"Stronghold leader, it's too strong. That boy is not an ordinary man."

In the dark, a tuohua mountain master sees Ye Lan's horrible means. He is terrified and pale. He looks at Xue tuohua beside him and says.

Puff ~

Xue tuohua didn't say anything, but he poked out his claw and instantly penetrated the heart of the speaking tuohualing master.

The weak!

He doesn't need it!

In particular, Xue tuohua doesn't need the weak man who grows other people's ambition and destroys his own prestige.

"Are you two sent by the Lord of Golden Rooster to save the princess?"

Xue tuohua slowly gets up, flies across the air, and comes to the place where ye LAN is. Standing in the high air, he looks down on Ye Lan and the ox demon, cold as ice.

A pair of eyes, looking at Ye Lan, is not to hide the intention of killing, evil spirit.


Ye Lan looks at Xue tuohua in the void and looks puzzled.

"Isn't it?"

Xue tuohua saw Ye Lan's face and couldn't help laughing coldly.

"If not, we may be friends. If we are, we can only be enemies."

At the end of the day, Xue tuohua is a cold way again.

"We can't be friends, we can only be enemies!"

Ye Lan face expressionless response, behind, black burning rolling, into a towering fire dragon, straight from Xue tuohua.

Hoo ~

the wind is blowing, the blood is surging into the sky, circling around Xue tuohua. A huge ghost and ghost shadow emerges from behind Xue tuohua, and firmly protects it.

When ghosts and gods appear, all spirits submit.

Xue tuohua raised his hand, and the huge ghost shadow also waved his hand to easily block the fierce fire dragon.

"To be the enemy of Xue tuohua will be miserable."

In the void, Xue tuohua said coldly.

Behind him, ghosts and ghosts roared up to the sky and sent out gruesome roars, shaking the earth.

The ghost ghost virtual shadow body, a road of blood mist rising explosion, fog such as meteor fall to the ground, suddenly, the magic of thousands of blood ghosts.

Every bloody ghost is the size of a hill, fierce and tyrannical.

Roar ~

roar ~

roar ~

thousands of bloody ghosts and gods roar together, and then rush to kill Ye Lan.

They waved their claws, opened their tusks, and looked ferocious. They wanted to devour people's souls.

"Meteor palm."

In the field, Ye Lan is fearless.

Hold up your hand and take a picture. You will fall from the sky.

After his cultivation was promoted to the peak of breaking fetus five, he used his class martial arts "meteor palm", which was more and more handy, almost out of hand, and the power was several times as powerful as before.

But see, that all over the sky palm shadow fall, just like meteor sky, with the momentum of destruction.

Boom ~

boom ~

innumerable palm shadows, often falling, can accurately hit those tyrannical and cruel ghosts and gods, and then kill them all to disperse heaven and earth.

Just a few breaths.

Meteor palm scattered, ghosts and gods are destroyed.

In the sky, Xue tuohua's eyes narrowed. In his cold eyes, he was surprised.

Can easily destroy his thousands of ghosts, now the strength of the young man is not generally strong, absolutely not weak himself.


Ye Lan drinks angrily.

With one foot on the ground, the body soars up like a cannon ball. The power of Manshen is released in the body. Behind him, three huge virtual images of Manshen emerge, exuding an ancient tyranny.

Xue tuohua was shocked by the momentum.

Immediately, hastily urged the ghost behind the shadow, arms crossed, dangerously blocked Ye Lan that a combination of brute force of the eight pole boxing.

"Ghost touch!"

After blocking Ye Lan's Baji boxing, which combines the power of Manshen, Xue tuohua didn't hesitate.

Heart read a move, behind the ghost virtual shadow, suddenly shot thousands of tentacles.

Each tentacle is like a snake, and the head is sharp as a spear.

At the moment, the countless ghost touch, the overwhelming storm stab to Ye Lan, if ye Lan was stabbed, absolutely will die without burial place.

"Eight Buddha seals!"

Ye Lan's hand pinches the seal, and a seal is made.

The unique eight Buddha seal of the eight Buddha Temple is blatantly displayed.

