Lao ran and other powerful members of Tianfeng royal family are all killed by Ye Lan by Baihua killing array. Ye Lan leaves the city master's mansion directly.

Until late at night, the officers and men who were responsible for leading a team to search Ye Lan's whereabouts in the city learned that the storehouse had been stolen. At the same time, there were many Tianfeng Royal strongmen and envoys, such as Lao ran, who mysteriously disappeared.

At this moment, the officers and men of the city Lord's mansion, who can search Ye Lan's whereabouts, are in a hurry to find out who stole the storehouse of the city Lord's mansion, and are looking for the traces of Tianfeng Royal strongmen such as Lao ran.

As for Ye Lan, now she has left the main mansion of frost leaf city and hid in frost leaf city.

He took Yirong pill and changed into an old man again. He stayed in an inn in Shuangye city and began to practice. He planned to leave Shuangye city and go to xuanyuezong after the storm of Shuangye city.

Unconsciously, a few days passed.

These days, Ye Lan has been living in an inn in Shuangye city. She has been practicing in seclusion and consolidating her accomplishments.

After these days of continuous consolidation, his strength has been much more stable at the level of the broken tire quadruple environment.

Similarly, in recent days, frost leaf city is still in turmoil, especially in the city's main house.

Because Tianfeng royal family came to investigate the death of Li Cangfeng and Yan Shuangye, as well as the whereabouts of Lao ran and other royal strongmen.

Finally, many of the officers and men in the Lord's mansion were beheaded by the Royal experts sent by the Lord of Tianfeng kingdom for the reasons of unfavorable protection of the crown prince and the Royal strongmen and envoys.

Once it happened, it caused a sensation in the whole city.

Many of the people and practitioners in Shuangye city immediately learned that great changes had taken place in the city Lord's mansion. Then, the envoys sent by the royal family will take over the position of the new generation of Shuangye City Lord.

Tomorrow, frost leaf city will hold a ceremony for the new leader.

All the people and practitioners in the city must attend and pay homage to the new city leader.

"My guest, my guest."

In the room, Ye Lan is practicing with her eyes closed. Outside the door, there comes the cry of the second child.

"What's the matter?"

Ye Lan slowly opens her eyes and asks.

"My guest, today is the ceremony of the new leader of Shuangye city.

Anyone in the frost leaf city must attend and pay homage to the new leader.

Please wash up early and go to Tongtian square in the city. "

Outside the door, the sophomore told the truth.

"Well, I see."

Ye Lan responded.

The rookie retreated.

On this day, many people and practitioners in frost leaf city got up early and went to Tongtian square in the center of frost leaf city to attend the ceremony of the new generation of city leaders.

As for Ye Lan, she didn't attend.

He knew that his chance to leave frost leaf city had come.

So, he washed early, his figure flashed, and quickly flew away.

The direction of his flying was not the Tongtian square of frost Leaf City, but the west gate.

Nowadays, everyone is only concerned about the ceremony of the new city Lord. There must be many elite soldiers in the city Lord's mansion in Tongtian square.

Then, the four gates of frost leaf city must be empty.

Naturally, Ye Lan can take advantage of this opportunity to escape from the frost leaf city from the west gate.

As Ye Lan expected, the west gate of frost leaf city is empty. In other words, there is no one to look after the gate.

The elite soldiers who should have stayed here were all transferred to Tongtian square to maintain order and assist the new Lord to successfully complete the ceremony.

Therefore, very relaxed, Ye Lan is to open the guard border of the west gate, body shape a flash, quickly escape.

At the same time, at Tongtian square, a soldier in charge of the defense of the west gate of the city master's mansion suddenly trembled at his waist.

He immediately changed his face and quickly came to the Royal envoy who was appointed as the new Lord of Shuangye city. He said with a heavy look: "Lord, the guard border of the west gate has been opened!"

"Oh? Isn't it on your waist to open the token of guarding the border? Without this token, who can easily open the guard border? "

The emissary asked, obviously not believing.

"Report back to you, it must be ye LAN. You don't know something about it. Some time ago, the border organ of the storehouse of our city Lord's mansion was broken by Ye Lan. All the treasures in the storehouse were looted!"

The soldier responded respectfully.

