In front of the babaolou, there is a constant roar and animal roar.

Ye Lan, holding the array breaking rune, crazily breaks the seal border that envelops the whole eight treasure building.

The ox devil is constantly roaring, breaking out a violent momentum, killing one after another of the powerful xuanyue sect elders.

Although the elders were powerful, they were all top-level strong men in xuanyue sect, and even were worshipped as gods in the whole Tianfeng empire.

But unfortunately, in the face of the powerful and terrifying ox demons, they don't have enough to look at them.

In the face of the attack from the Bull Demon, those elders who protect the sect had to be slaughtered and destroyed.

"Are you ready?"

Cried the ogre.

At the same time, a hoof kicks out and tramples the last elder of xuanyue sect, who is in the ninth realm of broken fetus, into a pool of flesh mud.

"There's one last border left. Don't worry!"

Ye Lan responded.

"No hurry? The people of xuanyuezong are all coming here. Can I be in no hurry? "

Cow devil depressed way.

His powerful divine sense has sensed that in the distance, a strong breath is gathering here.

They are all the top elders of xuanyue sect. There are thousands of them.

From the elder huzong to the inner disciples, almost all the inner disciples of xuanyue sect came here.

Although niumo is powerful, he has been sealed for many years and his injury is not healed, which is far from his peak state.

Previously, it seemed easy to deal with the elders of xuanyue sect who guarded the babaolou, but in fact, they consumed a lot of star power and soul power.

If he was besieged by thousands of elite disciples from xuanyuezong and the top strong, he could not guarantee that he would be able to escape alive.

What's more, there is loulantong's terrible existence!

"Just the last one!"

Ye Lan responded.

In the hand, the last broken Rune was thrown out and shot on the last seal border.

Hoo ~

the broken Rune burned quickly, and the last seal bound the whole package. Then, it exploded in bursts.

A group of terrible fire, carrying a violent atmosphere of destruction, in an instant, burst open on the seal border.

Click ~

Click ~

the sound of broken glass, the last seal border that shrouds the babaolou, explodes, turns into pieces of crystal stars in the surging fire light, and dissipates the peace between heaven and earth.

"Yes! It's time to run! "

Ye Lan cried.

"Old cow, I can't wait!"

The ox devil shouts and tramples, carrying Ye Lan to the sky, hoping to escape xuanyuezong as soon as possible.

"How can it be so easy for a bold demon to destroy my babaolou, kill my patriarch and take the opportunity to escape?"

A thunder came.

But in the distant sky, an old man in a silver robe, stepping on the void, holding a silver umbrella, quickly killed the ox demon and ye LAN.

The old man raised his hand and shook it. The silver umbrella in his hand immediately rose to the size of a thousand feet. The umbrella opened and covered the sky with the cover of the umbrella. Then, he covered it with a heavy cover and wanted to lock it up.

"Old man, don't get in my way!"

Seeing the silver umbrella coming to meet the storm and cover the sky, the ox devil roared and spewed out two hot white smoke from his nose.

Then he opened his mouth and vomited. A fierce and burning blood suddenly burned the umbrella.

Violent blood inflammation, all of a sudden the silver umbrella burned out a big hole.

As soon as the bull devil stepped on it, he escaped from the hole in the blink of an eye.

He took Ye Lan to escape from the silver umbrella.

In all directions, countless streamer sword Qi, spread all over the world, toward the cow demon and Ye Lan two crazy shooting.

"Wansheng stove!"

Ye Lanxin read a move, eyebrow heart, Wansheng furnace flying out, hanging on the top of the head, quickly falling down the strands of light, emitting a monstrous atmosphere.

The radiance of Wansheng stove envelops him and the ox demon, and then resists the flowing sword Qi from all directions.

Dang Dang

Innumerable streamer sword Qi shoots down on the radiance of Wansheng stove, and makes metallic sounds.

On the surface of Wansheng stove, it is also under the attack of the terrible flowing light and sword Qi that ripples constantly.

Even, cracks begin to appear in some places, which can't be resisted immediately.

"Damn, it's surrounded!"

