Qin Junzi Yan was not defeated, which attracted millions of Longyuan strongmen and geniuses around him.

At the same time, they are constantly criticizing and ridiculing that the piano gentleman is useless.

On the contrary, the people of Tianfeng Empire, led by Li Cangfeng, had a smile on their face and Qi Ganglie's performance, which made their Tianfeng side have a long face.


Smoke and dust dispersed, among the ruins, Qin Junzi Yan Fei stood up in embarrassment.

When he heard the ridicule and ridicule of Longyuan practitioners and gifted disciples around him, he felt very sad and resentful.

His eyes were fixed on Qi Ganglie, who stood aloof on the competition platform. Deep in his eyes, he was full of cold and murderous ideas.

However, he didn't have the courage to do it. If he lost, he lost.

Even if he had all kinds of humiliation and endless suffering in his heart, he could not recover the result of losing this contest.

If he blindly clamors that he has not lost and wants to fight with Qi Ganglie again, it seems that he has no bearing and makes people laugh.

"Qin junzi, give in!"

On the competition stage, Qi Ganglie clasped his hands and looked like playing.

Qin Junzi Yan Fei's face is ugly. Without reply, she turns and leaves in silence.

When he turns around, he looks at Ye Lan sitting quietly in the rest area. The color of resentment in the bottom of his eyes is stronger.

In his mind, if ye LAN didn't hurt him seriously yesterday, how could he come to such an unbearable end today?

"It's all you, Ye Lan! The disgrace you have imposed on me, I am sure I will get it back a hundred times and a thousand times! "

Qin Junzi Yan thought with a gloomy face.

Then, he rose up in the air and left all the way, no longer paying attention to the next competition?

For Qin Junzi's sudden departure, many people know that the other party has no face to stay here.

After all, as the third seat of the five gentlemen of Longyuan, Qin Junzi is defeated by Qi Ganglie, one of the five saints of Tianfeng. What face does he have to stay here for such a disgraceful thing?

"The winner is Qi Ganglie, the five saints of Tianfeng."

After Qin Junzi left, on the martial arts competition stage, the tutor of tianshengyuan reappeared and announced.

Then he looked at Qi Ganglie and asked in a voice, "Qi Shengzi, do you want to fight again?"

"Fight! It's natural to fight! This time, I will challenge the five talents of Longyuan one by one, trample them all under my feet, so as to prove the strength of our Tianfeng empire!

You are the five gentlemen of the Longyuan empire. You don't need the first son and the second son of Tianfeng.

I'm enough alone

On the stage of the contest, Qi Ganglie's whole body was shining with gold, just like the God of war of nine days. His voice was thundering and roaring.

As soon as this remark came out, many practitioners and geniuses on Longyuan's side were dissatisfied at the meeting. Naturally, it also made Longyuan's civil and military officials very unhappy.

Many people secretly say that Qi Ganglie is really crazy!

Does he really think that he can defeat the sword gentleman and Qin gentleman of his own Longyuan side by himself?

It's stupid!

At this moment, many people look at Ye Lan, Xiao Molin and Huang Tianqing sitting in the rest area.

The most concerned are Xiao Molin and Huang Tianqing.

After all, those two were the real young super talents in their Longyuan empire.

One is the first of the five gentlemen in Longyuan, and the other is the second.

As long as any one of them can easily beat Qi Ganglie and suppress the arrogance of the other.

"You are a loser. How dare you be so rampant in front of me?"

Finally, a voice rings out. Ye Lan in the rest area looks at the arrogant Qi Ganglie on the martial arts competition platform with a playful face.

Ye Lan doesn't care about the honor or disgrace of Longyuan. He only cares about one thing, that is, Qi Ganglie, who was seriously injured by his three punches yesterday. Now, he dares to threaten to challenge his five talents of Longyuan and trample all his five talents under his feet.

And one of these five geniuses is Ye Lan.

How can Ye Lan tolerate such trampling on his face?

On the competition stage, Qi Ganglie hears Ye Lan's words. His face is a little ugly. Deep in his eyes, there is a flash of fear.

