"Fengbingli, we just saw Longyuan people, presumably, that Ye Lan is also there."

In a courtyard, Feng Bingli is sitting on a bed with his knees crossed, and he does not practice himself.

Suddenly, the door opened, and four figures entered the sealed room.

These four people are the Four Saints of Tianfeng: Mo Linhou, Qi Ganglie, Ao Shengyu and Zi Xuanyuan.

It was Qi Ganglie who spoke.

His voice was loud and thunderous, and he suddenly woke Feng Bingli from his meditation.

"So what?"

Feng Bingli said calmly.

"That Ye Lan killed my prince Tianfeng, and he was also the leader of Tianfeng city. Some time ago, it was Tianfeng that caused great disaster and made Tianfeng lose many strong people.

The Lord of the Kingdom and the Lord of the mansion all hate to get rid of it and fight with Longyuan for a long time.

Now, Ye Lan comes to shengxianfeng and is ready to attend the imperial assembly. Don't you want to take revenge? "

Qi Ganglie looks at Feng Bingli with a grim face.

"You also said that this is shengxianfeng. Ye Lan came here to attend the imperial assembly. If we kill it, do you think Shenzong will not intervene?"

Feng Bingli responded.

Qi Ganglie was silent.

"In a word, now is not the time to kill Ye Lan. When the Empire conference starts, we have plenty of opportunities to kill him.

But it's not too bad to teach him a lesson properly. "

Seal the ice and leave the road.

"What? Do you want to teach Ye Lan personally? "

At this time, zixuanyuan looks at fengbingli with a smile.

It seems that hearing the irony in zixuanyuan's words, Feng Bingli can't help but think of the scene of the battle with Ye Lan in kuhua mountain of tianshengyuan.

Suddenly, his face was a little gloomy and very ugly.

But he also didn't at will blunt purple Xuan Yuan to get angry, forcibly suppress in the heart not happy.

"I admit that I'm not the opponent of Ye Lan. It's hard to teach him a lesson.

However, kunshao of Shenyu pavilion has that ability. "

Feng Bing said without expression.

"Kunshao? As the young master of Shenyu Pavilion, do you think we can ask him to do it? "

Purple Xuan Yuan brow tight Cu, he naturally knows to seal ice to leave in the mouth of Kun little.

Shenyu Pavilion is one of the ten sects in the holy land.

In charge of one part of the holy land, Tianfeng empire is a big empire controlled by Shenyu Pavilion.

The kunshao in fengbingli's mouth is the young master of Shenyu Pavilion and the first martial arts talent of Shenyu Pavilion. His martial arts talent is much better than those of the so-called five saints of Tianfeng.

Although he is only twenty-three years old, two or three years younger than the five of them, his strength is said to have stepped into the realm of seclusion, which is only one step away from the real realm of seclusion.

It is because he understands the strength and status of kunshao, the leader of Shenyu Pavilion, that zixuanyuan worries that he and others will ask for help. He is afraid that kunshao won't care.

After all, these people are in each other's eyes, but they are mortals.

"My master is a man who came out of Shenyu Pavilion. He once instructed kunshao to practice.

Kunshao also has a lot of respect for my master. If I see kunshao, I will tell him what ye LAN has done to my xuanyuezong and annoy my master.

I think Kun Shao will teach Ye Lan a lesson for me. "

Feng Bingli responded.

Zixuanyuan and others, suddenly nodded.

Depending on their own relationship, it's very difficult for them to invite the little master of the rain Pavilion.

But if it depends on loulantong's relationship, it can't be said that the little Lord of Shenyu Pavilion will sell one or two points of face.

"What are you waiting for? It shouldn't be too late. Tomorrow is the Empire meeting. If you can ask Dong Kun to teach Ye Lan a lesson and hurt him, tomorrow's empire meeting will be held. Once Ye Lan dares to participate, we will be sure to kill him. "

Qi Ganglie is in a hurry.

Feng Bingli and others nodded.

Night fell.

The night in holy land is very beautiful.

Looking up, you can see stars all over the sky, twinkling stars, beautiful as a dream.

The bright moon hanging high, sprinkles the cool moonlight, lets the human bathe in it, the body and mind is comfortable, as if in an instant, the soul has been sublimated.

In the courtyard, Ye Lan and Yan Shaosong sat opposite each other, drank each other, looked at the sky, the stars were shining, looked at the nine days, the moon was hanging, they had a different taste, and enjoyed the refreshing wind at night, which was very comfortable.

