The baimukda desert.

The sky, black clouds rolling, endless.

On the ground, the sand is endless.

This is a land full of death and desolation, desolate and dilapidated, a Jedi of life.

Here, there are few traces of life, only the corpses everywhere, countless fierce places.

"Those bastards are so fast that they can catch up so quickly!"

In the desert, the ox demon carrying Ye Lan appears from the door of a space.

As soon as they appeared, a space channel opened everywhere in the rear, and dozens of huge space warships flashed.

Not long after, the distant horizon, smoke rolling, a solid chariot, is also rapidly coming.

On the warship, the master of Yuhua city and the elite of many master's mansion, as well as many practitioners of various factions of Yuhua City, glared at the escapeed ox demon and ye LAN.

"Today, you can't escape."

On the warship, the Lord of Yuhua roared.

Immediately, the dozens of warships opened the front cabin one after another, revealing a huge gun barrel.

The whole body of the gun barrel is made of unknown materials. The whole body is dark and glittering with cold luster. The surface of the gun barrel is carved with countless complicated incantations, crisscrossing and full of mysterious and obscure power.

That force is the force of space. These cannons are forged by the strong of Tongyou, and the runes on them are carved by the strong of Tongyou. Once its power breaks out, it will be extremely terrifying.

"Let it go

On the deck of the warship, the Lord of Yuhua yelled and raised his hand. The Gunners of dozens of warships took orders one after another and released the seal of the barrel.

Boom ~

boom ~

boom ~

dozens of warships launched dozens of destructive beams.

The light beam is like a sword. It is very fast. It seems that it penetrates the void and makes the void fragmented. With a speed almost beyond the light, it goes to kill the Bull Demon and ye LAN.

"How dare you be presumptuous in carving insects?"

The devil roared.

The whole body is blue and bright, and a terrible evil breath suddenly erupts from his body.

He raised his hand, and the void rolled. Suddenly, a huge circular vacuum appeared, which was the void channel, full of a fierce and violent phagocytic force.

The beams of the dozens of warships were directly engulfed by the virtual circle drawn by the ox demon.

However, the beam disappeared one wave and another.

Even if the Bull Demon can control the power of space and swallow all the dozens of beams, it is impossible to resist the continuous killing of dozens of warships.

Finally, the bull devil was accidentally hit by one of the destructive beams. His body trembled and fell directly from the air into the yellow sand below.

"Bah, bah, bah How dare those sons of turtles let me eat sand

The ox devil rose from the sand pit and kept spitting the sand in his mouth. He said angrily.

Immediately, he stamped the ground with one foot and went straight into the sky like an arrow.

One hand came out and quickly turned into a huge hoof.

The hoof of the ox lingered with the smell of monsters and roared towards one of the warships.

Kazam ~

How can the huge warship bear the hoof of the ox demon?

On the spot, it disintegrates in the void and becomes fragmented.

On the warship, many of the elite of the city leader's mansion were all killed, and their bodies were falling from the sky like rain.

On the other hand, Ye Lan's body is burning with black fire. He controls the black fire and turns hundreds of black fire dragons to surround one of the warships.

On the other hand, it takes out one by one space charm with powerful destructive power to launch an attack. The star power pours into the space charm, and a powerful force surges out.

The space Charms quickly flew to the warship. As soon as the space Charms landed on the warship, a strong space force immediately twisted the strong and extraordinary warship into pieces.

With the destruction of the powerful space force, many of the elite of the city master's mansion on board and many of the practitioners in Yuhua city turned into vermicelli.

"Smelly boy, killing the prince of Tianfeng and slaughtering the Lord of Tianfeng is more harmful to xuanyuezong, the first sect of Tianfeng. Today, we will behead you and go to the Lord to receive a reward."

A roar came.

An old man in a black boa robe came to kill Ye Lan.

His hand, a huge black jade knife, suddenly toward Ye Lan head chop down.

The black jade sword is very fierce, and it has the power to kill everything.