However, he didn't want to weaken his momentum in front of millions of Longyuan strongmen and talents.

Therefore, in a hurry, looking at Ye Lan, he said with arrogance: "hum! Today, I challenge you first! Beat you, and then deal with your painting gentleman and calligraphy gentleman of Longyuan! "

"Next, Qi Shengzi of Tianfeng Empire challenges Ye Lan of Longyuan!"

At this time, the tutor of tianshengyuan announced.

On hearing this, Qi Ganglie's face changed slightly. He said something wrong in his heart!He didn't want to challenge Ye Lan, but he couldn't. He had already said it.

Speak out of the words, like spilled water, it is simply not back!

In the rest area, Ye Lan grows up and steps out. In the blink of an eye, she comes to the competition platform, facing Qi Ganglie from afar.

"You are crazy. It seems that yesterday, I taught you a little light lesson. Today, I dare to challenge you in public?"

Ye Lan sneered.

On the other side, Qi Ganglie couldn't say a word. He regretted it in his heart.

After yesterday's fight, he really can't find out the bottom of Ye Lan, and now facing Ye Lan again, Qi Ganglie doesn't dare to guarantee that he can defeat Ye Lan 100%.

Ye Lan's appearance on the stage attracted the attention of many long yuan practitioners.

Many people who have grudges with Ye Lan are constantly cursing in their hearts. It's better to curse Ye Lan and be severely beaten by Qi Ganglie.

Like Luohai, like taotian, like sunkong.

Similarly, there is Tao Yuran.

Ye Lan's appearance robbed him of his qualifications. Naturally, Tao Yuran also prayed in his heart. Ye Lan had better lose the contest and lose face in public. Let the Southern Dynasty wind have a look. Choosing Ye Lan to participate in today's contest is the most wrong choice.

"You did it first? Or should I do it first? "

On the stage, Ye Lan doesn't know what Luo Hai, sun Kong and Tao Yuran think. He looks directly at Qi Ganglie and says with a playful smile.


Opposite, where does Qi Ganglie dare to let Ye Lan take the lead?

Immediately, the mouth angrily, the soles of the feet suddenly stamped, the body shape is like an arrow, straight to take ye LAN.

That lingers the fist of golden ray, is also heavy toward Ye Lan chest Nu to roar and go.

The golden fist carries the fist power, which is extremely violent and overbearing.

The boxing style is also raging like a storm. The air is constantly compressed and exploded under that fist, and bursts of crackling sound explosion sound, earth shaking and soul frightening.

This fist, poured Qi Ganglie's full strength.

Qi Ganglie, who has dealt with Ye Lan, knows that if he starts to deal with Ye Lan, he will only gradually fall into the downwind.

Only by taking the lead and making the strongest strike can we have the opportunity to oppress it and gain the upper hand.

I have to say that Qi Ganglie's idea is very good.

Unfortunately, he still failed to find out the power of Ye Lan!

For Ye Lan, Qi Ganglie's all-out fist has no deterrent at all.

"Bajiquan, the power of brute God, the soul of black flame fighting!"

Ye Lan drinks angrily.

The eight extreme boxing, the power of man God and the fighting soul of Heiyan are displayed in one breath.

His physical strength is far beyond today's cultivation level. Now, with the help of Baji boxing, Manshen power and Heiyan fighting soul, his strength is better than Qi Ganglie's, even several times better than Qi Ganglie's!

Bang ~

boom ~

Click ~

two fists collide, and the first is a dull sound.

Then there was the collision of the two fists, the roar and the roar of the fists.

Finally, there was the sound of a broken bone.

Many people can clearly see that in the messy boxing storm, a figure flew out like rags, fell out of the competition platform heavily, and blew up the dust.

And that figure, no one else, is Qi Ganglie of Tianfeng empire.

At this moment, Qi Ganglie's whole right arm is comminuted fracture, and the channels and bones in his body are all broken by Ye Lan's Baji fist, which is a combination of Manshen's power and Heiyan's fighting soul.

His face was as white as paper, and he looked very weak.

One punch will win!

Tianfeng Empire, Qi Ganglie, defeat!

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