
The body blinks and the punch blows.

Bang ~

with a dull sound, Ye Lan hit one of them heavily on the chest. He blew it off on the spot, fell to the ground in confusion, and broke several sternum instantly.

Spit blood in the mouth, can't stop wailing!

The wind is howling.

When ye LAN blows that young man away, behind him, another talented young man who is in the dual realm of Qi gathering exerts a palm technique to take Ye Lan's back.

Tip of the foot a little, Ye Lan's body shape flies in the air, suddenly falls to jump, easily dodges that young man's palm.

And then, with one foot.

Click ~

the sound of back bone fracture came out. The teenager was directly trampled on the ground by Ye Lan. His whole face was buried in the soil, and he couldn't move.

"To die!"

See Ye Lan one breath, easily subdue two people.

The other three gifted youths, who were in the triple realm of Qi gathering, all drank angrily.

One leg, straight to Ye Lan's waist.

One uses his fist to attack Ye Lan's belly.

A claw method is used to explore Ye Lan's shoulder.

Three people join hands, quickly sealed Ye Lan all retreat, will be trapped in the middle.

"This time, how do you hide?"

Off the court, the only boy who didn't do it, saw Ye Lan was blocked by his three companions, and there was no way to escape.

Corner of the mouth, can not help but emerge a grimace, eyes, blooming cold forest.

"Fengyun step!"

Ye Lan drinks low.

At the foot, the clouds rise and the wind blows.

With a flash of body shape and quick as a ghost, he easily avoided the joint attack of the three teenagers.

This scene, let off the field that young, pupil suddenly shrink, a face of incredible.

Although he knows Ye Lan's cultivation of Qi gathering quadruple realm, he knows that it is not easy for a Qi gathering quadruple realm master to avoid the joint attack of three Qi gathering triple realm masters.

But he didn't expect that Ye Lan could do it easily!

The body method used is not the General Huang Jie's body method, at least the xuanjie level!

It's not only the teenager who is shocked, but also the three teenagers who attack Ye Lan together.

At the beginning, they were also confident that Ye Lan would never escape the joint attack of the three of them.

But the fact tells them that even if they join hands, Ye Lan can avoid their joint attack.

Bang ~

Bang ~

Bang ~

there were three dull sounds.

Ye Lan uses the wind and cloud step to dodge the attack of the three teenagers, and takes advantage of the three people's consternation to fight back quickly.

Sweep with your legs up, there's a triple kick.

Each foot hit the chest of the three teenagers, kicked them to the ground, broke their sternum, coughed up blood in their mouth, turned pale, and had no power to move.

Sizzling ~

nearby, there are some talents who were originally strengthening their soul power and enhancing their fighting soul power with the aid of Ning Hun Dan.

See Ye Lan one person, easy to kill two Juqi double realm master, plus three Juqi triple realm master, can't help but take a breath of air conditioning, face is full of shock color.

"Who is that boy? What a strength

Some people look at Ye Lan's figure and can't help sighing.

"Not only is he powerful, but his body method and martial arts he used before are also very exquisite. They are not ordinary yellow class martial arts!"

"Well! It should be the body method and martial arts of the metaphysical class! "

"I don't know from which martial arts family I come from when I have the martial arts skills of the metaphysical class?"

"Is it difficult that the boy comes from Bai family, Su family or Liu family?

But it's not right! I've seen all the famous geniuses of Bai family, Su family and Liu family, but I've never seen such a fresh face! "


Around, there was a whisper.

Many young geniuses have a lot of insight. At a glance, they can see that Ye Lan's former Fengyun step is not the ordinary Huang Jie's body method, but the xuanjie's.

And the whole piaoyue City, can have the Xuan class martial arts clan, but not many!

Most of them, the highest level of martial arts, are only the top grade of yellow level.

If you want to have the martial arts skills of the metaphysical class, at least those great families.

Such as the Bai family, Su family and Liu family in piaoyue City, or the qiuyuemen family, which have a good foundation in piaoyue city.

Ignoring the comments of many talented disciples around, Ye Lan glances at the last teenager.

"What are you doing standing up for? Don't you plan to rob Ning Hun Dan? "

Ye Lan's mouth slightly lifted and raised a playful smile.

