Dahuangshan, a hidden cave.

Ye Lan sits on a stone bed with her knees crossed, while running the heaven and earth formula, absorbing the power from outside and transforming her own star power, while constantly absorbing and refining Liansheng pill.

In other corners of the cave, Xiao Molin, Huang Tianqing and Zhou Zhao were recuperating.

Yan Shaosong was responsible for protecting the Dharma and taking care of their daily life. When he had time, he would practice and refine the lotus pill.

It has to be said that lianshengdan is indeed a rare treasure.

After Yan Shaosong used his spare time to absorb and refine the lotus pill, the whole person's soul power and physical strength were significantly improved.

I don't know how many times the sense organs are clearer and more sensitive than before.

The star power in the body is also more powerful and profound.

Its breath strength is also rapidly improving, and now it has entered the seven fold situation of breaking the tire.

On the other hand, Zhou Zhao, Huang Tianqing and Xiao Molin also wake up one after another from the settled state. They have absorbed and refined Liansheng pill, and their accomplishments have been significantly improved.

Zhou Zhao has stepped into the eight fold state of broken fetus. Huang Tianqing has stepped into the eight fold peak of broken fetus with the help of a lotus born pill, while Xiao Molin has stepped into the nine fold peak of broken fetus at one stroke.

"It's really a rare treasure of heaven and earth. After absorbing and refining it, it was in such a short time that it quickly improved the cultivation level.

I feel that my soul strength and physical strength are stronger than before, and my divine sense is more acute than before! "

Zhou Zhao felt the great power in his body, and his face was full of ecstasy.

As he spoke, he jerked out the sword on his back.

The sword is flying with you. It is changeable and powerful.

Zhou Zhao obviously felt that he was more skillful in using the sword, and his sword moves were more and more fierce and powerful.

Just a simple sword dance has the power of exerting Kendo skills.

If you use the sword technique, its power will definitely increase in multiple times, and it will be extremely overbearing.

"I feel the same way!"

On one side, Huang Tianqing smiles.

Xiao Molin also nodded in agreement.

Both of them obviously feel that after absorbing lianshengdan, their strength has improved by leaps and bounds.

Hum ~

while the three were talking to each other about refining Liansheng pill, a vigorous force came out of the cave.

In that power, there is a faint power of space.

However, the force of that space is extremely weak, too weak to be detected.

For a long time, that vast and majestic power just quickly subsided.

Deep in the cave, Ye Lan came out slowly with a smile on her face.


Yan Shaosong saw Ye Lan appear and asked.

"Lianshengdan is very good. It's lucky to have such an adventure.

Thanks to it, this period of time, let me strength by leaps and bounds

Ye Lan responds with a smile.

"Have you stepped into Tongyou?"

"Half a step away!"

Ye Lan responds with a smile.

During this period of meditation and absorption of Liansheng pill, his cultivation strength has been broken one or two times in a row, and he has successfully entered a half step into the secluded realm.

It's just a pity that lianshengdan can only take one pill per person. After taking it, if you take the second pill, the effect will be greatly weakened.

Therefore, although Ye Lan had 14 lotus pills, he only took one.

But even if it was one, it made him easily break through one or two levels and smoothly step into the secluded realm, which can also see the extraordinary and powerful of lianshengdan.

"Congratulations, younger martial brother Ye. Your accomplishments have improved by leaps and bounds. It's easy for you to reach the final of the imperial assembly with your means and abilities."

Xiao Molin and the others came forward to congratulate him.

Some time ago, they saw that Ye Lan could defeat the first day of the ten thousand poison sect.

Not to mention, now Ye Lan's strength has entered a half step into the realm of seclusion, to enter the final of the Empire conference, there will be no problem.

"Thank you for your praise."

Ye Lan returns with her fist.

For a long time, the five simply cleaned up and left the cave, ready to wait for the strong leader of Shenzong to lead them away from the barren mountain.

Roar ~

in the barren mountain, as usual, animals roar and threaten people.

In the mountain forest, a powerful and terrifying monster even ran through it.

There was fighting and fighting everywhere.

Vaguely, Ye Lan they also heard the shrill scream.

"The strong of Shenzong are beginning to take the lead!"

Zhou Zhao suddenly said.

Ye Lan and others looked in the direction pointed by Zhou Zhao and found that in the far sky, a huge array began to emerge, constantly circling, releasing a strong force of space.The array shoots beams of light, and each beam will connect all the competitors who are fighting with monsters or searching for secret treasures in a historic site in Dahuang mountain one by one.

Of course, the entrants are basically the survivors. Those who died will be buried in the boundless wilderness forever.

