In the baimukda desert, monsters and demons are rampant.

There are more and more powerful beasts and demons who are killed by the top experts of Tianfeng empire.

This area has completely become a purgatory. There are bloody corpses everywhere. There is a strong smell of blood in the air. It makes people nauseous to smell it.

Ye Lan and niumo cooperate with each other and seriously injure the elder of xuanyuezong who holds the Xuanguang mirror. After taking the Xuanguang mirror from each other, they sing all the way and go away, trying to find a way to escape from the right and wrong place as soon as possible.

However, there are too many monsters and demons.

Ren Ye Lan and the ox demon try all kinds of means, but they can't kill a way easily.

"Damn, if only this thing could be used. It's absolutely easy to stand out."

The ox demon waved his hand and killed a demon whose accomplishments were as good as those of the practitioners in the broken fetal environment. Seeing that there were still many demons with powerful accomplishments coming towards him, as if they were endless. How could they kill them all? It made him feel distressed.

"Don't always think about relying on yourself by external force. Try to rely on yourself.

If the practitioners want to grow stronger and stronger, they can't rely on external forces at all. That way, they will only develop dependence. "

Ye Lan advised.

Don't worry about using the dark light mirror.

"It's easy to say, in this case, can you escape without the help of external forces?"

The bull devil didn't respond well.

"Return my mirror!"

As the ox demon was talking, the elder of xuanyuezong, who had his arm cut off, suddenly came at a high speed, with a pair of cold eyes, staring at the ox demon with a low roar in his mouth.

Roar ~

suddenly, there was a roar.

A huge black lion came down from the sky, opened its broad fangs, and suddenly bit the old man.

Click ~

the old man was accidentally bitten in two by the black lion coming down from the sky. The blood splashed, and the broken meat and limbs were also sprinkled on the ground.

A strong man with strength cultivation in Tongyou was easily swallowed and killed by the black lion beast.

"Scorpion tailed lion!"

When the ox demon saw the huge black lion that devoured the elder of xuanyue sect, his pupils couldn't help shrinking, and a look of horror flashed through his eyes.

Scorpion tailed lion, a special kind of monster living in the baimukda desert, is considered to be a different kind of monster.

This kind of monster is tyrannical, bloodthirsty and cruel in nature, and its blood power is also extremely high.

The newly born scorpion tailed demon lion has a terrifying power comparable to that of the human cultivator.

In the mature stage, the scorpion tailed magic lion has a strong strength comparable to the human cultivator's nine peaks of breaking the fetus.

There is also a more powerful scorpion tailed demon lion, which is comparable to the existence of the secluded realm of human practitioners.

This is not the most terrible. The most important thing is that the scorpion tailed lion is almost invincible among the demons or practitioners in the same realm. It can be said that it has no natural enemies, only it is the natural enemy of others!

"Xiao Lanzi, it's not good. We've been watched by a scorpion tailed lion!"

The ox devil woke up with a cry.

"Kill me! Can't you deal with the scorpion tail lion? "

Ye Lan has no time for him, and doesn't know how powerful the scorpion tailed lion is.

At the moment, he is wholeheartedly controlling many monsters and demons, fighting in the chaos, playing tricks, and killing.

"I can't deal with that guy, old cow! The strength of the scorpion tailed demon lion is comparable to that of Meitong secluded realm, not weaker than that of Laoniu.

Lao Niu, I'll fight with him. In the same realm, I'll definitely lose! "

Cried the ogre.

Smell speech, Ye Lan eyebrows slightly frown, quickly swept back, suddenly saw a huge mountain, but action is extremely agile huge black lion, is long tusks wide mouth, all the way roaring to kill.

It's terrible and frightening.

In particular, the scorpion tailed Black lion's fierce breath is terrifying and makes people's souls tremble.

Even if ye LAN, in the face of that scorpion tail black lion sent out as the essence of the fierce evil spirit, also can't help but face some ugly, a burst of chest tightness.

