, Wu Kuangxiao feels that there is a very severe pain coming from his body. Liu Xiaolang's strength is too strong. Even if his cultivation has entered the divine realm, he can't stop Liu Xiaolang's fierce boxing.

No duel!

Sure enough, we can't underestimate it!

Boom ~

a golden figure plummets down. Wu Kuangxiao is getting ready to get up. He is directly trampled on the ground with a fierce foot, and the whole person sinks into the ground again. His mouth is also full of blood.

Under Liu Xiaolang's foot, all the bones were directly cracked.

"To kill my father, you should consider the result!"

Liu Xiaolang's eyes are shining, cold and heartless, and his tone is also extremely cold.

He made a fierce exploration, grabbed Wu Kuangxiao's head, pressed it on the ground, rubbed it madly, and scattered pieces of gravel.

Then, he started to fight with all his might. His moves were extremely fierce and domineering. He didn't have the power to fight back.

No hands!

Liu Xiaolang plans to do it in such a way that he will go straight to the dead wizard.

Here, Liu Xiaolang begins to gain the upper hand.

On the other hand, wanjianzun, Yeyu, Chiwei and yewang also killed one powerful enemy after another.

On the side of the Dark Alliance, we have the upper hand!

"Here it is

Saint Lei grew up and looked into the distance. An old man in a black robe came here in an instant with a group of strong people of the Cang nationality.

That is the ancestor of the Cang nationality, the second peak of the cultivation of the God King!

Without any hesitation, Saint Lei stamped his foot and shot at the old ancestor of the Cang nationality. The thunder rolled and the power of the world surged. With the old ancestor of the Cang nationality, he disappeared.

"Let's do it, too!"

The first ancestor of the Tiangui nationality smiles, steps out and disappears. He and another ancestor of the Cang nationality exist. They fight fiercely and disappear. They don't know where to go.

Hebo, the ancestor of the man Protoss, the ancestor of Chiyou, and other powerful members of the Dark Alliance also took action one after another to kill many of the top ancestors and strong members of the Cang, Qing, and Huang nationalities.

The war broke out!

On this side, the Dark Alliance and the inner three tribes began a real decisive battle of life and death.

On the other hand, under the leadership of two powerful Cang people, Ye Lan has torn apart one special space world after another. For a long time, she just came to a boundless starry sky.

The starry sky is vast, just like the universe.

The release of Ye Lan's idea almost enveloped the whole boundless starry universe, and he found that at the end of the boundless starry sky, there was a huge divine gate!


"At the end of the front, there is a god gate, which is the South Heaven Gate of the ancient god and devil era. That gate is the only one that can lead to the lower world. Unfortunately, after the end of the ancient god and devil era, this gate has been closed, and no one can easily open it.

As a result, in the realm of God, many people can't easily enter the lower world. Even if they are as powerful as the kingdom of God and forcibly break into the South Gate of heaven, they will be killed. Unless they are lucky enough to survive, they will also be severely damaged. "

Around him, a strong Cang responded.

Ye Lan is silent.

Nantianmen, he knew, was in the valley of life and death in the territory of Longyuan empire in the lower world of Shenwu.

Saint Lei had just returned to the lower world relying on the south gate.

But as a result, Saint Lei's cultivation fell sharply, even suffered heavy losses, resulting in amnesia.

"The evil emperor is practicing near the South Gate of heaven. He wants to step into the realm of the God Emperor and forcibly open the South Gate of heaven!"

At this time, another Cang strong voice.


"I don't know."

Ye Lan is silent.

Once the south gate is successfully opened, it can be imagined that the lower world will suffer greatly, and Shenwu mainland will bear the brunt.

Because another southern gate connecting the realm of God is in the Shenwu continent.

If the evil emperor opened the gate of the South Heaven, it can be imagined that any one of the three clans could easily destroy everything in the Shenwu land.

Stop it!

We must stop the evil emperor!

As soon as I read this, Ye Lan's body was vertical, and suddenly she flashed towards the south gate.

At this time, the three figures are like ghosts, suddenly stopped the way of Ye Lan.

They are the ancestors of the Cang, Qing and Huang nationalities. Everyone's cultivation momentum is extremely powerful and terrifying. They are all at the level of the divine Kingdom, and they are not ordinary strong people in the divine kingdom."Unexpectedly, let an outsider break into here unexpectedly."

A young man in a black robe, with both hands on his back, stares at Ye Lan coldly, and then looks at the two strong men of the Cang nationality behind Ye Lan. There is a cold light in the bottom of his eyes.

At the sight of the young man in black robe, the two strong men of the Cang nationality were gloomy and pale, with obvious fear and panic at the bottom of their eyes.

That young man in black robe is the ancestor of Cang nationality, and the most powerful ancestor!

The other two are also extraordinary.

An old ancestor of the Qing nationality and an old ancestor of the Huang nationality are both the most outstanding.

No way!

He two people can conclude, oneself two people add Ye Lan, affirmation beat those three people in front of!

"Old My grandfather

The two strong Cang people looked terrified when they saw the young man in black.

"You know I'm your father?"

The black robed young man's eyes narrowed, his eyes flashed cold, and his mouth filled with a sneer.

With a wave of his hand, a divine power burst out and suddenly killed a strong Cang.

Boom -

a bang.

Ye Lan decisive hand, the black robed youth's blow to severely destroyed.

"Come on, fight!"

Ye Lan cold road.

With a vertical figure, he went to kill the young man in black.

He took the hand to save the two Cang strongmen, because the other side was Ye Lan's man. Since he was his own man, Ye Lan would never easily look at the young man in black robe in front of him and kill them.

"If you want to die, my ancestors will help you!"

The young man in Black said coldly.

All over the body momentum, burst out.

Overbearing God power, all of a sudden will ye LAN shake upside down to fly out.

God King Level 2!

Ye Lan's eyes narrowed and her face was dignified.

Sure enough, it can't be underestimated.

Buzzing ~

the chaotic Qi surges wildly, turns into a boundless black dragon, and roars at the young man in black robe.

The latter's face suddenly changed. With a wave of the sleeve, the power of the world surged like a raging tide. It was indistinctly visible that the huge world oppressed the chaos like a mountain.

However, all in vain.

Chaos gas is like a fierce beast, no matter what, it is directly swallowed in one breath.

Therefore, the surging world power of the young man in black robe just blocked the chaos for a moment, and was swallowed up in the blink of an eye.

Its powerful power, but also contribute to the chaos of the gas more powerful, also let Ye Lan's power more powerful.

"A good tonic!"

Ye Lan grins grimly, and her figure is straight towards the young man in black robe.


If a strong man of the second level of God King can devour it, his cultivation will go further. At that time, it will be more sure to prevent the evil emperor from stepping into the realm of God Emperor!

Seeing Ye Lan's fierce killing again, the young man in black robe's face suddenly changes. He retreats madly and constantly urges the world's power to resist the attack of chaos.

Unfortunately, it doesn't work. Chaos is terrible.

Even if he uses a lot of immortal tools, the seven or even nine level immortal tools are also engulfed by the chaos Qi, thus contributing to the chaos Qi becoming stronger and stronger.

Seeing this scene, the young man in black robe was in complete despair.

The two ancestors of the Qing and Huang nationalities are also frowning, and their faces are dignified.

Ye Lan is not easy to deal with!

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