Similarly, Ye Lan's five people are also shrouded by a beam of light emitted by the array circling in the sky. Immediately, their bodies disappear in the beam of light.


Around shengxianfeng, a lot of onlookers and many foreign powers came to watch the elimination competition of the imperial assembly. How many people were promoted to the next round, and how many people were eliminated and buried in the barren mountain forever?

"Look, it's Lin Yunxin from Daoxian palace and Fu Yinhao from tianhuozong!"

At this time, someone saw the hovering array in the air. Two beams of light shot down one after another, and then ten figures emerged slowly.

All of them looked closely and found that they were the disciples of Daoxian palace headed by Lin Yunxin and Tianhuo sect headed by Fu Yinhao.

"The disciples of Daoxian palace and tianhuozong are really talented. They have been practicing in the wilderness for one month, and their accomplishments seem to have improved even more!"

When someone saw the disciples of Daoxian palace and Tianhuo sect, no one was injured or injured. They could not help but sigh with emotion. The secret way is that those two sects are really worthy of the name and surname of the ten sects in the holy land.

"Look, Mu Jiuyou of Jiuyou Empire and Huangfu Longhua of Huangfu Dynasty also appear!"

"The Jiuyou Empire and the Huangfu Dynasty are powerful enough. There are no casualties, and their accomplishments are improved."

"I don't know what happened to other sects and empires?"

Some say so.

Not much time, a beam, one after another shot down.

The disciples of yuwumen, yuehuagong, Liyang, Fengling and tongtianzong appeared one after another.

All of them found that one or two disciples of the major sects were injured in the great waste mountain, and the others were seriously injured. This shows that the great waste mountain is dangerous, and even the practitioners with six or more broken foetuses can't guarantee 100% of their lives.

Then, the Yin Wu sect of the ten thousand poison sect appeared with three seriously injured ten thousand poison sect disciples.

God rain Pavilion, is Kunyu alone survived, and also with serious injuries.

"Shenyu Pavilion, heavy losses!"

When someone saw the disciple of Shenyu Pavilion, Kunyu was the only one who survived.

They really can't imagine what kind of danger Shenyu Pavilion encountered in the wild mountains. The five gifted disciples were so damaged that only Kunyu was left.

"Kunyu, what's the matter?"

At the top of Shifang mountain, elder Li Changqing of Shenyu Pavilion saw that only Kunyu came out alive with serious injuries. He could not help frowning and asked.

"I'll heal first, and I'll talk about it later!"

In Dahuangshan, Kunyu fled all the way to seek shelter in Dahuangshan and prepare for recuperation.

However, dahuanshan was extremely turbulent, and he could not find a good place to recuperate.

I spent half a month in the wilderness.

The injury did not completely heal, not to mention, but also wasted the opportunity to seek opportunities in the great barren mountains.

"Mr. Li, your Shenyu pavilion has suffered a heavy loss!"

As Li Changqing frowned deeply and pondered, a cold laugh came from afar.

Li Changqing looks for fame and finds that the speaker is elder Xu of the Star Palace.

"Mr. Xu, don't be complacent. Our Shenyu pavilion has suffered a heavy loss in the barren mountain, and your Xingchen hall is not so good. Maybe it's the end of the army now!"

Li Changqing responded coldly.

As soon as his voice fell, a beam of light fell. Mo Xinger, Tan Zhenghe and other five disciples of the star hall all survived from the wilderness mountain, but they were in a bit of a mess, with more or less some injuries.

However, the breath of the five people is stronger than a month ago. It can be seen that Mo Xinger's five people must have found a good chance in the great barren mountain.

Seeing that Mo Xinger's five people had survived and returned, Li Changqing's face was ugly and speechless. He felt that he had been beaten in the face.

"Li Changlao, my disciples of the star hall, all survived and returned. I guess you are disappointed."

Elder Xu coldly glanced at Li Changqing and said with pride.

"Don't be complacent. The five gentlemen of Longyuan under the command of the star hall can't all survive.

Comparatively speaking, the five saints of Tianfeng under the command of Shenyu pavilion are much better than the five gentlemen of Longyuan, and they have a much greater chance of survival. "

Li Changqing said so.

He is just finished saying, a beam of light falls, Ye Lan five people, together appeared in the star hall Xu long body side.

Now, Li Changqing's face was more and more ugly and gloomy.I have been beaten in the face twice in succession. This kind of feeling, this kind of taste, is not generally uncomfortable!

"I'm sorry, Mr. Li, I let you down again!"

Elder Xu said triumphantly.

For the first time, his disciples of the Star Palace and the genius of Longyuan under his command took part in the elimination competition of the imperial assembly. This was the first time that all the members survived, and no one was lost in the wilderness.

It made him very proud.

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