It lasted more than a month to counterattack the Wanmo cult and uproot its bases in Longyuan.

In this period of more than a month, the base area of the ten thousand demon sect in Longyuan was almost completely eliminated.

Of course, some of the core forces of the ten thousand demon sect have not been completely eliminated.

In more than a month, the Lord Longyuan began to make various arrangements to pacify the people, dispatch troops, defend the country and block all kinds of news.

Avoid the loss of his own Longyuan side, make it public, and attract the attention of Tianfeng empire.

At the same time, in this more than a month's time, long Yuansheng also made a strong move, and put many ministers and generals who secretly wanted to rebel into the dungeon.

Finally, with the help of Ye Lan's hand, he refined a lot of soul washing pills, and refined all the souls of those ministers and generals.

In this way, the potential threat inside Longyuan has been eliminated, but the emperor of Longyuan still hasn't relaxed his vigilance about the ten thousand demon sect.

In particular, this time, he Longyuan captured the corpse hall leader Shi Wuji and many of the core masters of the corpse hall, as well as the master of the art hall and many of the masters of the art hall.

These people will not be abandoned by the ten thousand demon sect. In the future, the ten thousand demon sect will take the opportunity to counterattack and rescue corpse Wuji, the master of the art hall and other core experts in the five halls of the ten thousand demon sect.

In the same way, general Longyuan, the core experts of the ten thousand demon sect, were trapped in the most important and heavily guarded area of the imperial palace.

There, there are many of the top Royal strong, night care.

Eight Buddhist temples.

Shi Wuji, the leader of Shitang hall, was baptized by the scriptures of the eight Buddhists, the four great masters, the thirty-six Bodhisattvas and the seventy-two Arhats day and night.

Master Purdue said that when he took the corpse Wuji back to BAFO temple, he wanted to try his best to wash away the devil's heart for him.

This didn't make the corpse Wuji miserable. He cried for many days.

Qi Dao Tang.

Yin Rushu received the emperor's will and sent craftsmen to all parts of Longyuan to repair the damaged buildings, walls and so on. He gave an account to the people of Longyuan as soon as possible.

Alchemists guild.

Mu Rongyu, the president of the guild, also received an order to send many alchemists to cooperate with many imperial doctors in the imperial palace to go all over the country to treat the wounded.


Vice President Nan, on the other hand, received the order to transfer the experts from the court to assist the Imperial Palace's forbidden army, and went to all parts of the country to prevent the ten thousand demons from fighting back.

The generals under the leader of each city will also assist the Imperial Palace and obey orders.

The vigorous and resolute conduct of the Lord Longyuan has won praise from many people.

After the war, we can quickly deploy these. In the Dragon abyss, there is no one but the Holy One.

Unconsciously, day after day, month after month, in the twinkling of an eye, the sky, floating goose feather snow.

The year of Longyuan empire is approaching.

In the temple of heavenly saints, many disciples are ready to leave and return to their hometown for the new year.

Ye Lan and Ye Yu are also going to buy some spring festival goods and go back to piaosheng to visit his father and uncles.

The members of duantian Gang also have their own families and hometown to visit.

Besides Lin Qingyun, niumo and crazy old man.

Because Lin Qingyun's family has long been ruined. His family, Xiao, was killed by the sword Hall of the ten thousand demon sect. Even if he had a big brother, he didn't care about him at all.

The parents, brothers and sisters of the ox devil had already died in the hands of the strong one in Shenzong.

As for the crazy old man, he lost his memory, and sometimes he lost his mind. He didn't know whether he had any relatives in the world.

"It's good to be able to celebrate the new year."

Niumo stands on the top of a mountain, overlooking the Tiansheng college. A student of the college, with a smile on his face, is ready to take the space crane or the space boat of the college to return to his hometown for the Spring Festival. There is a burst of emotion in his heart.

Eyes, full of envy.

In this world, cruel and merciless, the weak can only become the existence of the strong trample, the real life is cheaper than grass.

In this cold and heartless world, there is nothing but family and friends who can find the inner warmth.

It's a pity that niumo is now alone, his parents, brothers and sisters, and has been dead for many years.

How to find the warmth in my heart?


On the head of the ox demon, the head of the red tailed monkey is covered with a pile of snow. While eating bananas, he shouts, with some desolation.

"Drink, little monkey, you have no family?"

The Bull Demon is a demon. Although it is a half demon, it is not difficult to understand the red tailed monkey.

He and the red tailed monkey are very congenial. As soon as they meet in junior high school, they have a feeling that they hate to see each other.

For more than a month, they followed Ye Lan and fought all the way to encircle and suppress the ten thousand demon sect. It can be said that they have experienced life and death and forged a deep friendship.After they returned to the temple, they became brothers of different surnames.