An invisible majestic pressure is also like a huge wave, surging from the oppression.

"What are you waiting for? What about the dark light mirror? "

Ye Lan wakes up, he finds that the scorpion tailed Black lion, which is chasing after him, is indeed a little powerful and terrifying.

There are many monsters, demons and even human practitioners here, none of them can easily stop its pace.

Either it devours or it suppresses.

All monsters, demons and human practitioners, in its eyes, small as ants, humble, easy to kill!"Don't you mean you can't rely on external forces?"

The bull devil responded.

"It's a critical moment. How can we manage so much?"

Ye Lan has no good airway.

"Here! Here, however, we haven't estimated the time yet. It's still a question whether we can use it or not. "

The cow devil reaches into his arms, takes out the dark light mirror and hands it to Ye Lan.

Ye Lan took a look, found that the dark mirror was black war charm suppression charm has not dissipated, still into silence, not from the face more ugly.

"Space shuttle, come on, space shuttle! Now, Tianfeng's group, their array boundary has been broken, we should be able to use space shuttle to escape here. "

Suddenly, Ye Lan said in a deep voice.

At the beginning, he didn't think about it, because he only focused on dealing with the enemy in front of him. He was really in a hurry and didn't think about it at all.

Until the scorpion tail black lion killed, Ye Lan felt the great crisis, he just thought of the previous Tianfeng Royal strongman's border formation, all were defeated by the beasts and demons in the baimukda desert.

It's absolutely easy to use the ability of the ox devil to travel through space without the barrier of the formation.

"Old cow, I almost forgot!"

Suddenly, the ox devil also thought of it, immediately, carrying Ye Lan, a hoof broke the void, body shape a flash, into the broken void space, disappear in the blink of an eye.

Before the closure of the void space, it engulfed many fierce beasts, demons and other powerful masters of the sky wind, directly smashed them in the space tunnel, and turned them into ashes.

Roar ~

the roar comes, and the scorpion tailed Black lion is not willing to let go of niumo and ye LAN.

It is a claw beat out, but also suddenly broke the void, body shape into the broken void disappeared.

"That stinking lion, it's targeting us both!"

In the space tunnel, the bull devil ran with all his life. As he ran, he looked back and saw that the scorpion tailed Black lion was chasing him. It was so fast that he was about to be overtaken by the other side!

"I'm really bullied by dogs. If I don't have injuries on my body, where can I get that stinking lion to show off his power and be chased by him?"

The ox devil's face was full of grief and indignation, and the speed of galloping speeded up again.

Unfortunately, it is still difficult to get rid of the pursuit of the scorpion tailed Black lion. On the contrary, the distance is still being drawn closer by the scorpion tailed Black lion. It will not be long before the scorpion tailed Black lion can catch up with them.

Roar ~

the black lion with scorpion tail roared. Behind him, the huge tail like scorpion tail suddenly extended and lengthened. The sharp poison hook stabbed the ox demon.

"Be careful!"

Ye Lan reminds me.

The bull devil's reaction is not slow. He dodges the scorpion tail like an electric beam.

"The venomous hook of the black lion with scorpion tail is extremely poisonous. Once you are stabbed in your cultivation, it will turn into a pool of pus blood in an instant!"

Ye Lan's face is heavy.

"Old cow, I know!"

The bull devil responded.

"This is not the way to go on!"

"What's your plan?"


"It's a waste of saliva. I'd better save my energy and run for my life."

The bull devil responded.

While he was talking, the scorpion tailed Black lion had caught up with him and ran with him.

Then, the scorpion tailed Black lion suddenly clapped its paw and heavily slapped the ox demon.

Poof ~

a blood arrow flies out, and the shape of the ox devil flies out in an instant, smashing the space tunnel and taking off with Ye Lan.

In the same way, the scorpion tailed Black lion is also in a vertical shape. It jumps out of the space tunnel and comes to the outside world. It opens its mouth with a breath of black ice. It takes the Bull Demon and ye LAN.

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