"Brother Hua, don't go too far. Brother ye, he saved my life. How can you be so rude to him?"

See Hua Tianfeng a word not to agree, will start to Ye Lan, month Rouxiang face a sink, quickly horizontal body block in front of Ye Lan body, scold.

"I'm going too far? Younger martial sister Yue, as a disciple of wanjianzong, you should know that the clan's honor is greater than everything else. Ye Lan defeated Jianxin that day, which damaged wanjianzong's face.

Today, if I don't share the same level with him, how can I defend my clan's face? "

Hua Tian's eyebrows are frowning. He looks at the soft fragrance of the moon and says in a deep voice.

"I know that the family's honor is greater than everything else, but I also know that we should never forget our roots or be ungrateful!

If you want to fight brother ye, you must pass me first! "

Yuerouxiang cold way.

As soon as you raise your hand and shake it, the sword ball appears, and the genuine Qi rushes in. Hundreds of swords hover and fly, showing the awe inspiring meaning of the sword.

"Younger martial sister Yue, do you really want to be so partial to an outsider?"

Huatian Feng sees that yuerouxiang insists on protecting Ye Lan, and even does not hesitate to fight with himself. He is angry, angry and jealous.

"Brother Ye is not an outsider, he is my Savior!"

Yuerouxiang responded.

"Since you are so stubborn, don't blame me! Get out of my way

Hua Tianfeng is angry. He roars. Around him, hundreds of long swords with sharp sword Qi are shooting at yuerouxiang.

Yuerouxiang's reaction is not slow, but also hastens hundreds of swords to resist.

Ding Ding Dang

In mid air, hundreds and thousands of swords collided with each other, making bursts of jingling sound and exploding sparks.

The tides of energy, like a gale, scatter and impact in all directions, rolling up the towering dust.

The two sides are fighting for a long time.

In the end, huatianfeng gets the upper hand and picks up the hundreds of swords controlled by yuerouxiang one by one. Then, with a wave of real Qi, hundreds of swords roar around yuerouxiang and rush to kill Ye Lan.

Each sword contains a sharp sword meaning, but also contains a strong sense of killing.

In the face of the hundreds of long swords, Ye Lan looks the same, holding Wansheng stove, Shi zhanlei yunbu, walking through hundreds of long swords.

Dang ~

Dang ~

Dang ~

he swung Wansheng stove to blow away sword after sword.

While flying the silver sword, Ye Lan is rapidly approaching huatianfeng.

It's so fast that Hua Tianfeng doesn't have time to react, let alone show his martial arts.

There was a dull sound.

Wansheng furnace heavily blows on huatianfeng's chest and flies it out at one go.

In the air, a string of blood rose.

Hua Tian Feng fell to the ground in embarrassment. His face was as pale as paper. He looked at Ye Lan holding a Wansheng stove. His eyes were full of fear.

Good speed, good strength.

He found that in front of him, he was only 16 years old. His strength was not weak. He had seven levels of cultivation!

"Elder martial brother Hua!"

Around, those wanjianzong disciples also wake up quickly, and rush forward to check huatianfeng's injury. They are shocked by Ye Lan's strength.

A move, only a move, that is only 16-year-old Ye Lan, is seriously injured in the cultivation of Huadan in the seventh realm of huatianfeng!


"In the face of elder martial sister Yue, I won't kill you, but if you dare to disrespect me next time, I will kill you!"

Received Wansheng stove, Ye Lan a face of indifference swept an eye Hua Tianfeng.

"Elder martial sister Yue, since you've met your classmates, I'll say goodbye to you and see you later."

Ye Lan, with Lin Qingyun and Xiao Tianying, gallops along the official road to the ancient city of man.

"Damn it! That son of a bitch

Hua Tian Feng looks at Ye Lan's back. His chest is full of fire, and his eyes are completely red.

Two days later, the sky was clear.

After a period of crazy driving, Ye Lan finally came to the ancient city of man.

Standing at the gate of the city and looking up at the upper story of the city, the soldiers of Longyuan, one by one in black battle armor, armed with halberds and pointed guns, guard the huge city building, exuding an air of iron blood.