During this period, Zhou Zhao, the gentleman of sword, Huang Tianqing, the gentleman of calligraphy, and Xiao Molin, the gentleman of painting, all came to the courtyard one after another to have a good talk with Ye Lan.

All five of them are from Longyuan. Now, in order to participate in the imperial assembly, they gather together in shengxianfeng.

Tomorrow, the five will also see all kinds of powerful talents at the Empire conference.In addition to the super geniuses from the other nine empires, there are also super geniuses from the other ten sects in the holy land.

For them, the imperial assembly will be a big challenge and difficulty.

It's necessary for us to survive, increase our accomplishments and insight, and gain glory and reputation.

It's hard to say. Their lives are here.

Because, at the imperial assembly, Shenzong did not prohibit competitors from fighting each other.

"Tomorrow is the Empire meeting. We have to work hard to win glory for Longyuan."

Xiao Molin raises his glass, looks at Ye Lan and others, and smiles.

"I've been waiting for many years for this moment?

Standing on the most eye-catching stage in Shenwu mainland, we will meet the challenges from the top talents in Shenwu mainland, just to win the glory and bloom our glory. "

Zhou Zhao drank all the liquor in his cup, and he was brave and brave.

The imperial assembly has been his goal for many years.

"Don't worry, elder martial brother Xiao. We will do our best for the imperial assembly."

Ye Lan responds with a smile.

"Well, for Longyuan, for glory, cheers!"

Xiao Molin nodded with a smile.

Ye Lan and others laugh heartily, clink glasses with each other, and drink all the liquor in the cup.

"Ha ha! At the Empire meeting tomorrow, I will show the talents of the other nine empires, as well as the talents selected by the ten sects in the holy land, that I am a swordsman.

For the sake of this day and this time, I've been practising swordsmanship hard. I'll surprise them by then. "

Zhou Zhao laughs with confidence on his face.

It can be seen that he did a lot of hard work in order to meet the arrival of the imperial assembly, otherwise, he would not be so confident.

This makes Ye Lan a little curious. During this time, Zhou Zhao practised his swordsmanship hard. What level did he reach?

"The five gentlemen of Longyuan? I don't know. Can you let Ben take a look at your excellence ahead of time? "

When ye LAN and others are talking happily, a voice comes out of time.

Ye Lan and others went to seek fame. They saw a young man wearing a dark blue brocade robe, which was full of rain patterns, coming from the air.

The young man was not handsome, and his face was very ordinary. He belonged to the kind of existence that would be immediately forgotten in the crowd.

However, his noble and cold temperament is quite different from ordinary people. People can remember him at a glance and can't forget him.

"Your Excellency?"

Looking at the young man, Xiao Molin said calmly.

Intuition tells him that it's not good who comes.

"Holy land, little master of Shenyu Pavilion - Kunyu."

Youth response, looking down on Ye Lan five people, such as high above the gods, looking down on the humble mole ant.

A pair of eyes, indifference to the extreme, as if a cold-blooded Monster without the slightest emotion.

Hearing the speech, Xiao Molin and others felt awe inspiring.

Shenyu Pavilion, they know.

It's one of the top ten sects in the holy land.

As the young master of Shenyu Pavilion, the training resources he could get would be extremely terrifying, and his strength and talent would be extremely strong.

Its status in the holy land is also very high.

"Little master of Shenyu pavilion? How did he come here all of a sudden? "

On one side, Yan Shaosong looked puzzled.

"Tianfeng empire is under the jurisdiction of Shenyu Pavilion."

Ye Lan said.

On hearing Ye Lan's words, Yin Shaoge, Zhou Zhao, Huang Tianqing and Xiao Molin understood them one after another.

"The five saints of the heavenly wind, what do you do to hide your head and tail? We all know each other for a long time. Now, when you come to shengxianfeng, the holy land, you also plan to hide. Don't you want to see your old friends? "

Ye lanlang said.

Look directly at Kunyu, the little master of Shenyu Pavilion in the sky.

He knew that the target of the other party's trip must be for himself.

And those who encourage each other to come here are afraid that there will be no one else except the five saints of Tianfeng.

As soon as Ye Lan's voice fell, five figures slowly flashed in the dark, which was the five people from Fengbing.

"Ye Lan, I haven't seen you for a long time. Today, we have prepared a big gift for you in person."

Feng Bingli looks at Ye Lan, his eyes are full of cold and hatred, and his tone is extremely indifferent.

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