When he saw Dongfang Ming appear from the room, his face was red. He didn't look like a man who was seriously injured and poisoned.

Elder huoyun, as well as many other elders and inner door elders present, were stunned. For a long time, they could not say a word.

"Lord, your wound..."

Qu Changlao, who is preparing to fight with huoyun elder, is the first to wake up. He can't help but ask.

"It's healed."

Dongfang Ming responded.

"Then you The poison in the body.... "

On the other side, elder huoyun asked in a low voice.

"It's gone."

Dongfang Ming smiles.

Hearing this, many elders, such as elder Qu Changlao and elder Yan Song, first looked at each other and then cheered each other.

At this moment, they were excited from the bottom of their hearts.

For Dongfang Ming body recovery feel excited, for Ye Lan really have that means to get rid of three corpses three poison and excited.

Similarly, they are also surprised and admired from the bottom of their hearts for Ye Lan's means.

They can't believe that a 17-year-old boy really has the means to get rid of three corpses and three poisonous insects.

Originally, they did not hold much hope, but ye LAN did not let them down.

Naturally, elder Qu Changlao and elder Yan Song are very excited and cheering for Ye Lan's talent.

Compared with the excitement of elder Qu Changlao and elder Yan Song, elder huoyun's face is ugly, and he has a bad feeling in his heart.

It's not because Dongfang Ming's wound is healed, which makes him feel uncomfortable, but because ye LAN can really remove the three corpses and three poisonous insects, and has an unexpected talent of Dan Dao.

After all, he has some grudges with Ye Lan. Naturally, he doesn't want to see Ye Lan once make contributions, which makes Dongfang Ming and many other elders in the clan treat him differently.

But now, elder huoyun knows that after today's event, Ye Lan's position in his leiyunzong will be more consolidated. He is afraid that it is not impossible for Dongfang ming to cultivate him as the next generation of leiyunzong leader in the future.

At the thought that ye LAN will become the leader of his own Leiyun sect in the future, and be valued and cultivated by Dongfang Ming, he may be obedient to Ye Lan, but he is the leader.

It's strange that elder huoyun is in a good mood!

However, he didn't want to let Qu Changlao and others see the unhappiness on his face, so he had to pretend to be very excited and happy that Dongfang ming could recover.

"Lord, where's Ye Lan?"

At this time, Yan Song asked.

"I'm in the room for meditation. During this time, he's really tired and laborious in order to get rid of the poison for me. Now, it's not suitable to disturb him.

Besides, I think he seems to be breaking through again! "

Dongfang Ming said with a smile.

On hearing Ye Lan's hard work for Dongfang Ming's detoxification, Yan Song and Qu Changlao all nod solemnly and sigh about Ye Lan's hard work.

However, on hearing that Ye Lan had to break through again, Qu Changlao and Yan Song and others could not help but look surprised, with an expression of hell.

Not only them, but also elder huoyun's face was startled and his eyes were jumping wildly!

Another breakthrough?!

They are really curious now, what kind of monster is Ye Lan?

At the age of 17, it's shocking to be able to step into the dual realm of broken fetus. No young man in Longyuan can match it.

Now, it's incredible that we have to break through to a higher level. It's shocking from the bottom of our heart.

"It takes me half my life to break through to the five levels of broken fetus.

I never thought that today, there is a disciple of Lei yunzong. He is so old that he has to step into the triple realm of breaking the fetus. He is really a formidable young man. "

One of the elders of leiyunzong said with emotion.

Hearing this, many other patriarchs were filled with emotion.

When they were young, they were all famous talents in martial arts. They were not weak in martial arts. But even so, it took them most of their lives to break through the fetal state.

Compared with Ye Lan, who is about to enter the triple realm of breaking the womb at the age of 17, these elders of leiyunzong find that their accomplishments in martial arts are not the same level as ye LAN.

"What's more, his attainments in Dan Dao are not shallow!"

Another patriarch said so.

On hearing this, many people feel awe inspiring. Ye Lan is indeed a genius of both Dan and Wu.