On both sides of the gate, there are also many soldiers standing in Longyuan, checking the passengers and pedestrians.

Hundreds of monsters in heavy armor are also with the soldiers, guarding the city gate and watching the passers-by warily.

Roar ~

suddenly, at the gate of the city, a demon beast in battle armor roars at several passers-by in simple robes in front of the gate.

Can't help but say, that monster quickly toward those a few pedestrians and go.

"To die!"

The simple clothes and ordinary looks of the passers-by made their faces sink when they saw the monster coming.One of them, the body suddenly released a blood red corpse turtle.

The corpse turtle flew out and immediately wrapped the monster. In an instant, the monster, whose cultivation was in the Seven Realms of the mysterious beast, was absorbed by the corpse turtle and turned into a dry corpse.

The sudden change attracted many passengers and pedestrians into the city, shouting in confusion and running around.

Many of the soldiers guarding the gate of the city, for the first time, surrounded and killed several seemingly ordinary but actually not ordinary pedestrians.

"Unexpectedly, there are people of ten thousand demons who want to enter the ancient city of man!"

Ye Lan three people hide far away, looking at the city gate of the outbreak of a war, not from a frown.

"What do the people of ten thousand demons want to do when they enter the ancient city of man?"

Xiao Tian said in a deep voice. He was puzzled.

"Maybe it's for the sake of entering the realm of ancient gods!"

Ye Lan responded.

In addition to some middle-aged people who are in the top nine of Huadan, there are also some young people who are in the top five or even the top six of Huadan!

Therefore, Ye Lan speculates that the people of the ten thousand demon sect want to sneak into the ancient city of man. Maybe they want the young disciples of his sect to sneak into the ancient kingdom of man and seek a chance to enhance their own strength.

After all, the ancient god realm is the first secret place in the territory of the Longyuan empire. There are many bones and mansions of the strong in the past dynasties. Naturally, there are all kinds of treasures left by them.

Every few decades, the ancient god domain will be opened once, attracting thousands of doors of the Longyuan empire.

Naturally, the ten thousand demon sect is no exception.

However, the ten thousand demon sect is a cult, and it is the target of Longyuan royal family's eradication.

If they want to enter into the ancient city of man, they have to try their best to disguise themselves, deceive the soldiers guarding the city, and enter into the ancient city of man!

Listening to Ye Lan's words, Xiao Tian nodded deeply.

Boom ~

boom ~

boom ~

in the distance, the battle is in full swing.

For a long time, the ten thousand demons who disguised themselves and wanted to enter the ancient city of man were all killed by Sergeant Longyuan, who guarded the gate of the town. No one survived.

"Go, into the city."

See the gate. The battle is over.

Ye Lan three people just came forward, accept the inventory, all the way into the ancient city of man.

The ancient city of man is very vast and covers a large area.

There are ten main streets, crisscross with each other, which can lead to north, South, West and East.

Each main road will extend many branch streets, leading to the streets and alleys in the city.

On the street, people come and go.

On both sides, there are many shops, including restaurants, teahouses, brothels, elixirs, weapons sellers, tailors and blacksmiths

It's a dazzling number.

The goods in the store are so dazzling that people are salivating.

"Unexpectedly, this ancient city of man, located on the border of the Empire, is so prosperous that it is no less prosperous than our piaoyue city."

Walking on the street, Xiao Tianying sighed.

"It seems that more people have entered the ancient city of man these days than usual!"

On one side, Lin Qingyun said softly.

He once came to the ancient city of man. On weekdays, the ancient city of man was a little lonely, far less noisy and prosperous than it is now.

"The man ancient god realm is about to open. In Longyuan, every major sect will send strong disciples here to send their disciples into the man ancient god realm.

Naturally, the ancient city of man is more prosperous than ever. "

Ye Lan responded.

With a glance, I saw a lot of powerful practitioners. Among the people, there were also many martial arts talents with different costumes.

They all came from all over the world. They were all strong men and talents under the command of the major families in Longyuan.

Today's man ancient city is full of hidden dragons and tigers.

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