The red tailed monkey responded.

"They are all children without family. You're good. They come out of the stone. Heaven is the father and earth is the mother. They have their parents everywhere. Why worry?

Unlike me, my parents, brothers and sisters died early, leaving me alone. "


Red tail fell off the banana skin, leaned out, looked down at the ox demon, showing a pair of humanized smile.

"I didn't cry, old cow! At this age, what's crying about? "

The ox demon waved his hand, explored his hand, broke through the void, stole a large jar of old wine from the wine cellar of tianshengyuan, and drank a few gulps.

"Would you like some?"

The cow devil hugs red tail and asks in a voice.

Smell speech, red tail quickly shakes head.

"You two are hiding here, feeling about life?"

A voice came from afar, Ye Lan came down from the sky, fell on the side of the ox demon, with a playful face.

"Are you going back?"

See Ye Lan appear, cow demon surprised way.

"How can I take you with me for the Chinese new year?"

"Come on! What are you going to do when you go back for the new year? "

"Lao Niu, we are brothers, not outsiders. Do you understand? "

Ye Lan a face is a color way.

The bull devil is silent.

"You have no father, no brothers and sisters, no home of your own. From now on, I will be your brother and my home will be your home.

The new year is approaching. Don't you plan to go back with me for the new year

Ye Lan said with a smile.

The ox devil was moved in his heart, and the depression that had been accumulating in his heart for many years also dissipated a lot.

"You boy, old cow, I was almost tearful. Let's go. Don't delay

The bull devil grinned.

With red tail on his head, he followed Ye Lan all the way to the space post station of tianshengyuan, ready to take the space ship and return to piaoyuecheng.

On the space ship, Ye Yu, Su Yi, Lin Qingyun, Su Zhan and other members of duantian gang are waiting here early.

See Ye Lan found the cow devil, have a smile to greet.

When people get on the ship, the space ship is driving slowly, breaking through the void all the way and entering the space tunnel.

"Brother Ye Lan, it's so cold."

On the deck, Ye Lan is accompanying Lin Qingyun, crazy old man and ox demon to drink and talk.

Suddenly, Ye Yu, who was with him, shivered.

When ye LAN listens to it, she turns her head and looks at it. She finds that Ye Yu's face is as pale as paper, and her body is extremely cold. If she touches it, she will be hurt by the constant outbreak of cold in Ye Yu's body.

"How could that be?"

Ye Lan frowned.

While he was talking, the crazy old man quickly put out his hand, raised his hand a little, and pointed several acupoints on Ye Yu's body.

A strong star force, along those acupoints all the way into the body of Ye Yu, help Ye Yu suppress the sudden outbreak of cold in the body.

"It's cold poison."

The crazy old man stops and looks at Ye Yu, who has fallen into a lethargy.

"How can Yu Er be poisoned by cold?"

Ye Lan asked in a hurry.

"Her constitution and the power of her blood are special. Some time ago, you were not in Longyuan, and Ye Yu had this kind of symptom.

Now, the symptoms are more and more frequent. "

The crazy old man responded.

Smell speech, Ye Lan brow tight Cu.

"Old cow, how can I feel that the power of blood in this little girl's body is like the blood of ancient times - ice Phoenix blood?

Although the breath is not very strong, it is not really ancient blood, but it is rare.

This is really amazing. I've only seen a person with such ancient blood power, Lao Niu, in Shenzong.

Unexpectedly, xiaolanzi, your little girlfriend has such rare ancient blood power.

What on earth did she come from? Your own sister? "

"No, my sister, my father picked it up a few years ago."

Ye Lan responded.

He didn't know much about Ye Yu's life experience. In the last life, Ye Yu died early. Therefore, Ye Lan didn't know that Ye Yu had the power of ancient blood in his body at that time.

Only now did he know that the girl his father picked up and raised seemed to have an extraordinary origin.

"That's strange. Only in Shenzong can the whole Shenwu have such disciples with the power of ancient blood. The power of those people's blood needs to be awakened by special means. Once awakened, they grow rapidly and have great strength.

You are a righteous sister with extraordinary origin. Maybe it has something to do with Shenzong.

However, I'm surprised to hear that she was picked up by your father in his early years.How could the aristocratic family with the power of ancient blood have their own disciples and exile to the outside world?

Is it hard to say, Lao Niu, what happened to Shenzong during the years when I was sealed? Invaded and destroyed by foreign forces?

If that's the case, it's a real pleasure! "

The bull devil laughed.

On one side, Ye Lan is silent. He quietly looks at the sleeping Ye Yu.

He secretly decides to help Ye Yu successfully awaken the power of blood in his body. Otherwise, once the power of blood fails to awaken, he will be killed, or his accomplishments will be wasted.

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