The solemn atmosphere of Buddhism and Taoism permeates the world.

A huge golden seal suddenly rushes out of Ye Lan's hand.

The golden seal of Dharma, rising in the storm, grows bigger and bigger, and gradually becomes the size of a mountain. Its power grows stronger and stronger. Wherever it passes, all ghosts are destroyed.

Qiang ~

as soon as Xue tuohua stepped on the foot, at the moment when ye Lan's eight Buddha seals were constantly destroying his ghost touch, his body shape was like a ghost, and he came close to Ye Lan's back. Then, with one claw, he went straight to the back of Ye Lan's heart.However, this claw, it is to explore a space, what he penetrates is only a remnant shadow left by Ye Lan.

Xue tuohua's pupils shrank, and the secret way was not good. Suddenly, he felt the cold wind coming from behind him, and his intention of killing swept him. Suddenly, he turned back and stopped.

Puff ~

a figure slowly emerged from a dark shadow, holding a sharp dagger in its hand.

The dagger pierced the palm of Xue tuohua's hand, splashing blood and dropping from the sky.

"The reaction was quick."

Ye Lan sneers.

"The ghost step of the dark part of Longyuan."

Xue tuohua recognized Ye Lan's body method.

"I can't imagine that you are a bandit and horse thief who is king of the mountains. You have a lot of knowledge."

Ye Lan responded.

The dagger in his hand stirred Xue tuohua's palm to pieces.

Xue tuohua is in pain. He does not dare to fight against Ye Lan any more rashly. With a little toe, he flies back quickly. If he wants to distance himself, he takes the opportunity to take the healing pill to treat the injury.

However, Ye Lan did not give him any breathing opportunity at all.

He walked on the snow without a trace and made a very fast move towards Xue tuohua.

Behind him, the three huge ancient man gods and empty shadows also roared and burst out the mighty power.

The three Manshen Xuying, waving a long sword, swinging a huge hammer, or dancing an iron axe, attacked Xue tuohua at the same time.

The attack of these three Manshen Xuying was extremely powerful and domineering, and each attack was almost capable of destroying heaven and earth.

Space, under their attack, is a sign of distortion and fragility.

Xue tuohua's face changed and he knew that he couldn't escape the attack of Ye Lan's three gods.

A bite of teeth, eyebrow heart, a strange black copper, suddenly flew out, suspended in his head.

As soon as the black copper appeared, a monstrous spirit suddenly broke out, surging between heaven and earth.

At the same time, with the appearance of the spirit, there is a huge shadow of the spirit.

The shadow of the gods and demons is thousands of feet high and boundless.

From a distance, you can see that half of them are immortals, holy and elegant, half are demons and evil spirits.

The spirit and magic breath of this spirit and magic virtual shadow is far more powerful than the wild and domineering power of Ye Lan's three wild gods and virtual shadows.

At the same time, under the protection of the ghost, Ye Lan's attack on the three ancient gods and ghosts was also easily blocked and Xue tuohua could not be hurt.

"In Jinji, you are the first one who can force me to this step and need to use black copper to protect my body!"

In the shadow, Xue tuohua looks at Ye Lan and says coldly.

In the tone, there are a few unwilling and angry.

Black copper is his most powerful weapon. In the past ten years since he got this treasure, he seldom used it. He only used it in the face of the army sent by the royal family of the Golden Rooster kingdom.

Alone against individuals, forced to use black copper body protection, Ye Lan is indeed the first person he met in the past decade!

The boy in front of me is too strong!

In other words, the other side has too many means, no matter what tricks, they are too powerful.

"I'm honored."

Ye Lan smiles.

Look at the black copper floating on Xue tuohua's head, and the powerful magic breath of the black copper.

He has confirmed that the black copper is indeed one of the fragments of the magic tower, and it is also an important piece in the fragments of the magic tower.

Otherwise, Xue tuohua could not summon and release such a terrible and powerful ghost with such a piece of black copper!

"Next, you should be scared. When I get this treasure, no one can escape from my black copper!

I will let you really understand what is the fear of death

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