Darkness fell, and the catastrophe fell.

Countless demons and monsters filled the whole realm of God, wantonly destroyed and slaughtered everything, making the original realm of God full of vitality suddenly become a dead place, just like human purgatory.

Countless practitioners also died under the demons one after another and were brutally devoured by them. No one was spared.

Even yuan Xiangdi, yuan Shuanger and other powerful members of the Xianyue sect could not resist it for long, and they all died under the demons and were razed to the ground.


Now the realm of God is shrouded in darkness and desolate.

Looking around, there are dead bodies everywhere, blood everywhere, all kinds of cave sites and zongmen sites destroyed everywhere. In addition, there are many town palaces.

Everything was destroyed.

As the evil emperor said, his mission in this life is to destroy everything.

An unprecedented catastrophe lasted for more than half a month.

After more than half a month, the realm of God was completely reduced to a place of silence, and there was no sign of life in this immortal realm.

On the top of a mountain, the evil emperor suddenly opened his eyes and vomited a mouthful of turbid Qi.

After half a month's slaughter, all the creatures in the field of God were swallowed up and absorbed by him, making his cultivation realm more stable and powerful.

Beside him, a white haired old man, with a dejected face, was imprisoned in the air.

His face was as grey as death, and he looked dead.

This person is no other than Ye Lan.

The capture of his divine power made him unable to bear the evil spirit of the evil emperor. The killing of his loved ones made his mind suffer. Under heavy pressure, Ye Lan had already become a declining old man from a young man who used to be rich and handsome.

In between, it's only half a month.

He has already lost hope, now ye LAN, just want to die.

However, the evil emperor did not give him the right to die!

"Alas! Look at you now. How can you still look like the son of heaven in the past? "

The evil emperor glanced at Ye Lan, shaking his head and laughing.

"Well, let's go to the lower boundary with our emperor."

The evil emperor suddenly said.

On hearing the lower bound, Ye Lan, who was as pale as ashes and had no interest in everything, was just like a cat who had been trampled on its tail. Her hair was blown up and her hair was white.

"You dare!"

Ye Lan roars.

However, his roar was not powerful. How could it shock the evil emperor?

"Don't you dare?"

The corner of the evil emperor's mouth was slightly raised.

Step out, with Ye Lan is the blink of an eye to the original piece of heaven and earth, quietly standing in front of a huge door.

This huge door is the Nantianmen.


Looking at the huge South Gate in front of him, the evil emperor's mind swayed.

At the beginning, he forced his way into the lower world, suffered heavy losses from Nantianmen, and his accomplishments fell sharply.

Now, once again, he has the confidence to control it thoroughly without any harm.

With the opening of the evil emperor, the will of heaven, the eyes of heaven and the power of Huang Tian rushed out one after another, and smashed into the closed south gate.

The power of three days is very fierce and fierce, which is many times stronger than before.

At the beginning, Nantian's facade was able to resist the impact of the three-day force.

However, with the continuous impact of the three-day force, the Nantianmen gate is still hard to resist, and the huge gate begins to open slowly.

As soon as he saw that the South Gate of heaven was forced open, the evil emperor did not hesitate. He swept into the South Gate with Ye Lanshan and went straight to the lower boundary.

In the South Gate of heaven, there is a special and powerful mysterious force. This force is extremely violent, and it is fighting against the evil emperor. However, the power of the black god around the evil emperor can easily resist those forces.

In this way, under the protection of the power of the Black God, the evil emperor took Ye Lan and easily passed through the south gate.

By the time he reappeared, he had come to a place where life was dying out.

"How familiar is this place?"

The evil emperor looked at Ye Lan beside him and raised his mouth slightly.

Ye Lan's eyes swept, and she was stunned.

Death Valley!

It's a forbidden area in Longyuan empire!

He was really taken back to the lower world from the realm of God by the evil emperor!


A shout rang out, and the powerful Longyuan Empire, who was responsible for guarding the valley of death, flashed out and surrounded the evil emperor.

However, without waiting for them to start, the strongmen of Longyuan Empire suddenly died.

It turned out that the evil spirit from the evil emperor directly eroded into their bodies, and made them lose their vitality."Do you want to see your son?"

