"Great barren mountain, I can't believe that I can still enter here after reincarnation.

Well, take this opportunity to find the historic sites left by Xuanyuan's ancestors for yu'er, and find a skill suitable for her to exert the power of Bingfeng's blood.

By the way, take advantage of this opportunity to improve my cultivation strength as much as possible. This time my opponent is too strong. If I don't seize this opportunity.

I want to enter the final, or even win the first, it is estimated that it will be very difficult

In the great barren mountain, Ye Lan stands on a huge tree, overlooking the huge space, listening to the roar of earthshaking beasts from time to time.

The monsters that hibernate here all the year round are extremely powerful and terrifying.

Just the evil spirit from afar, it is full-bodied and frightening, straight into the sky, and makes people's mind ripple.

Into the great barren mountains, Ye Lan's purpose is very clear.

The first is to seize every opportunity here, in this month's time, as quickly as possible to improve their cultivation strength.

Today, he was not willing to underestimate the many talented students who came to participate in the competition in shifangshan.

The top ten sects in Shengyu, and even the super talents cultivated by several other empires in Shenwu, all have opponents Ye Lan thinks are very difficult to deal with.

If, he can't seize this opportunity, in the big barren mountain, quickly improve the cultivation strength.

It is no doubt wishful thinking to win the first place in the imperial assembly.

In addition, he has another goal, which is to pave the way for Ye Yu in advance, and find the skills suitable for Ye Yu's cultivation, especially the skills suitable for Ye Yu to play the blood of ice Phoenix.

And just as it happens, in this wild mountain, there are ancient skills left by Xuanyuan's ancestors, among which, there must be some skills about how to correctly use and give play to Bingfeng's blood.

As soon as I read this, Ye Lan's body moved and quickly swept away towards the other parts of Dahuangshan.

"I don't know, where are they now?"

In the mountain forest, Ye Lan is as agile as a monkey, shuttling among them.

While flying, he could not help worrying about the whereabouts of Yan Shaosong and others.

He had entered the barren mountain with Yin Shaoge and others, but after passing through the divine gate, he was separated from Yin Shaoge and others.

"I hope that they can take care of themselves, seize this opportunity and improve their cultivation strength as much as possible."

Then, Ye Lan said so.

Meow ~

suddenly, in the forest, a harsh cat call came.

Accompanied by the cat's call, there was a terrible evil spirit.

Shua ~

with the sound of breaking through the air, Ye Lan's body suddenly stops in the void. With a little void on her toes, she quickly leans back to avoid a sharp edge.

Hiss ~

the Dao limang sweeps, and Ye Lan's chest is torn.

Fortunately, he had a sharp sense of perception, quick reaction in advance, and avoided that sharp edge. Otherwise, he would have been dismembered now, rather than torn at the skirt.

"Black inflammation."

Ye Lan whispered.

The whole body, black inflammation rolling, will he quickly package.

At the same time, his eyes became red as blood, and his perception improved rapidly.

In the super perception, he vaguely saw a shadow, in the forest, fast flying.

The figure is extremely flexible and sharp. Even if ye LAN opens the bloody eyes and improves her perception, she can only barely catch her figure, but can't find out what the other person is?

Shua ~

another burst of air.

Ye Lanxin read a move, behind him, black inflammation rolling, under his control, quickly toward the fierce killing of limang burning away.

Meow ~

the harsh cat calls resounded again.

The evil spirit of terror is surging again.

Ye Lan body shape move, eyes dead lock that fast flash move figure.

The fish scale sword flew out. He held the sword with one hand and chopped at the figure.

The fish scale sword is in Ye Lan's hands, and is dancing out of the shadow.

All over the sky sword light, flying rampant, one after another chopping that terrible figure.

In the same way, the figure was fearless, flashing and moving, constantly dodging the sword from the fish scale sword.

For a long time, Ye Lan held the fish scale sword to fight with the figure for hundreds of rounds, and then flew back to each other and came down on the branches of the giant tree.

And that figure, also stopped attacking and killing, quietly crawling on the branch of a giant tree opposite Ye Lan.

Until then, Ye Lan just see that figure is what thing.

It was a cat with red hair like blood, and its eyes were like two black and shining stones.

Four claws are as sharp as a blade.

Its body surface, lingering evil spirit, condensed as the essence, will it round package, let a person uneasy.

"Bloodthirsty cat."

