"That's Ye Lan, the number one outside? It's amazing

Around, many inner disciples, all gaping, gasped for air.

In one move, they can easily subdue Yang Yan, who is a six level cultivation of alchemy. This is something many of them can't do.

Rao is Li Qingyan, with a shocked face. Looking at Ye Lan's figure, his eyes are full of incredible color.

Although he had heard that there was a young genius named Ye Lan in the outer gate, he was gifted and powerful.

But after all, I didn't really see the other side.

Now, when he saw Ye Lan for the first time, Li Qingyan just found out that Ye Lan is not a general powerful terror!

In the distance, Lin Qingyun, Xiao Tianying and other disciples were all stunned.

They know that Ye Lan is very powerful. Five days ago, he defeated the heart of the first man of wanjianzong, showing the strength of Huadan wuchongjing.

But they can't think of it. In just five days, Ye Lan has the ability to defeat a Huadan liuchongjing master.

The speed of growth and the strength of means are beyond their reach.

Even Tu Ao, now, is also deeply frustrated!


That boy is a real monster genius!

"Damn it! Damn it

On the ground, Yang Yan couldn't stop cursing and was extremely angry.

Previously, he just raved, deal with Ye Lan, he can play ten!

Unexpectedly, in a flash, Ye Lan was beaten in the face. He was subdued by the other party's move. He stepped on his feet and lost face in public.

What's one for ten? What do you want to do for Tu Ao?

Now, it's all a joke.

At this point, Yang Yan can't help thinking of the dialogue with Li Qingyan, and a hint of self mockery appears in the corner of his mouth - stupid. He is really as stupid as Li Qingyan said. He is too blind and arrogant, and will suffer a big loss sooner or later!

"Stop it! Fighting without permission is forbidden in the clan. Do you two want to break the clan's commandments? "

In the void came a thunder.

An inner door elder appeared here, looking at Ye Lan and Yang Yan with an angry face.

Ye Lan raises her feet and turns to leave.

Yang Yan is embarrassed to get up, dare not rashly to Ye Lan hands, had to secretly write down the account, waiting for the future to slowly ask Ye Lan back.

"Master ye, when did your accomplishments advance?"

See Ye Lan back, Xiao Tian should wake up, a face surprised to ask.


Ye Lan smiles.

For the past five days, he has been practicing behind closed doors. With the help of the rewards he received from the sect, he has been cultivating his troops, refining his spirit, quenching his pulse and forging his body.

In this morning, from Huadan wuchong, one step into Huadan Liuchong.

So, Ye Lan can easily subdue Yang Yan, who is also the sixth realm of Huadan.

"Leader ye, you are really gifted. Let's be awed."

Xiao Tian should sigh.


Ye Lan's talent and cultivation are so fast that it's terrifying!

When Xiao Tian Ying Wu was amazed by himself, a dull sound like thunder came from the fairy mountain in the distance.

On Bansheng mountain, hundreds of inner disciples and ten outer disciples, such as ye LAN, look up and see a huge building ship flying in the air.

The building was huge, hundreds of meters long and tens of meters high, with three stories.

The whole body is forged with a kind of extremely hard black steel wood. Under the sunshine, it reflects the black metallic luster.

From a distance, it looks like a huge black mountain, giving people a deep and heavy feeling.

The whole body of the building ship is engraved with the secret charm, which releases the mysterious power. It is also those charms that enable the huge building ship to fly in the air.

In the ship, there is a stove. As long as Lingshi is used as fuel, it can drive a huge building ship to fly.

As soon as this huge building boat appeared, many inner disciples were amazed on the semi holy mountain.

Roaring ~

the building boat landed slowly and stopped at a cliff beside Bansheng mountain.

An elder of the inner gate of Lei yunzong jumped into the building.

Hundreds of inner disciples and ten outer disciples, including Ye Lan, also boarded the building one by one.

"It will take about ten days to go to the ancient god realm. On the way, don't fight privately, and don't walk on the cabin and deck at will.

You just have a good rest. When you get to your destination, I'll let you know! "

On the deck, there are dozens of leiyunzong's inner door elders, who are responsible for the safety of the trip.