The evil emperor looks at Ye Lan and asks with a smile.

"What are you going to do, you lunatic?"

Ye Lan's face is ferocious.

"Don't do anything, just want to do something good, let your father and son get together, that's all!"

The evil emperor smiles.

He shakes his hand and sends out a wisp of black divine power.

Soon, the power of the black Divine rule was to fly back quickly, and it was already entangled with an old man in a black robe.

The old man's face is similar to that of Ye Lan.

At the sight of the old man, Ye Lan felt that blood was thicker than water.


Ye Lan is sure that the old man in front of him is his son Ye Xuanyuan, who has never been with him since he ascended to the realm of God.

Because the time flow between the lower bound and the realm of God is a problem.

Therefore, Ye Lan has been in the realm of God for a short time, but it has been decades or even hundreds of years in the lower world. Naturally, his son Ye Xuanyuan has already become an old man.

"Your Excellency is..."

Ye Xuanyuan looked at the evil emperor with a look of awe inspiring, and his eyes were full of dignified color.

He is now the strongest in the lower world and has already stepped into the realm of being able to ascend into the realm of God.

However, in order to maintain the stability of the lower boundary, ye Xuanyuan has never been delayed in his ascent.

Previously, he was in a cave of his own to practice in seclusion. All of a sudden, he was bound by the power of a black God, and then he came here.

Ye Xuanyuan once struggled, but unfortunately, no matter how he struggled, it was in vain.

"Your son is good! Even in such a rubbish place as the lower world, it can reach the level of divine realm! It's a real monster.

I think your son seems more suitable to be the chosen one than you.

If he becomes the son of heaven's choice, the emperor should be finished, right?

Alas! What a pity! What a pity

The evil emperor looks at Ye Xuanyuan and turns to see Ye Lan again. He can't help joking.

In the distance, ye Xuanyuan heard the words of the evil emperor, and his body was shocked. He looked at Ye Lan with disbelief and excitement.

"You are Father

Ye Xuanyuan looks at Ye Lan and whispers.

"I haven't been around you, I haven't seen you grow up, do you still want to recognize me as a father?"

Ye Lan looks at Ye Xuanyuan, her voice is hoarse.

In his life, what he felt most sorry for was his son.

As soon as the other party was born, he left him and went straight to the realm of God.

Now, when we meet again, we will be separated from each other.

Read so far, Ye Lan heart is unspeakable pain.

"Listen to my mother, grandfather, red tail uncle, little wolf uncle and little song uncle. They have talked a lot about my father. Xuanyuan knows that my father is a great hero and has to leave because of some things.

I did hate you when I was a child.

But when I grow up and experience some things, I'll figure it out. "

Ye Xuanyuan smiles.

Ye Lan opened her mouth and couldn't say a word, but her eyes were already wet with tears!

"In this way, you should be the king of the three ethnic groups - the evil emperor?"

Ye Xuanyuan suddenly looks a Lin, fixed on the evil emperor.

"Yes, your father's old enemy. How about killing me for your father? "

The evil emperor grinned.

Ye Xuanyuan didn't say much, but his divine power exploded.

A huge ice Phoenix flew out of his body and hit the evil emperor.

Unfortunately, it doesn't work at all.

Even if ye Xuanyuan's cultivation at the moment was at the third level of the God King, he still didn't pay enough attention to the evil emperor.

As the evil emperor said before, ye Xuanyuan is very evil.

If the book of heaven is given to him, then he will grow into the realm of the emperor faster than Ye Lan. At that time, it will be the disaster of his evil emperor.

Unfortunately, ye Xuanyuan was born many years later!

"I admire you very much. Even if you can reach such a high level in this sloppy lower world, you are far inferior to me.

So, next, I will give you a decent way to die! "

The evil emperor said slowly.

On hearing the words of the evil emperor, Ye Lan suddenly urgent, crazy roar, constantly struggling, however, useless, everything is useless.

He can only watch the evil emperor, a finger pierced the eyebrow of Ye Xuanyuan, stirred the spirit of each other!


Deep into the pain of the soul!

In extreme pain, Ye Lan is unable to roar.

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