The Bull Demon has an angry face.

With a glance, he saw that there were more than a dozen elders of xuanyuezong who were powerful in cultivation.Some hold precious umbrellas, some long swords, some whisks and some gourds

The weapons in each person's hands are full of powerful force. Similarly, they themselves are full of terror.

Among the more than a dozen xuanyue sect elders, the weakest one is in the peak state of broken foetus and the strongest one is in the secluded state. They have mastered part of the power of space. They can simply use some of the power of space to prevent niumo and Ye Lan from escaping.

In addition to the more than a dozen guardians of xuanyue sect, Ye Lan and Niu Mo also see dozens and hundreds of inner door elders of xuanyue sect. They also soar up one after another, holding soul soldiers, releasing fighting souls, watching themselves and Niu Mo warily, and surrounding themselves and Niu Mo group.

Below, there are hundreds of elite disciples of xuanyue sect.

Then, there are many true disciples of xuanyuezong!

"Ye Lan, it's you! You're not dead

A startled voice came, Ye Lan turned to look, and found that the speaker was Feng Bingli.

At this moment, Feng Bingli, looking at Ye Lan sitting on the top of the ox demon's head, is full of shock.

Some time ago, he was ordered by his master Lou Lantong to investigate who secretly lifted the seal of the ox demon and released the demon.

After his investigation, he confirmed that it was Ye Lan.

However, he couldn't believe it. After all, his master said that the seal that sealed the ox demon was made by a master of Shenzong.

Ordinary people can't break it at all. How can ye LAN, a little boy, break it?

And what if it can be broken?

The release of the cow demon, Ye Lan is no doubt will die, must suffer the evil hands of the cow demon!

But now, to Feng Bingli's amazement, Ye Lan not only successfully released the Bull Demon, but also mixed with the Bull Demon, not dead at all!

Not only did he not die, he also made a big noise in xuanyue sect, destroyed the babaolou of xuanyue sect, and killed many elders of xuanyue sect!

"You haven't died since you sealed the ice. How can I die before you?"

Ye Lan's face is full of fun.

"You released the ox demon, broke into my xuanyuezong, destroyed my babaolou, and caused a great disaster. Today, there is no doubt that you will die. You dare to talk to me like this!"

Ice from a hear Ye Lan's words, face not from gloomy down, tone is extremely cold.

"You want me to die? It's not that easy! "

Ye Lan responded.

"Hairy boy, I'm waiting here. I'd like to see how you can escape from xuanyuezong?"

At this time, the elder of xuanyue sect, who was half a step into the secluded realm, stared at Ye Lan coldly and cheered.

"You'll see it today! How did I escape from you xuanyuezong, young master

Ye Lan sneered.

Immediately, he reached into his arms and took out the lock demon tower which had been searched from the babaolou.

"Lock demon tower?"

As soon as you see the exquisite seven story Pagoda in Ye Lan's hand, you can feel the monstrous smell of the pagoda. In the void, all the guardians, inner door elders and zhenzhuan disciples of xuanyue sect turn pale one after another.

Rao Shi, the hundreds of elite disciples of xuanyuezong, also changed his face and felt uneasy.

"Stinky boy, what do you want to do?"

The elder of xuanyue sect, who was half a step into the secluded world, once saw Ye Lan sacrifice the lock demon tower, he recited that the lock demon tower was bright. The mysterious and obscure seal runes on the tower began to dissipate little by little. In the pagoda, the monstrous spirit was more and more strong. Faintly, thousands of demons roared.

The elder of xuanyue sect suddenly changed his face and yelled.

"Get some help!"

Ye Lan responded.

In his hand, the lock demon tower is bright and suddenly soars to the sky. Then, a bunch of lights fall to the ground.

When the splendor dissipated, a demon figure appeared in the sky of xuanyuezong and the surrounding ground.

Those figures are thousands of demons who have been sealed in the lock demon tower for a long time!

"Madman! You can't escape if you release the demons of the demon lock Tower! "

That Xuan month Zong protect Zong elder, see Ye Lan really release eat lock demon tower was sealed for many years demon, can't help scolding.

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