At this time, one of them, wearing a blue and gold robe, looked around a group of inner disciples and said in a loud voice.

"Now, go back to your rooms."

Finally, the old man ordered.Hundreds of inner disciples and ye LAN and other outer disciples left one after another and entered the room on the building in turn.

"Get out of the boat!"

On the deck, the old man in a blue and gold robe drank loudly.

Bangka -

dozens of boatmen began to add Lingshi to the furnace.

Lingshiyi burns in the furnace and quickly turns into pure energy. It pushes the huge building ship slowly into the sky and sails all the way away from the semi holy mountain.

It is located at the border of Longyuan Empire, far away from piaoyue city.

Even if the building ship flies very fast, it will take about ten days.

In the past ten days, Ye Lan, Xiao Tianying and many of the disciples who went to the ancient god realm to practice were all in their own rooms, quietly practicing.

Unconsciously, seven days have passed.

In seven days, Ye Lan's cultivation has been promoted again and stepped into the six peaks of Huadan.

Xiao Tian should have stepped into the four peaks of Huadan.

Sizzling ~

in the room, Ye Lan and Xiao Tianying, as usual, cross their knees to practice, practice their skills silently and absorb the aura of heaven and earth.

Suddenly, outside the room, came bursts of thunder like snake hissing sound.

Accompanied by the voice, there is a strong and domineering aura, at the same time, the aura contains a palpitating aura.

On hearing the news from outside, Ye Lan and Xiao Tian wake up and quickly walk out of the room.

I saw a huge demon bird flying all over the sky.

The demon bird is like a snake, with wings on its back. It is as big as a mountain.

If you look around, there are no less than a hundred!


At this time, hundreds of leiyunzong's inner disciples gathered at the side of the boat.

When someone saw the hundreds of demon birds flying all over the sky, he couldn't help taking a breath of air.

The fire winged snake, a powerful monster, is comparable to the top five or even the top seven of Huadan in its mature stage. Among them, the fire winged snake king has the terrifying power to beautify the top nine of Huadan!

Sizzling ~

in the sky, hundreds of huge flamingos surrounded the whole building.

They opened their tusks, flapped their huge wings, dived down together, and hit the building ferociously.

Fortunately, the building ship has a body protection array, which can resist the fire wing snakes.

But the force produced by the fire wing snakes' impact on the building still makes the huge ship shake.

Many of Lei Yun's inner disciples fell to the ground in confusion.

Boom ~

boom ~

boom ~

one after another huge fire winged snake, as if tireless, a non flocculent building barge launched a fierce charge, severely impacting the building boat's body protection array.

Some of them are burning the building's body protecting array, trying to break it.

"Unexpectedly, I met the snake Hall of ten thousand demon sect here!"

On the deck, dozens of elders of the inner gate of Leiyun sect appeared together, looking at the huge Flamingo snake, rushing towards the building ship with a dignified look.

Some elders have already taken the lead in breaking out of the building ship, releasing their fighting spirits, exerting their martial arts skills, and killing the Flamingo snake crazily, so as to prevent them from breaking the body protection array of the building ship and causing the building ship to fall from a height of ten thousand feet, causing the ship to be destroyed and people to die!

"Ten thousand demon sect?"

At the side of the ship, Xiao Tian should hear the words of the elders of the inner door clearly, and his brow is slightly frowning.

Wanmo cult is the largest cult in the Longyuan empire. There are many masters in the cult, and there are many forces under its command. They are subordinate to its door and obey its orders.

For hundreds of years, it has been under the banner of overthrowing the royal family of Longyuan. Every year, it leads various forces in the Longyuan Empire to set off riots again and again.

However, this cult is extremely mysterious. Even if the royal family of Longyuan had sent strong people to encircle and suppress it for many times, it still could not be completely eradicated.

Xiao Tian should be clear that this time the ten thousand demon sect attack, aimed at his leiyunzong.

Only because leiyunzong is one of the seven forces of Longyuan, serving the present saint.

If we can kill some of Lei yunzong's elite disciples and weaken some of his strength, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages for the ten thousand demon sect!

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