"I don't know, where are Shao Ge

In the dark, Ye Lan, like a civet, shuttles through the mountains with quick speed and smart body.

"Damn it! I'm being watched

Suddenly, Ye Lan felt a strong breath.

It was the breath of a terrible wild animal.

In this dark night, those wild animals are extremely terrible, no matter what kind of monster or human, as long as they can become their food, they will all devour it.

Without the protection of a historic site left by an ancestor of Xuanyuan's family, Ye Lan will naturally become the target in the eyes of those horrible wild animals if she walks alone in the dark.

Roar ~

roar ~

the earth trembles and roars.

In the distance, a huge shadow obscured the sky, the sun and the moon.

The shadow was so huge that it was immeasurable. Its body was like a giant ghost, but its neck was like a boa constrictor.

The four claws are as sharp as a sword. The iron shell on the back reflects the cold light under the moonlight, just like steel forging.

On the iron shell, there are thick cones, each of which is like a mountain peak.

The iron shell and the sharp cone were covered with moss, and even all kinds of vegetation.

At first glance, the huge wild animal, unlike a living animal, is a terrible mobile fortress, or island.

Although it moves slowly, it can cross a distance of about 1000 meters with each step.

Today, the huge wild animals, along the way, continue to devour madly, will be a lot of wild animals in the mountains to devour, wind like clouds.

Of course, there are many plants, herbs, earth, rocks and so on, which are also devoured by the huge wild animals.

The huge guy's appetite is like a bottomless hole that can never be filled.

As soon as I saw the huge wild animal, it came all the way and opened its mouth to swallow it. No matter what it was, it would swallow it into its stomach.

Ye Lan heart a Lin, at the foot of the pace to speed up, body flying speed, more rapid and fierce.

Roar ~

in the rear, the huge wild animal, which looks like a giant turtle, roars up to the sky and suddenly opens its mouth for a breath. A terrible suction fills the world.

Ye Lan's figure is also trapped by the violent suction.

"Damn it! No good

Ye Lan's face changed. Suddenly, she tried her best to get rid of the giant turtle.

But unfortunately, his cultivation power is too weak. In the face of the huge and terrifying giant tortoise, where can he resist the fierce phagocytic power?

However, Ye Lan is not willing to be engulfed by the wild beast. With a move in her heart, Wansheng stove flies out, and the white real fire rushes away, just like the tide.

However, the white fire from the Wansheng stove was absorbed by the fierce phagocytic power, and the wild beast had no choice.

Then, Ye Lan launched a wave after wave of violent attacks against the wild beast, but still could not stop the other party's crazy phagocytosis.

Its body shape, along with those plants, soil and rocks, was inhaled by the wild beast.

Before my eyes, there was darkness.

Ye Lan is engulfed by wild animals. For a moment, he can't see things at all. It's dark all around. He can't see his fingers.

At the same time, in the dark, he felt that his body was sliding down a channel, and he didn't know where he was.

I don't know how long it took before a piece of light appeared.

This is a small world, or a huge island.

On the island, you can see monsters everywhere, scattered vegetation and many miraculous drugs.

Then, on the outskirts of the island, there is a vast expanse of green lakes, with no end in sight.

The green lake, emitting wisps of smoke, and issued bursts of pungent stench.

In the lake, there are no so-called small fish and shrimp, only countless bones.

There are human and monster bones.

"Here, it should be the belly of the wild beast!"

Ye Lan landed from mid air and came to the island piled up by countless soil, sand and vegetation.

He looked at it briefly and found that it was the belly of the wild beast.

The green lake around the island is the stomach juice of wild animals, which has strong acidity and can easily corrode everything.

However, it seems that the wild animal ate everything, so that in the gastric juice, it accumulated a large amount of soil, sand and stones that had not been thoroughly digested, as well as plants and human bones.

In addition, the wild animal would come out to look for food every night. It was like swallowing the sky and swallowing the earth. Every night, I didn't know how much soil, sand, grass and bones it would eat.

It can be said that there are countless.The degree of digestion of its gastric juice is far less than that of its phagocytosis.

Naturally, over time, in this gastric juice, there is such a strange island.

"The wild beast is indeed a powerful monster that has preserved a large number of ancient gods and beasts in legend.