Wen Yan, the envoy sent by the royal family, looked very dignified.

"My Lord, please let your subordinates lead the army to investigate. If ye LAN is allowed to run out of Shuangye city so easily, then the prince and Lord Yan's revenge..."

The soldier said excitedly.

"Don't mention the feud between the prince and Lord Yan. Today is the ceremony of my Lord.My Lord will never allow anyone to leave easily.

How can Ye Lan escape from my frost leaf city?

As long as he is still in our Tianfeng territory, the Lord will try his best to get rid of him.

Don't worry, the Lord of the country has secretly ordered all the people to arrest Ye Lan!

I don't need to pay any attention to this matter!

That Ye Lan is not we and so on can easily deal with, will he hand over the person who the net of heaven and earth became! "

The envoy responded.

On hearing this, the officers and men of the Lord's mansion didn't say much.

He knows. It's all over the place.

It's a powerful killer organization cultivated by the leader of Tianfeng kingdom. Every member in it has great strength and means of killing people. It's a terrorist organization in the dark part of the Longyuan empire.

Now that the Lord of Tianfeng has ordered all the people to deal with Ye Lan.

Well, they really don't have to worry about it any more.

What we and others can do now is to do our duty well, maintain the peace of frost Leaf City, and try to eliminate the adverse effects of Ye Lan in frost leaf city these days.

Ye Lan left frost Leaf City, rear, no frost Leaf City Army to pursue.

This makes Ye Lan feel a little puzzled, but he didn't think so much, straight to the direction of xuanyuezong.

Xuanyuezong is located in the eight dragon veins of Tianfeng.

Eight dragon veins, there is a long distance from frost leaf city.

With Ye Lan's feet now, it takes at least more than a month to reach xuanyuezong.

Gradually, it became dark.

In the distance, a small town appears in Ye Lan's eyes.

It's a small town with thousands of families and thousands of people. It's far less prosperous than qishuangye city.

But such a small town, located in the quiet mountains and beautiful waters, has a unique scenery, which makes people feel very comfortable physically and mentally, and has a refreshing feeling of integrating into the nature of heaven and earth.

Entering the town, Ye Lan goes directly to the only Inn in the town.

This inn is a bit dilapidated, but its business is very prosperous.

In the inn, now, it's dark, in the inn, there are many travelers and businessmen who have stayed here.

As soon as Ye Lan entered the inn, a waiter stepped forward and warmly invited him to clear the table for ye LAN.

"Excuse me, sir, what can I do for you?"

Sophomore asked.

"Arrange a superior room for me so that I can have a rest for one night and bring me all the best food and wine in your shop."

Ye Lan responded.

"Well, my guest, just a moment."

I'm leaving.

Soon, he just gave Ye Lan the best wine and the most delicious food in their inn.

"My guest, please enjoy it."

Small two smile a way, Wu from retreat.

Ye Lan nodded, then began to eat.

Hoo ~

at night, the wind in the small town is very strong, whistling, just like a ghost crying, making people shiver.

The slightly broken door of the inn was easily blown open by the fierce wind in the small town, and the door creaked.

As soon as the shopkeeper wanted to close the shop, a mysterious man in black stepped slowly into the inn.

The shop boy didn't dare to stop the mysterious man. He could only watch him go straight into the shop, and then walk step by step in the direction of Ye Lan.

"Sir, I wonder if you can take a seat here?"

The mysterious man in the hat asked aloud.

The tone was extremely polite.

"Do as you please."

Ye Lan a face calm response.

Then, continue to drink wine, eat in front of the delicacies.

"Old man, I have a good appetite. I don't look like a thin old man at all."

The mysterious man slowly took off his hat and showed a very terrible face.

His face, full of crisscrossed scars, was completely impersonal.

The hair on the head is also sparse, and the scalp has lost one piece after another.

A pair of eyes, it is green and suffused with cold light, with it, it makes people have a kind of shivering feeling.

As soon as we saw the true face of the mysterious man, many tourists and businessmen who were enjoying good wine and food in the inn vomited one after another.


This mysterious person's real face, gives them the first feeling, that is disgusting, extremely disgusting even ferocious.

So that the shop boy was a little shivering and afraid, and did not dare to come forward easily to ask the mysterious man what he needed.

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