"Ha ha! Let me see how powerful you are

Huangfu Longhua looked disdainful.

Qi Zhanfei frowns, his face is not happy, and his whole body strength bursts out. His most powerful killing move is to hurt Huangfu Longhua seriously.

Bang ~

countless wind dragons formed by strong wind roared to Huangfu Longhua.

One after another, they bombarded Huangfu Longhua one after another.

This "wind dragon skill" is one of Qi Zhanfei's unique skills. With this move, he can surpass the strong one whose cultivation level is higher than his.

In the past, when Qi Zhanfei used this move, it was against all odds.

But today, once his "wind dragon skill" was performed, countless wild storm dragons bombarded Huangfu Longhua one after another. He was shocked to find that the wild storm dragons he controlled could not shake Huangfu Longhua at all, and could not even make the other side step back, let alone seriously hurt him!

"This No way

When Qi Zhanfei saw Huangfu Longhua, he stood in the same place with his arms around his chest, waiting for his wind dragon skill to kill him, but he couldn't shake each other at all, and his face was full of surprise.

"How dare you show off such a weak trick? Do you have any treasure in Fengling school? Or are you the first martial arts genius of Fengling school? Some of them are not worthy of the name, and there are no good moves at all? "

In the field, Huangfu Longhua said in a high voice.

It is full of momentum and high morale.

The whole person is just like a god of war who comes down from nine heaven. He is very powerful.

"Look down on me? How dare you look down on me? "

Qi Zhanfei is furious.

His body is flashing. He quickly gets close to Huangfu. Longhua wants to make a surprise attack.

As a result, as soon as he made a move, he was directly patted out by Huangfu Longhua, and his chest ribs were directly broken.

Then, Huangfu Longhua moved.

The fists and palms hit Qi Zhanfei one after another. Every fist and palm is powerful, which makes Qi Zhanfei unable to bear.

Ah ~

on the challenge arena, screams are heard all the time.

Everyone can see clearly that Qi Zhanfei, the first martial arts genius of Fengling school, is only Cruelly Abused in the face of Huangfu Longhua, and has no power to fight back.

In particular, Qi Zhanfei's previous attack on Huangfu Longhua with "wind dragon skill" did not even have the ability to shake the other side, which shocked the whole audience.

At this moment, many people just woke up, how powerful and rebellious the prince from the imperial priest's Dynasty was.

They are both geniuses participating in the imperial Congress, and they are close to the top ten of the imperial Congress.

Why is the gap between Qi Zhanfei and Huangfu Longhua so big?

Huangfu Longhua's abuse of Qi Zhanfei is as simple as an adult's abuse of a three-year-old child.

They are not in the same level at all.

"Stop, that's enough!"

When the leader of Fengling sect saw that Huangfu Longhua was cruel to Qi Zhanfei, he immediately stood up and yelled.

"This is the imperial assembly. If he doesn't give up, how can I stop?"

Huangfu Longhua responded, the offensive continued, still swift and fierce.

Qi Zhanfei was in his hands, scarred and dying.

If Huangfu Longhua continues to fight like this, Qi Zhanfei will surely die.

"Emperor, stop it."

At this time, the emperor of Huangfu made a voice.

Hearing this, Huangfu Longhua just stopped and threw Qi Zhanfei out like a dead dog.

"I can't even fight a woman. I want to fight with you too. I don't know how powerful the world is.

Mole ants are mole ants. Being regarded as a super genius like me makes me feel disgusted and disgraced

Huangfu Longhua stopped the offensive, but his words were still sharp and mean, and he demoted Qi Zhanfei extremely.

At this time, Qi Zhanfei was seriously injured and dying. He couldn't move at all and didn't even have the strength to speak.

But he was still conscious, and he heard what Huangfu Longhua said clearly.

You can imagine the anger in your heart.


Today, he is a real disgrace.

What makes Huangfu Longhua taste his power? It's all wishful thinking to export evil spirit for bingxian'er.

At this point, Qi Zhanfei didn't mention it and fainted on the spot.

All the people of Fengling sect changed their looks. They stepped on the challenge arena and helped them to recuperate.

"Huangfu Longhua, stay on the front line of life, so we can see each other in the future!"

The headmaster of Fengling sect looks like water and stares at Huangfu Longhua in the challenge arena.

"Just Fengling sect leader, what qualifications do you have to talk to me?"

In the challenge arena, Huangfu Longhua looked directly at the leader of Fengling sect and said in a loud voice.

The tone is full of arrogance.

This remark stirred up all sides.

Many practitioners and strong people of foreign races took a breath of cold air. They secretly told Huangfu that Longhua was really crazy.Even the leader of Fengling sect in the Holy Land dare not pay any attention!

Is this the real super genius?

"Boy, you are crazy!"

The leader of Fengling sect, his face is more gloomy.

Since he became the leader of Fengling sect in holy land, I don't know how many years ago, no one dared to underestimate him and speak to him like Huangfu Longhua.

It can be said that the simple sentence of Huangfu Longhua has completely aroused the anger of the Fengling sect.

If it wasn't for the rules of the Congress, he would have to teach Huangfu Longhua a lesson.

"What? Want a fight? Although I went forward, I was not afraid of anyone! "

Huangfu long Hualang said.

"You know that our faction leader can't fight in this imperial assembly, but you deliberately use words to excite each other. Are you ready to show your strength or your mental retardation?"

The leader of Fengling faction responded coldly.

"Of course, I want to show my strength! The imperial assembly, in my eyes, is just a group of children.

In the presence, except Mu Jiuyou, who is my opponent, none of the people here is in the eye of my Huangfu Longhua! "

It has to be said that Huangfu Longhua was arrogant to the point of lawlessness.

His words, but ye LAN, summer, Yin Yang and Lin Yunxin and others are severely belittled.

One sentence offends a group of people. I don't know if Huangfu Longhua's EQ is too low, or does he really have the strength and ability?

"Ha ha, it seems that you are really just mentally retarded!"

The leader of Fengling sect shakes his head and laughs. He has already disdained to quarrel with Huangfu Longhua.

Such a genius, no matter how talented and powerful he is, will not become great if his EQ is too low.

He really didn't understand why the emperor of the Huangfu Dynasty chose such figures as Huangfu Longhua to be the crown prince!

"Huang'er, shut up and don't say much!"

The emperor of Huangfu's Dynasty, with a heavy face, looked at Huangfu Longhua in the challenge arena and yelled.

Hearing this, Huangfu Longhua immediately shut up decisively.

"Next, choose to fight again, or..."

The elder of the Lei family, who is on the challenge arena, looks at Huangfu Longhua and asks.

"Another fight, of course!"

Huangfu Longhua said in a deep voice.

He reached out and looked at Lin Yunxin.

"It's said that you are very powerful. In Daoxian palace, you are a first-class genius. It's rare to see you once in a century or even a thousand years.

How dare you fight? "

"Brother Huangfu, if you invite me to fight, how can I be afraid of fighting?"

Lin Yun's heart grew up and stepped out of the challenge arena.

Previously, the arrogant words of Huangfu Longhua made him feel rather unhappy.

Rao is a good-natured Lin Yunxin, but also some people don't like Huangfu, Longhua, etc.

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