With the old man's unique Sabre attack, the sabre power of the black jade Sabre is more fierce and violent.

"Do you have the ability to kill me?"

Ye Lan responded.

When you raise your hand, the fish scale sword flies out, and the star power pours into the fish scale sword. The time of the fish scale sword is bright, and the sword power bursts into the sky.The power of the sword was not weaker than that of the black robed old man's black jade sword.

There was a bang.

The sword awn of the fish scale sword is cut heavily on the power of the black jade sword.

The fish scale sword is one of the seven famous swords of the Longyuan empire. It is extremely sharp and is a rare weapon in the whole Shenwu.

Although the black jade sword in the old man's hand was extraordinary, it was more than one or two times worse than the fish scale sword.

However, the awn of the fish scale sword cut off the power of the black jade sword in an instant.

At the same time, the sword's aftereffect is to cut the old man who is in the triple realm of breaking the fetus into two sections.

Many other Yuhua City practitioners who came to help were also killed by Chi Yu. They were all killed by Ye Lan's sword.

Blood whirlwind, in the air, just like a blood rain.

Countless broken limbs and bodies are constantly splashed from the air.

"Line up and trap them!"

In the distance, the Lord of Yuhua gives orders.

Immediately, hundreds of elite City masters broke through the air and surrounded Niu Mo and ye LAN. Then, they quickly pinched the formula and set up the Daodao jiejie array to trap Niu Mo and ye LAN.

However, how could Ye Lan give them the chance to trap themselves and the ox demon? Almost at the moment when thousands of city masters put forward the border formation, he quickly took out the array breaking Rune plundered from the eight treasures building of xuanyue sect.

Shaking one's hand, dozens of breaking runes flew to the border array, and then, there was a roaring explosion.

Defeat the jiejie array which was jointly laid by many masters of the city master's mansion.

"Son of a bitch, you're the only one who screams the most

As soon as Ye Lan broke the dozens of border formation, the ox demon rushed forward and took the Yuhua city leader.

He roared, while a hoof to kill the Yuhua city master.

Yuhua city master's reaction is very quick, he raises his hand and throws out a jade amulet.

The jade talisman was bright and thousands of beams of light quickly interweaved in the void, forming a huge portal. When the portal opened, a powerful man who was as big as a demon came out.

These powerful men all exude extremely terrible and powerful fierce atmosphere, which makes people feel depressed and depressed, and their souls can't help a throb.

As soon as they appear, they are manipulated by the mind of the Yuhua city master, and they kill the ox demon angrily.

"When the old cow, my way, all die!"

The bull devil roars and changes to its original shape in a moment. Then, when he uses the Dharma to show the heaven and the earth, the huge bull body suddenly becomes like a leader. Compared with the many powerful men like demons summoned by the Yuhua city master, it is huge and towering.

In front of the ox demons who have used the Dharma, those powerful men are just like a humble mole ant.


The bull devil roared, stepped down, and rolled the mighty wind.

The power of that hoof is extremely violent. It feels like breaking the void.

In the face of the fierce hoof of the ox demon, where can those powerful men who are as powerful as the demon bear it?

He was immediately trampled into a ball of mashed meat.

Similarly, the huge warship where the Yuhua City Lord was located was also trampled by the ox devil's other hoof, which exploded into countless pieces in the void, and many of the elite of the city Lord's mansion on the ship died miserably.

Only the Lord of Yuhua, with his many treasures and his own means of protecting his life, managed to save his life.

But he just saved his life. The power of the ox devil's hoof hurt him badly. His ribs were broken and his seven meridians and eight veins were broken.

The injury is so serious that it is impossible to recover without a few months and a half.

"I didn't step on you with one hoof, which surprised me a little. Now, let me stomp on you son again!"

Seeing that the Yuhua city leader was not dead, the ox demon was only shocked by the heavy damage.

With that, another hoof trampled down to take the master of Yuhua.

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