"No! Don't robThe boy woke up, at this time, already scared face bloodless, looking at Ye Lan, a face of panic.

There are two Qi accumulating ambiguities and three Qi accumulating ambiguities.

Join hands with each other, in the hands of Ye Lan are not a move!

How can he be Ye Lan's opponent? How dare you grab Ye Lan's soul pill?

"Don't you rob? Well, now, it's my turn to rob you! If you are wise, hand over the Ning soul pill. Otherwise, don't blame my brother. I don't have eyes! "

Ye Lan smile, arms ring chest, look directly at the young, the other party's previous words, give back to the other party.

This remark almost made the boy vomit blood!

It's hard to describe the depression in my heart.

"You No way! You are It's not right

The young man retreated a few steps, trembling.

"You bring people to rob me of Ning Hun Dan. Now, I'll rob you in turn. Is that right?"

Ye Lan responded, feeling funny in her heart.

It's natural for you to rob others.

Now that it's someone else's turn to rob you, don't you think it's wrong?


The boy did not know how to respond.

As soon as the eyes turn, the fighting soul is released, the true Qi runs, and you want to run!

"Run? Run away, it's the rabbit

Ye Lan's face is cold. She takes the wind and cloud step. In the blink of an eye, she catches up with the boy and steps on the ground. She can't move!

"Ning Hun Dan, take it out

Ye Lan looked down at the youth at his feet and said in a deep voice.

This time, the boy did not dare to play tricks, had to obediently give his two soul Dan to Ye Lan.

One of the extra ones was snatched by him from others.

Never thought, this time, all planted in the hands of Ye Lan.

Originally, he is with a few brothers, want to rob Ye Lan's Ning soul Dan, who expected, Feng Shui turn in turn, his this rob unexpectedly became robbed!

Dark hate, early know so, previously shouldn't come to find Ye Lan's stubble son, this good, a kick to iron plate, in addition to pain or pain!

"There are two soul condensing pills. It seems that before, you didn't rob other people's soul condensing pills!"

Ye Lan a Leng, can't help laughing.

Words fall, raise a foot to kick, directly kick that youth to fly.

Immediately, he turned around and went to the other five teenagers again, taking all the soul condensing pills from them.

The five men, like the young man before, each had two soul condensing pills. They were all robbed from others.

Originally, they intended to grab more soul condensing pills, so as to make their soul power more powerful and their fighting power more powerful.

Unfortunately, all in vain, all cheap Ye Lan!

"Twelve! It's a small gain! "

Looking at the hands of the twelve Ning soul Dan, Ye Lan mouth raised a smile, straight back to Ye Yu sit down.

"Brother Ye Lan!"

At this time, Ye Yu is waking up, just to see Ye Lan snatched 12 soul pills from others.

"Half for one!"

Involuntarily, Ye Lan gives Ye Yu six soul pills directly.

"Thank you."

Ye Yu said with a sweet smile.

"Silly girl, why are you polite to me?"

Ye Lan responded.

Swallow a total of seven soul condensing pills in your hand, silently run the "heaven and earth's creation formula", constantly absorb the aura of heaven and earth, refine the medicine power of soul condensing pills, improve your soul power, and strengthen your fighting soul.

On the one hand, Ye Yu is also in a hurry to settle down again and absorb and refine the six soul pills Ye Lan gave her.

With the continuous nourishment of Ning soul pill, Ye Lan obviously feels that her soul power is growing rapidly, and the flame fighting soul and blood eye fighting soul are also growing a lot.

With the improvement of soul power, his perception has doubled.

Under his six senses, Ye Lan can clearly detect all the wind and grass within a hundred meters.

Even if the breeze help willow, thin willow light swing track, he can clearly feel.

In addition to the growth of soul power, Ye Lan's cultivation strength is also growing rapidly, from the four levels of Qi gathering to the five levels of Qi gathering.

On one side, Ye Yu's soul power and fighting spirit are also quite strong. His cultivation strength has also increased a little. It's not far away from Qi gathering triple.

"Elder martial brother Yan, that son of a bitch, rob brothers' pills. You should teach him a lesson for us!"

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