"You You It's against you, it's against you! How dare you hit me? You want to die, don't you? "

The noble disciple staggered up and glared at the young disciples who were born in the civilian department. His face was full of anger.


The civilian disciple, who was at the peak of the birth of baby five, said impatiently.

Then, with a glance of body shape, he approached the noble disciple in the blink of an eye and kicked out, kicking the noble disciple out again.

Bang ~

the noble disciple knocked down a thick stone pillar, and he looked very embarrassed.

This time, he did not dare to speak out rashly and scold those common people disciples. Instead, he secretly wrote down the account and calculated it later.

At the same time, he will also ye LAN and Lin Qingyun two people, deep in mind.

At that time, he will make these people regret that a group of lowly born Dalits dare to beat and hurt his noble disciples.

"Wait, you wait for me!"

This noble disciple, put down a cruel word, turned and left quickly.

"Qingyun, are you hurt?"

Ye Lan walks slowly to Lin Qingyun and asks with a smile.

"No, how could that coward hurt me?"

Lin Qingyun returns the sword to the scabbard and says calmly.

"It seems that it's very useful to practice with that crazy master. Your strength has increased rapidly during this period, and your understanding of Kendo is more profound!"

Ye Lan said with a smile.

"Well! However, there are still some defects in my cultivation of kendo, which need to be constantly improved, especially about the nine swords.

Crazy teacher asked me to go to Jingshui building of Jingshui academy to look for books on Kendo, saying that it might be of great help to my practice in kendo.

The nine sword potential may be better improved. "

Lin Qingyun nods, at the same time, tells Ye Lan why he suddenly comes to the water purification building.

Smell speech, Ye Lan suddenly.

Then, he is ready to take Lin Qingyun into the water purification building.

"Two, wait a minute."

At this time, the young disciple, who was born in the civilian Department, with some of his companions, quickly stepped forward and cried out.

"What's the matter?"

Ye Lan a face indifferently swept those who come from the common people's Department disciple one eye, inquires.

"Previously, thank you for your help, especially you, little brother. You have awakened us. Otherwise, I am still stubborn until now. I will only become Luo Hang's running dog and let him abuse me!"

The young disciple of the leader, thanks.

At the same time, he is grateful to Ye Lan for her two previous words to wake them up completely, otherwise, they will lose their pride as a genius forever, and even lose their dignity as a person forever.

"Thank you very much. You can wake up at the last moment and prove that you are not hopeless.

As long as you know how to go back and regain your pride and dignity as a genius, then the future will not be too bad.

If you want to thank me, thank yourself. I'm just talking about you. "

Ye LAN voice response, however, look has eased a lot.

"I don't know. What do you call them?"

Then the young man asked in a voice.

"Ye Lan."

"Lin Qingyun."

Ye Lan and Lin Qingyun have reported their respective names.

"I'm Ma Ruhe. I came from the Ma family in Yuku town. These are my friends and brothers I met in the college. "

Ma Ruhe introduced himself.

Then, he introduced several friends and brothers to Ye Lan.

"Brother ma."

Ye Lan said with a smile.

"I don't know. Why do you listen to the noble disciple?

As far as I know, the common people's department and the noble's department have always had grudges and conflicts, and the relationship between their disciples is not very harmonious. "

Ye Lan asked.

On one side, Lin Qingyun also looks at Ma Ruhe and others curiously.

"Brother ye, you don't know. The man's name was Luo Hang and he was born in the royal city of Luo.

This Luo family, in the Imperial City, is a giant, whose family industry is all over Longyuan.

His family is strong, rich, and has a wide range of contacts, which has a high prestige in our imperial city.

From the Prime Minister of the imperial court to the leader of a large faction, they all had a close relationship with the Luo family.

It's no exaggeration to say that it can call the wind and the rain.

With such a large family as a support, how can we easily provoke that Luo Hang? "

Ma Ruhe sighed bitterly.

"More than that, Luo Hai, the eldest brother of naluohang, has a very high reputation among the aristocratic disciples. He has a close relationship with many aristocratic disciples. He also has great strength. Among many aristocratic disciples, his strength ranks first.In the aristocratic family, it established a gang called Luo Gang!

The members of the gang are all powerful beings whose cultivation transcends the five dimensions of birth.

That force is not something we can easily confront! "

At this time, a companion beside Ma Ruhe said.

"I see."

Ye Lan suddenly.

"It's a pity that without Xiao Molin, we can't fight against the aristocratic group at all!"

Suddenly, Ma Ruhe sighed.

"Oh? Brother Ma, what does that mean? "

On hearing Ma Ruhe say so, Ye Lan and Lin Qingyun are interested.

At present, Ma Ruhe tells Ye Lan and Lin Qingyun all about Xiao Molin's practice.

It turns out that in the past, the civilian Department of tianshengyuan was always lower than that of the noble department, and the disciples of the civilian department were often bullied by the disciples of the noble department.

However, since Xiao Mo Lin joined the Tiansheng academy, entered the Jingyuan academy and became a disciple of the civilian Department, his terrible talent and powerful strength spread rapidly in the Tiansheng Academy.

All the way to grow, so that the aristocratic disciples feel great pressure.

At that time, in the civilian department headed by Xiao Molin, the aristocratic department was completely crushed, and many aristocratic disciples did not dare to provoke the civilian students at will.

Of course, the aristocratic disciples are not willing to lag behind others.

Therefore, in order to reverse the situation of being crushed by the common people, Huang Tianqing, the first gifted disciple of the noble family at that time, who is now shujunzi, once fought with Xiao Molin and fought with each other for life and death.

The battle between the two attracted many tutors and elders from the temple of heavenly saints to watch, and also attracted all the disciples of the common and noble families, as well as many talented disciples from the royal family.

That war became a topic everyone was happy to talk about, and Xiao Molin won the book gentleman Huang Tianqing with half a move.

After the first World War, Xiao Molin and Huang Tianqing became inseparable friends and became best friends with each other.

At the same time, they decided that in order not to hurt each other's friendship and fate, they would no longer care about the conflicts and grudges between the common people and the aristocratic disciples.

All disputes should be settled by the disciples of the common people and noble families.

It can be imagined that the aristocratic disciples could not be sheltered by Huang Tianqing. After all, each of them was born with noble background.

But the common people's department is different. Without the support of Xiao Molin and other rebellious talents, how can the disciples of the common people's Department fight with those of the noble people's department?

Therefore, since Xiao Molin became a gentleman of painting, he no longer cared about all the disciples of the civilian Department of Jing Academy. Since Xiao Molin left, the disciples of the civilian Department of Jing Academy were often oppressed by the disciples of the noble department.

Some of them were robbed of credits and resources by noble students.

Others are often beaten, bullied and abused by aristocratic disciples.

What's more, like Ma Ruhe, he became a running dog of noble disciples.

All in all, after Xiao Molin only asked about the affairs among the disciples of the common people department, they had a miserable life.

Many of the disciples of the common people's Department prayed in their hearts that they would be able to produce another genius like Xiao Molin in the future, so as to protect them from the invasion and oppression of the disciples of the noble department.

After listening to Ma Ruhe's story, Ye Lan and Lin Qingyun suddenly nodded one after another. They didn't expect that there was such a past in tianshengyuan.

"Brother Ma, from now on, I, Ye Lan, will be a disciple of the civilian Department of Jing Academy.

As long as I'm here, I will never allow the noble disciples to bully our common disciples at will again! "

Ye Lan said with a smile.

His face full of sunshine, looks very confident, unconsciously is infected with Ma Ruhe and others, let Ma Ruhe and others do not know why, raised a strong trust in Ye Lan.

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