"Run! Let's run

Tuohualing camp is in chaos.

Many surviving traitors in tuohualing fled in panic when they saw that Xue tuohua had died in Ye Lan's hands.

I'm afraid that the next one to be killed is myself.

They can't believe that their stronghold leader has been running rampant in the Golden Rooster kingdom for more than ten years, which makes the leader of the Golden Rooster Kingdom have a headache and even helpless existence. Today, he died in the hands of a 17-year-old boy.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, many people will find it impossible.

In one room, the princess of golden rooster was tied to the bed and couldn't move.

She heard the riot outside and the screams and cries of many tuohualing horse thieves. She was very curious and wanted to know what happened?

"Well? The confinement of me. "

On the bed, the princess of the golden rooster, who was bound by all kinds of things, suddenly felt the special power in her body and disappeared.

Originally, in the past two days, her body could not move at all, and she had been imprisoned by Xue tuohua.

But now, the power of the seal has suddenly disappeared.

"It's Xue tuohua!"

Suddenly, the princess of the Golden Rooster seemed to understand something. The seal of her imprisonment was broken. Xue tuohua must have been killed, so that the power dissipated quickly.

As soon as the power of the seal retreated, the princess of the Golden Rooster immediately yelled, and her body burst out, breaking the thick hemp rope.

Then he quickly got up and flew out of the room.

As soon as she left the room, she saw countless houses and pavilions collapse and turn into ruins.

The air, filled with a strong pungent smell, plus the smell of smoke.

In the distance, the fire is burning.

On the ground, broken weapons can be seen everywhere, and the corpses of tuohualing horse thieves can be seen everywhere. The corpses are like mountains and rivers of blood.

Then, she saw a lot of surviving tuohualing horse thieves, who were running away in a panic in all directions. They looked scared one by one, as if they had seen something extremely terrible.

Looking at such a scene, the princess of golden rooster was very curious. She didn't understand what happened?

"Did my father really send someone to save me?"

The princess of golden rooster was shocked and full of doubts.

"No, there is no such capable person in my royal family who can make tuohualing fall into such a chaos."

In the end, the princess of Golden Rooster flatly denied it.

She knows that there is no capable person in her royal family who can really make tuohua mountain fall into such a chaos. Otherwise, she will not be able to attack tuohua mountain for a long time in the past ten years, and let Xue tuohua and other evil thieves run rampant in her golden rooster kingdom for more than ten years!

"Who is it? How can you kill Xue tuohua? And let tuohualing fall into such chaos? "

At the moment, the curiosity in Princess Jinji's heart became more and more intense.

Her eyes swept, a turn off the crown, looking to the distance, where there are two very strong breath.

Those two breath, strong enough to make her palpitation.

Clenching her teeth, the princess of the Golden Rooster flies all the way towards the two powerful breath.

Along the way, she did not hesitate to kill some tuohualing horse thieves who ran away in a hurry.

For more than ten years, these tuohualing horse thieves have committed many crimes. They don't know how much blood they have on their hands and how many lives they have carried.

Many good women in her golden rooster country, common people, I don't know how many people were trampled and slaughtered by them!

Naturally, how can the princess of the Golden Rooster country let go of the tuohualing horse thieves who survived and wanted to flee?

Such a villain, less one, her golden rooster country will be more peaceful!

For a long time, the princess of the golden rooster was getting closer and closer to the two powerful breath.

In the distance, she saw the two men, one was a young man in purple robes, the other was a big man in animal clothes.

They walked side by side and wantonly killed countless tuohualing horse thieves in this camp. They all died in their hands.

Even though some top experts in tuohualing have a terrible existence in the sixth or eighth realm of giving birth to a baby, they can't make a move in the face of those two people.

Either be killed by a finger hole, or be killed by a roar!


It's so powerful!

The princess of golden rooster, who grew up in the royal family, has seen many capable people and strange people, but she has never seen such two horrors.

Killing a child is like killing a dog!

"Are you a horse thief in tuohualing?"

When the princess of golden rooster was stunned, a cold voice came.

Suddenly, she looked behind her and found that the young man in the purple robe had flashed behind her like a ghost.A pair of eyes, coldly looking at himself, fingertips aimed at the back of his head, as long as he had a little change, the princess of Golden Rooster knew that the other side would definitely kill himself without hesitation.

"No No

The princess of the golden rooster is busy.

"No? And who are you? "

Ye Lan cold road.

Looking at the bride's make-up on the princess of the golden rooster, he remembered that today was Xue tuohua's day of great joy. He expected that the woman in front of him might be Xue tuohua who came from nowhere and got married!

"My name is Shi Zihan. Today, Princess of golden rooster."

Shi Zihan looks at Ye Lan and says in a hurry.

She saw that Ye Lan was killing a horse thief in tuohualing. She thought that she was not a bad man, so she did not hesitate to report her name and identity.

"Princess of the Golden Rooster?"

Ye Lan suddenly remembered that she had heard it from somewhere. Today is the happy day for Xue tuohua and Princess Jinji.

"Yes! I have nothing to do with the tuohualing horse bandits. I was robbed by them! "

Shi Zihan is in a hurry.

"Be careful!"

As he talks, Shi Zihan sees behind Ye Lan, a tuohualing master who is in the Bazhong realm of giving birth to a baby. At the moment, he is attacking Ye Lan's back quickly. His face changes and he shouts.

Bang ~

however, Ye Lan doesn't care at all. The ox demon is like a ghost. He smashes one of his fists at the tuohualing expert who wants to attack Ye Lan, and smashes one of his fists into a blood fog, which dissipates the world.

"Then you go! I won't kill you! "

Ye Lan looks at Shi Zihan and responds.

"Thank you. What's your name, please? When I go back to the palace, I will let my father thank you again for your help

Shi Zihan gets up and salutes Ye Lan and Niu mo.

"No, we're just passing by the Golden Rooster country to get rid of these evil horse thieves. Save you, just by the way

Ye Lan waved her hand and took off.

Behind him, the bull devil also stepped on the void and left quickly.

Looking at the back of Ye Lan and Niu Mo, Shi Zihan is a little disappointed.

She would like to follow those two strong men and hope that they can escort her back to the palace all the way.

Unfortunately, such a strong person, how willing to condescend to protect her back to the palace?

With a self mocking smile, Shi Zihan had to turn around and leave tuohualing camp.

"Xiaolanzi, do you really care about the princess of Golden Rooster?"

The cow devil comes to Ye Lan and says with a bad smile.

"I don't know her. Why do I care so much?"

"You are really cold-blooded and merciless. The princess of the golden rooster is also a rare beauty. If you can protect her all the way back to the palace, old cow, I think you will be able to hold the beauty back. When you become the son-in-law of the Lord of the golden rooster, you will become the son-in-law of the golden rooster. Why not enjoy it so much?"

"If I pursue glory and wealth, I will be as rich as I can be now!"

Ye Lan's face is expressionless.

What he pursues is not wealth, but strength!

In this cruel world, if you want to survive, you must have strong strength!

Ye Lan knows that Shenwu is still a big continent. In this continent, there are many super powers, many super talents!

Those people, the strength is far better than him, those people, the talent is far better than him.

Not to mention, this world is not only the Shenwu continent, but also many other worlds outside China!

Want to live, protect their loved ones, loved ones, not enough strength, everything can only be delusion.

The so-called glory and wealth is just a desire for pleasure.

Without enough strength, such extravagant life, in this cruel and bloody world, simply can not last long.

Only when we are strong, can we really stand up and be proud forever!

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