"Suzerain, such a genius, if you cultivate it, you will be able to be a great leader in the future!"

Finally, someone spoke. In my heart, I decided to cultivate Ye Lan as the next patriarch.

"I know, I have this idea in my heart, but I won't mention it for the time being."

Dongfang Ming responded.

Later, he asked elder Qu Changlao and other elders about the situation of the sect in recent years and some things from the outside world.

The sword hall and the art hall of the ten thousand demon sect attack the ten thousand sword sect.The corpse hall and snake hall attacked Lei yunzong again, which caused great losses to Lei yunzong and Wan Jianzong.

This news is bound to disturb the whole Longyuan.

Dongfang clearly knows that the current situation in Longyuan is extremely chaotic and turbulent.

In a short time, there will be a great catastrophe, which will set off a terrible storm in the whole Longyuan!

What he can do now is to understand the relevant situation as much as possible and make corresponding arrangements before the great catastrophe, so as to avoid being attacked by the ten thousand demon sect again.

Qu Changlao and others also took orders one after another and told Dongfang Ming about the outside world in recent days.

Wan Jianzong and Lei yunzong were attacked by the ten thousand demon sect. Naturally, it spread all over the Longyuan, which made today's emperor Longyan angry and angry for the blatant behavior of the ten thousand demon sect.

Now, in Longyuan, the city masters of the main cities have been ordered by the emperor to thoroughly investigate the whereabouts of the followers of the ten thousand demons cult. If they meet them, they will be killed.

It is said that in order to help the City owners and effectively eliminate the remaining evils of the ten thousand demon sect, the Lord Longyuan sent strong men from the secret department to accompany him.

Under the severe crackdown, many evils of ten thousand demons and their associates were found in the main cities. A big storm broke out in Longyuan.

There are fights everywhere, between the royal family and the ten thousand demons.

However, compared with the royal family of Longyuan, the power of the ten thousand demon sect is a little small. Naturally, it can't stop the army of Longyuan, so that many secret strongholds of the ten thousand demon sect in Longyuan are uprooted.

However, ten thousand demon sect is a big sect after all. It has existed for many years and is deeply rooted. Even if the royal family of Longyuan sent a large number of troops to encircle and suppress it, it is difficult to completely remove the cancer of ten thousand demon sect.

"The emperor is very angry. He has launched a fierce battle with the ten thousand demon sect.

At present, in recent days, according to incomplete statistics, more than 1800 strongholds of the ten thousand demon sect have been removed from the main cities.

More than 68900 people were slaughtered by the evildoers of the ten thousand demon sect and their accomplices in secret collusion with them!

Today, this campaign of encirclement and suppression is still prevailing.

This time, the actions of the ten thousand demon sect have really angered the emperor. "

Qu said.

"The ten thousand demon sect has existed for many years. Over the years, it has not dealt with the royal family of Longyuan. The emperor of Longyuan has fought with the ten thousand demon sect and vowed to remove this cancer completely.

But over the years, the ten thousand demons sect has always existed, like endless withered grass, and spring breeze.

This time, the emperor's vigorous encirclement and suppression and strict investigation can really make the ten thousand demon sect suffer a little and hurt its muscles and bones.

But if you want to destroy the foundation of the ten thousand demon sect, you can't do it! "

East bright deep voice way.

As the leader of Leiyun sect, he naturally knew the power of the ten thousand demon sect and its terror.

The inside information and the strong people it has are definitely not as simple as the sword hall, the art hall, the snake hall, the corpse hall and the blood hall.

On top of these five halls, Dongfang clearly knows that there must be other top strongmen and terrors of the ten thousand demon sect.

Otherwise, with the power of the five halls of the ten thousand demon sect alone, how can we dare to fight against the huge dragon abyss, and how can we fight against the Dragon abyss? I don't know how many years later, it will still exist?

"Suzerain, what he said is true."

Qu Changlao and others nodded deeply.

They all know that the ten thousand demon sect is absolutely not simple. Otherwise, how dare they challenge the whole Longyuan Empire?

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