
Huang Hao roared after feeling the power of a surge in his body.

Immediately, the four envoys of wind, rain and lightning flashed into Huang Hao's room and knelt down respectfully.

When they saw Huang Hao, he recovered from his injury and his breath soared again, they were shocked.

"General, your injury..."

The wind makes the first wake up, looking at Huang Hao can not help a face of hesitation.

"It's healed!"

Huang Hao responded.

"Congratulations to the general. Congratulations to the general. The general is really blessed. He has not only recovered from his injury, but also improved his cultivation again."

On one side, the rain began to flatter Huang Hao.

At this time, they are very curious about how Huang Hao recovered quickly? However, they don't ask much.

"Come on, don't flatter me. I have something to tell you."

Huang Hao, with both hands on his back, said solemnly.

Now, he is ready to carry out the task assigned by Lin Tianheng.

If you want to open the gate of the West City unconsciously, you have to destroy the defensive array center of the gate.

Ten days later, Huang Hao had a way to open the gate of the city before the arrival of the wolf Xu Kingdom and the army of the ten thousand demon sect. At the same time, he destroyed the defensive border around the West City, so that the ten thousand demon sect and the army of the wolf Xu Kingdom could enter the city.

At the same time, in order not to let anyone know that Huang Hao is in collusion with the ten thousand demon sect, Huang Hao plans to leave the destruction of the array center to the four envoys of wind, rain and thunder.

These four were his confidants. Huang Hao believed that they would never betray themselves.

And he also believed that it was extremely easy to destroy the array center in secret with the cultivation strength of the four envoys of wind, rain, thunder and lightning.

"The general, the array center of the gate, is related to the defense of the whole western city.

Once we break the center, the energy supply of the border defense can't meet the demand. I'm afraid it will dissipate in a few days. At that time, once the army of langxu invades, our west city will bear the brunt of the attack, and it's hard to stop it! "

At this time, Lei said anxiously with his hands clasping.

He didn't understand why Huang Hao suddenly ordered the four of them to destroy the array center of the west gate.

"General, if you want to go, just carry out the task. Don't ask so many questions. Do you hear me?"

Huang Hao's face sank and said coldly.

On hearing this, Lei Shi shrinks his neck and nods his head in fear.

"All right, go!"

Huang Hao waved his hand and sent back the four envoys.

The four envoys of wind, rain, thunder and lightning also went to the gate of the west city overnight to carry out the task assigned by Huang Hao.

For the next ten days, Hengduan city was very quiet.

Outside the city, there was no army of langxu.

In the past ten days, Ye Lan not only practices every day, but also instructs those ye family disciples to practice.

In addition, he will also go to the seventh floor of the magic tower to see the jade pillars that recorded the ancient gods and demons' writing, the life stories of the heaven and the world in ancient times, and the origin and development history of the ancient gods and demons.

Finally, Ye Lan will accompany Yin Shaoge and the seventh princess to travel around, follow Murong Dan, Zuo Ge and Tang Lei into the Huolian army, and check the training status of the Huolian army.

It can be said that in the past ten days, Ye Lan has been very busy, full and comfortable.

He enjoyed the days far away from the hatred of life and death and the slaughter in the battlefield.

Unfortunately, such a good day is not destined to be calm for too long!

Until the tenth day later, on a watchtower on the upper floor of the West City, a sergeant in charge of guarding the city suddenly saw the sand and dust billowing in the distance outside the city.

Immediately, the sergeant's face changed. He quickly got the sky mirror and looked at the distant scene.

I don't know. I'm scared.

I saw, in the sky mirror, feedback back a very shocking scene.

There are tens of thousands of langxu warriors, who are coming in a big rush.

The warriors of langxu country, one by one wearing heavy armor, holding sharp spears and broad shields in their hands, exuded a wild and fierce atmosphere.

The spirit of war soars to the sky and frightens people.

At the same time, every wolf Xu warrior's side, are closely followed by a huge gray demon wolf.

Those demon wolves are the war beasts raised by the warriors of wolf Xu country. They can help the warriors of wolf Xu country to kill the enemy on the battlefield.

These demon wolves are extremely powerful. Each of them has the strength comparable to those who beautify the Danjing, and some of them are even comparable to those who cultivate the environment of birth!

What's more, from the sky mirror, the sergeant saw not only the warriors of langxu country and the terror war beasts they raised, but also thousands of terror corpses and puppets behind the warriors of langxu country!Those corpse puppets are all bronze corpse puppets, which are enough to kill the first and even the second level practitioners. In addition, there are many silver corpse puppets and gold corpse puppets that are more powerful and fierce than copper corpse puppets!

Even behind the corpses and puppets, the sergeant saw a huge fortress, which came slowly under the support of a mountain like dark warrior.

Those dark strongmen are all corpses, all of them are gold. They are the horrible gold corpse puppets refined by a strong one in a corpse hall!

The dark warriors are extremely powerful and terrifying, comparable to the practitioners of the birth environment. Now, they have been refined into golden corpses. The terrifying destructive power and powerful physical defense are absolutely beyond the resistance of simple practitioners of the birth environment.

"Ring the bell, call the police! Come on, come on

As soon as he saw that there were a large number of troops of langxu Kingdom and the corpses and puppets refined by the corpse Hall of the ten thousand demons cult marching towards this place, he could not help his face and cried out.

On one side, another Sergeant woke up and ran to ring the alarm.

Dang ~

Dang ~

Dang ~

over the West City, there are bursts of rapid and high pitched bells, which constantly reverberate.

Among all the western cities, the soldiers of the thousand thousand dragon Yuan Empire began to gather at the first time and were ready to go. They rushed to the gate of the western city to meet the enemy.

Similarly, in the western city, many strong men and disciples from the major sects and aristocratic families of the Longyuan Empire rushed to the gate of the western city for the first time, looking at the distance one by one, looking at the approaching army of langxu.

At this moment, the heaven and the earth, fighting, atmosphere, tension to the extreme, as if the whole world, the air began to freeze, stopped flowing.

"Archer, prepare!"

On the tower, a captain in charge of guarding the city cried out.

At that moment, thousands of archers began to prepare. They bent their bows and took their arrows, aiming at the approaching army of langxu country in the distance. With the command from the top, they shot sharp arrows and took the enemy's life.

"Let it go

The captain did not roar until the army of langxu entered the range of the bow and arrow.

Whew, whew

On the tower, thousands of archers shot blasting arrows for the first time.

Thousands of blasting arrows, all across the sky, like locusts passing through, with the roaring wind, rushed into the army of langxu country.

Boom, boom

Bursts of sky shaking explosions, one after another, a group of terrible flames, competing to disappear, a hot wave, scattered impact.

The terrible fire and heat wave covered tens of thousands of langxu troops in a flash.

For a long time, the fire dissipated, the heat stopped, and the smoke drifted away.

On the tower, the captain and thousands of archers were shocked. They were shocked to find that the blasting arrows they shot did not kill the army of langxu.

The reason for this is that the shield in the hands of langxu's army is extremely tough, and I don't know what material it is forged from. They form a huge shield array with each other, which can block the volley explosion of thousands of blasting arrows in one breath!

"Shoot! Shoot! Keep shooting

On the tower, the captain woke up and kept shouting.

The thousands of archers took orders one after another, bent their bows and arrows again, and kept shooting at the army of langxu state. However, their blasting arrows could not stop the advancing pace of the other side!

At this moment, the captain and thousands of sergeants of Longyuan were very ugly. Shock and surprise flashed from the bottom of their eyes.

They couldn't believe that langxu had such a powerful shield.

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