They have incredible capabilities. "

Looking at the scene in front of her, Ye Lan is full of emotion.

Overhead, the hanging sun, is the huge demon Dan of the wild beast, emitting a hazy brilliance, illuminating the world.

In ancient times, every beast was extremely terrifying and powerful.

They are as powerful as the nine immortals.

According to ancient legend, those monsters have the power of swallowing a star or even a galaxy in one breath, which is extremely frightening.

However, I do not know why, those monsters in ancient times have gradually disappeared in the long history.

About their existence, only generation after generation passed down, gradually became a legend.

The wild beast is a kind of monster that inherits a large part of the blood power of those ancient beasts and even fierce beasts.

As a result, they are extremely large at birth, and grow by swallowing them every day. Then, they look forward to one day swallowing the sky and the earth as their ancestors did in ancient times, even ignoring the nine immortals.

Walking on this disorderly and dilapidated Island, Ye Lan saw many rare elixirs along the way, which fell to the ground in disorder.

In the crevice of stone and sand, rare and precious elixirs can be seen almost everywhere.

Ye Lan walks among them, as if came to a treasure house.

Along the way, I saw a rare elixir, which was constantly put into the fish scale sword.

Of course, Ye Lan is not the only one who survived here, but also some monsters.

Ye Lan once met several monsters who were as good as the two or three realm practitioners of broken fetus. However, those monsters were not his opponents at all. They were killed by him directly.

Hua La ~

on the island, Ye Lan is constantly searching for the elixir, thinking about how to escape from the belly of the wild beast, when a sound of Hua La comes.

The wild animal began to eat again. A large amount of soil, sand, vegetation, monsters, human bones and monsters' bones in the wild mountains surged into the green lake.

Immediately, the mud, sand, vegetation, monsters and so on, which rushed into the green lake, immediately splashed with huge waves.

The green waves, constantly turning, directly towards the island where ye LAN is.

"Damn it

Ye Lan yelled, pointed her feet, and quickly soared up, dodging the green tide.

The island he had stood on was completely submerged.

"If it goes on like this, I'll be corroded by that gastric juice sooner or later."

Ye Lan looks dignified.

"We must find a way out as soon as possible."

Ye Lan ponders.

Suddenly, his eyes swept away and fixed on the "sun" hanging overhead.

"If you break the inner alchemy of this wild beast, you can make it half dead. Then maybe you can find a way out."

Ye Lan whispered.

As soon as he thought about it, he acted decisively. In his hand, the fish scale sword appeared, and in his body, the star power surged wildly, continuously pouring into the fish scale sword.

Zheng ~

the fish scale sword makes a harsh sound, which is terrifying and surging.


Ye Lan wields the sword, a long sword awn of tens of Zhang, heavy chop chop to that wild beast inside Dan.

Qiang ~

the sword cut on the inner pill of the wild beast, just like a piece of fragile glass, hit on the iron ball, directly cracked in response to the sound, turned into stars and scattered between heaven and earth.

"I don't believe it, young master. Will this inner pill be so hard to break?"

Ye Lan said in a deep voice.

For a time, all kinds of tricks broke out.

Bajiquan, bafoyin, meteor palm, 36 Tiangang of kendo, 72 Leili, 81 roar and the real body of ox demon, etc.

It can be said that Ye Lan almost bombarded the powerful means he had at present.

But it didn't shake the huge beast Neidan.

The cultivation of the wild beast is too strong. Even though its inner alchemy defense power is much weaker than its physical strength, it is not so easy for ordinary practitioners to break its inner alchemy.

"Who is so bold? How dare you attack and kill the inner elixir

Suddenly, in this side of the space, such as thunder like cheers resounded.

Ye Lan's mind is rippling. She looks for fame and finds that the voice comes from the inner alchemy of the wild beast.

Not long after, Ye Lan saw a human figure, slowly stepping out of the huge beast inner pill.

The human figure is big and strong, with iron armor all over the body. It grows in the skin of the body and looks like an iron man.His eyes were cold and merciless, and his whole body was full of bloodthirsty and cruel air.

Ye Lan knows that the human figure that appears must be the original spirit of the wild beast.

The monster that can gather the original spirit and easily transform into shape is absolutely as powerful as the cultivator of Tongyou realm.

Even stronger.

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