On the martial arts platform, the ghost fighting soul of fengbingli, under the more violent white real fire of Ye Lan, is constantly weak, and the power is also constantly weakening.

At this moment, Feng Bing was calm at the beginning, and his face was only shocked and shocked.

Similarly, the strong of Tianfeng Empire were surprised to see that fengbingli was falling into the downwind. Their faces were shocked, and they were a little uneasy.

All of them are praying, praying that Feng Bingli must not lose, otherwise, their face of Tianfeng empire will completely disappear today and become the laughing stock of others.

On the contrary, the powerful martial arts on Longyuan's side are looking forward to Ye Lan's victory over Feng Bingli and creating a brilliant moment.

"Can't lose, absolutely can't lose!"

On the martial arts platform, Feng Bingli kept roaring, and all the star power poured into the ghost fighting soul, rapidly enhancing the power of the ghost fighting soul, trying to break through the burning of the white real fire.

However, all in vain.

The ghost fighting soul of fengbingli is always crushed by the white real fire of Wansheng furnace, which makes bursts of hissing sound.

"Look at you, it seems very uncomfortable, you at the beginning of the indifferent and calm?"

Opposite, Ye Lan sneers and responds.

Then, with a step up, Xingli and jushenshu were in crazy operation, and the white fire in Wansheng stove became more and more fierce.

At the same time, after Ye Lan's death, the fighting soul of Heiyan is released, and the towering Heiyan turns into angry dragons, sweeping from all directions to fengbingli.


Feng Bingli drinks from Shen. Although, at the moment, his ghost fighting spirit is restrained by the fierce white real fire sprayed by Wansheng stove, for a moment, he can't use the ghost fighting spirit to deal with Ye Lan's black burning fighting spirit.

However, fengbingli was the first holy Son of Tianfeng empire after all. The means he possessed were not only the rare and powerful ghost fighting spirit, but also all kinds of powerful and terrifying attack and kill means and martial arts.

"Frozen thousands of miles!"

Feng Bingli roared, and the whole body was filled with cold.

Where the cold passed, everything was shrouded and turned into frost.

The black fire dragons that roared and killed were also enveloped by the terrible cold, frozen in the frost.

Then, the terrible cold is crazy surge, bypassing the Wansheng stove white real fire resistance, straight toward Ye Lan swept away.

Whoosh ~

the cold wind howls, and the cold comes to Ye Lan in an instant. Under the impact of the cold, there are pieces of frost on Ye Lan's clothes and body surface.

However, even so, Ye Lan is not moved and flustered.

His body shakes, and the golden light of the sky shatters the layers of ice on his body in an instant. The black burning fighting soul is also burning wildly. It resists the terrible black chill coming from the raging tyranny, and it can't move in tens of meters away.

"Black and white fire lotus."

Ye Lan eyes a Li, black flame and white real fire, each other fast fusion, into a black and white fire lotus.

Every black and white fire lotus has the power of terror.

One, two, three, four Hundreds of them.

Looking around, it is a world of fire lotus.


Ye Lan raised his hand and pointed to the black and white fire lotus all over the sky. He went to Fengbing to kill them.

Boom, boom

Black and white fire lotus, a kill to Feng Bingli, close in front of him, is a rapid explosion, a wave of terrible hot air, in the huge competition platform.

Under the power of the fire lotus explosion, the shaking road of the competition platform became more and more severe, and there were more and more cracks on it.

As for Feng Bingli's figure, he was completely engulfed by the black and white fire lotus. No one knows his life and death situation.

For a long time, the terrible light of fire and the surging hot waves just slowly dissipated.

Among them, the figure of Feng Bingli is also slowly emerging.

He was not killed by Ye Lan's black-and-white fire lotus. After all, his cultivation is far above Ye Lan. Even if ye Lan's black-and-white fire lotus has extremely powerful destructive power, it is not enough to kill him.

However, the power of the black and white fire Lotus can not be underestimated. Even if Feng Bingli was not killed, he was in a great distress. His clothes were broken, and there was a lot of burning scars on his body.

At the same time, his soul was deeply impacted by the explosion of the black and white fire lotus, and suffered certain trauma.