Ye Lan's eyes were awe inspiring, with a dignified look.Bloodthirsty demon cat is a kind of extremely powerful monster. Although it is small in size, its movement is extremely agile and its speed is also extremely fast.

Many practitioners will be killed like lightning before they have time to respond.

In front of that bloodthirsty demon cat, Ye Lan simply feels that the other party's cultivation strength is even higher than him, and has the terror strength of the eight fold realm cultivator.

Meow ~

the bloodthirsty cat screams, turns into a bloody lightning again, and pours at Ye Lan.


Ye Lan roars.

The black flame is rolling and burning.

The monstrous black fire turned into black dragons and burned the bloodthirsty cat.

The bloodthirsty demon cat is really very agile. Among the thousands of black fire dragons, it is as flexible as a fish swimming in the water. It is not obstructed by the black fire dragons.

Not long, it is close to Ye Lan, a claw swept out, sharp cut through the sky, straight to Ye Lan's heart.


Ye Lan blows.

It collided with the claw of the bloodthirsty demon cat.

The speed of bloodthirsty demon cat is very fast, and its cultivation is one higher than that of Ye Lan, but unfortunately, its strength is the only weakness.

Therefore, as long as Ye Lan catches the opponent's attack and wants to break the opponent's attack, it won't be difficult at all.

Meow ~

the fierce call came, and the bloodthirsty demon cat failed to strike. Unexpectedly, it came to Ye Lan's head with lightning speed, and the claw was waved out, which was less than an inch away from Ye Lan's tianlinggai.

Dang ~

Ye Lan reacts quickly, and the fish scale sword is across the top of his head, blocking the attack of bloodthirsty demon cat again.

"What a flexible cat! You almost lifted the lid of heaven!"

Ye Lan said in a deep voice.

The fish scale sword dances, and he quickly casts 36 Tiangang.

Thirty six swords, under his control, shot madly at the bloodthirsty demon cat.

Of course, Ye Lan knows that it's not difficult to evade his 36 Tian Gang with the flexibility of bloodthirsty demon cat.

Therefore, after 36 days Gang, he quickly used 72 thunder power and 81 roar.

In the sky, thunderous swords shot down, and thousands of swords roared and burst out one after another.

These two sword moves almost closed all the dodging possibilities of bloodthirsty demon cat.

Finally, the bloodthirsty cat still couldn't escape the attack from 81 roar, and its front leg was cut by a sword, cutting a blood hole.

Hurt, bloodthirsty cat knew that she couldn't fight any more, and she wanted to escape.

But will ye LAN give it a chance to escape?

In Mei's heart, Wansheng stove flies out, and the huge white real fire, in an instant, closes the heaven and earth, and traps the bloodthirsty demon cat to death.

At the same time, the black flame also rose to the sky, blocking the retreat under the bloodthirsty demon cat.

For a moment, the bloodthirsty demon cat's head was a real white fire, and the bottom was a burning black flame.

It's really that there is no way to heaven and no way to land. In my mouth, I can only send out bursts of unwilling shrill cries.

Then, he waved his claws to break the blockade of white fire and black fire.

However, under the suppression of the monstrous atmosphere of wanshenglu, where can it resist and struggle?


Ye lanli drinks.

Blood eyes, suddenly burst out bright Li mang.

The white real fire and the black flame roll and melt rapidly into thousands of black-and-white fire lotus which release the breath of terror and destruction.

The black and white fire lotus closed the whole world and trapped the bloodthirsty demon cat in it.

Then, one after another, black and white fire lotus exploded, sending out bursts of terrorist explosions.

In a flash, it engulfed the bloodthirsty demon cat.

Thousands of black and white fire lotus explosion, like a terrible storm, scattered impact swept.

Dahuangshan, several kilometers around, all the trees were blown off by the terrible storm generated by the explosion, and collapsed into ruins.

Smoke and dust, rubble, fallen leaves, the earth shaking.

This side of the world, completely covered by the fire, into a sea of fire.

"The great barren mountain is really a dangerous place. I didn't expect that all the bloodthirsty demon cats here could have such terrible and powerful strength. I don't know how powerful other monsters would be?

I don't know if Shao Ge can make it through? "

At this moment, Ye Lan was more and more worried about the safety of Yan Shaosong and others.

"It's you, Ye Lan."

When ye Lan was worried about Yan Shaosong and others, a cold voice came from the sky.

Ye Lan looks up and finds zixuanyuan, aoshengyu and Qi Ganglie. Similarly, he also sees a talented disciple of Shenyu Pavilion.

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