After all, the black-and-white fire lotus combines with the white real fire. Once it explodes, it can damage not only the physical body of the cultivator, but also the soul of the cultivator.

Naturally, fengbingli can't avoid this blow.

The power of the soul is damaged, and the power of the ghost fighting soul is weakened again.

At this moment, his ghost fighting soul could not resist the violent impact of white real fire, and was burned into nothingness.The fighting soul was burned, and Feng Bingli's soul suffered a very serious impact again. In his mouth, a piece of blood spurted out, and his body fell back again and again.

An unsteady, double knee soft fall, unexpectedly is suddenly kneels on the ground.

"Will we fight again?"

Ye Lan's figure flashed. She came to the front of Fengbing and held Wansheng stove in her hand. In the stove, the white real fire was surging and burning wildly.

He looked down at Feng Bingli coldly and said indifferently.

Wen Yan, Feng Bingli gritted his teeth. He wanted to get up and fight again, because he knew that he could never lose this battle. After all, it was related to the face of his Tianfeng empire.

So, how can he say defeat easily?

However, his soul was seriously injured and his whole body was extremely weak.

Rao is that he has the will to fight again, but the body is not allowed.

Several times, Feng Bingli wanted to get up and fight again, but failed.

In the end, he had to bite his teeth, a face unwilling to say: "this battle, I lost!"

At this moment, we can imagine the reluctance in the process of ice sealing and centrifugation.

At the beginning, he looked down on Ye Lan. After all, his own strength is far higher than Ye Lan's, and Ye Lan's ability to attack and kill other people's souls and fight souls is as good as Feng Bingli's.

In the case of having the same means, this battle naturally means that the stronger the strength, the stronger the cultivation, and the balance that dominates the victory of this duel.

However, it is a pity that sealing ice is a miscalculation.

Ye Lan's cultivation is not as good as him, but the various means that the young man has in front of him are beyond his imagination.

For example, the means that can temporarily improve the spiritual power of the monk is what he does not have.

It's the same. He was defeated in this battle just now!

The meeting hall was dead and quiet, which was a little terrible.

In the audience, millions of long yuanxiu's eyes were fixed on Ye Lan and Feng Bingli. For a long time, they couldn't say a word.

"Won! That Ye Lan really did it

For a long time, someone woke up and couldn't help cheering and shouting. His excitement was beyond expression.

In the same way, other disciples of the younger generation were all shouting and excited.

Ye Lan's performance, let them all feel unprecedented pride!

That glory does not belong to Ye Lan alone, but to all the Dragon practitioners present!

They all know that after the first world war today, Ye Lan's reputation will spread throughout the whole Longyuan, even into the Tianfeng Empire, and become a super genius that everyone loves and respects!

"I'm afraid that even Xiao Molin, the painting gentleman of Longyuan, may not be able to do that."

Some say so.

"Ye Lan's strength and potential are stronger than Xiao Molin. Fortunately, that kind of genius belongs to Longyuan, not Tianfeng! "

There was another look of excitement.


At this moment, everyone can't stop talking, cheering for Ye Lan, clapping for ye LAN.

However, some people have a gloomy face.

Among them, Tao Yuran is the most important.

At this time, Tao Yuran's face is as gloomy as water. Looking at Ye Lan on the stage, his eyes are full of jealousy and resentment.

In his mind, the glory Ye Lan has won, the glory she enjoys and the admiration she has received should belong to him!

If it wasn't for Ye Lan's birth and taking away the only place in the competition, it might be Tao Yuran who can enjoy the glory and respect today!

Therefore, the more he thinks about it, the more angry he is. The more he thinks about it, the more angry he is. His unwillingness and resentment in his heart are really beyond expression and hard to hide.

"Yu Ran, what's the matter with you?"

On one side, Tao Yuran's father, Tao Wantong, asks.

He always felt that his son was not looking right today, but he never asked more.

Now, when he saw the expression of resentment and reluctance on Tao Yuran's face, he could not help but wonder and curiosity in his heart.

Upon hearing his father's inquiry, Tao Yuran no longer conceals his unhappiness and his grudge with Ye Lan. He tells Tao Wantong everything, hoping that his father can vent his unhappiness and depression for him.

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