"Father, what should a child do?"

In Tianlan Pavilion, Long Xiao takes out the communication rune, and the star power injects it. The communication Rune directly lights up a light, and the light crisscross, forming the appearance of his father's Dragon mania.

With the help of the letter, Long Xiao explains all the causes to his father.

"Well done."

Originally, Long Xiao was ready to wait for his father's punishment, but unexpectedly, his father, long Kuang, said that he had done a good job.

For a time, Long Xiao Leng on the spot, doubt whether he heard wrong?

"Father, are you confused by the child's anger? Why are you talking nonsense? "

Long Xiao's face is uncertain.

"Son of a bitch, what about your father? It's not clean up, is it

"No I dare not. I just don't understand. I have provoked such a powerful opponent of Shenzong. How can this be regarded as good? "

Long Xiao was extremely puzzled.

"Xiao'er, do you know why our Tianlan star region has led to years of war, so that the people are in dire straits?"

"Of course, it's because of the abundant resources in Tianlan star field. In order to have more cultivation resources, the major forces above have just started wars year after year, which has made the people miserable.

In the end, many people have to travel far away to find another way. "

Long Xiao responded.

"Xiao'er, you don't know much. Maybe it's time for father to tell you something."

Dragon crazy sink a way.

"In fact, it is not the above forces that have led to the wars in our Tianlan star region for years, but more importantly, it is today's overseas Shenzong.

After so many years, our Tianlan star region has been completely controlled by the outside Shenzong, and has become a big base under its command.

Above, there are many strong masters from outside Shenzong. "

Said the Dragon maniac.

"Father, is that true?"

"Do you think being a father will cheat you? Otherwise, why did the people of Shenzong outside the territory refuse to let us set foot in Shenwu land and seek a place to live in?

They are afraid of our ghost Terran and rebel secretly.

If it wasn't for your father's means, collecting many good things and bribing the people of the five aristocratic families one after another, how could we find a place to live in the holy land?

If not for your father's promise to look for more and better cultivation resources for them, and run around in the extraterritorial universe day and night, we and these ghost people will still be abandoned people wandering in the major star regions. "

"Among the ten sects in the holy land, the Star Palace is the weakest, but why did your father choose to camp under the command of the Star Palace?

That's because Mo Xingchen, the current master of the Star Palace, has a big hatred with the gods outside the country.

However, the strength of the star hall is weak, so I dare not fight against the outside God sect for the time being.

Therefore, your father has been waiting for Mo Xingchen to lead the people to fight against the five great families of Shenzong. At that time, our ghost people can also use the power of the Star Palace to implement the alliance.

I thought that day would be very far away, even impossible to come, but I didn't expect that day finally came! "

The Dragon laughs wildly.

I could see that his face was full of excitement.

"Remember, Xiao'er, there are many enemies of Shenzong, and the ghost people in Tianlan star realm are just one of them.

You are over there. Follow Mo Temple master well. During this time, don't conflict with the people of Shenzong outside the country. "

Dragon madness orders.

"And you, father? When will you be back? "

"If we come back after this, we will be caught in the trap.

Don't worry, take my Tianlan Pavilion people, follow the Star Palace, follow Ye Lan.

I have said that Ye Lan is by no means a simple person. How can he be mediocre if he can let the heavenly devil Saint be a thug.

With him, there may be unexpected gains. Maybe, with his help, we can return to Tianlan star field and take back the hometown of our ghost people! "

"Father, it's very unkind of you to leave me here alone."

Long Xiao has a sad face.

"Son of a bitch, what's wrong? You think it's very comfortable to wander in the starry sky, don't you? I tell you, the starry universe is 100 times more dangerous than you are in Shenwu continent. Wandering here is always in danger of death.

I can't come back now because of you. It's good if I don't punish you. How dare you say I'm not kind

Dragon crazy suddenly anxious eyes, if not in front of Long Xiao, he now wish to give long Xiao a burst of chestnut.

"Father, just now you said that I did a good job. I did a great job. How could I turn over so quickly?"

"Forget it, I don't want to be like you. During this period of time, we should practice hard to see if we can find other clansmen in the extraterrestrial sky and draw them under our command, so as to strengthen our strength and contribute to the future resistance against the extraterritorial God sect.When you are there, remember to learn to be independent, learn to grow up, and be absent from your father. You need to know how to protect the people of Tianlan Pavilion. Do you understand? "

"I see, father."

Longxiao nodded solemnly, his eyes were full of tears.

Although his father loves to beat him, scold him and scold him on weekdays, Long Xiao knows that strict father is filial son, and his father is strict with him, just for his good, so that he can grow up and lead the whole Tianlan pavilion to glory.

"Well, I don't know. There's an ancient star beast here. I have to help my father. Remember, take care of yourself

The Dragon madly orders a, hang up correspondence.

Long Xiao is silent. He is deeply aware that his father is wandering abroad, constantly searching for all kinds of rare materials and cultivation resources, in order to maintain the trade with the foreign god sect.

Only by providing sufficient cultivation resources can the outside God sect promise to let them live in the holy land for a long time.

If not, he will be expelled from Tianlan Pavilion at any time and become a vagrant in the starry sky outside the country.

In the dead and dark universe, self destruction.

My father, very hard, really hard.

"Father and son love each other deeply, which makes people cry."

A voice, suddenly came, awakened the Dragon Xiao who was thinking.

"When did you come, son of a bitch?"

The Dragon Xiao spirit is extremely, looking at that in one side, sat don't know how long Ye Lan.

"I've been here for some time. I've heard your conversation with your father very clearly."

Ye Lan said with a smile.

"I didn't expect that so many things happened in your Tianlan star field."

"It's none of your business."

"It's really none of my business, but I still hope we can stand together in the future.

It's not only my enemy, but also you, isn't it? "

Ye Lan stretched out her hand and looked at Longxiao with a smile.

"Well! Only this time, you and I are still opponents and no longer allies after the extermination of Shenzong

Long Xiao responded.

"Well, let's not talk about that. The stars hall has been moved into my magic tower. Do you need to go in and hide?"

"The magic tower? What is that? "

"A baby, a wonderful baby, even I don't know exactly what it came from!"

"There are too many things you don't know. A small pagoda, also want to hold my whole Tianlan pavilion? I'm afraid you can't eat that! "

Long Xiao is not polite.

As soon as he spoke, he felt a whirl.

A huge black whirlpool suddenly fell from the sky, and the terrible suction directly covered his whole Tianlan Pavilion.

"Young master, it's bad. Something's wrong!"

In Tianlan Pavilion, thousands of powerful ghosts are packing up their things and preparing to follow Longxiao to escape from Shenwu.

As a result, suddenly, a huge black whirlpool appeared in the sky, trying to devour his whole Tianlan Pavilion, which scared the strong people of the ghost race and made them scream. They thought that a strong person of the foreign god clan had killed here, trying to destroy his Tianlan Pavilion.

"I'm dying. I'm dying. It must be a strong man from the outside world!"

"Young master, it's important to run for your life!"

A powerful ghost man cried out.

Whoosh ~

the huge Tianlan Pavilion is directly uprooted and swallowed by the huge black whirlpool.

This event shocked the whole underground trading market, and attracted many strong people of foreign races, one by one.

For a moment, the news that the sky black hole swallowed up the whole Tianlan Pavilion spread all over the town at the speed of a storm.

At the same time, the news about the up and down of the star hall is completely gone, and it is also spread throughout the holy land.

The disappearance of the Star Palace and Tianlan Pavilion in the holy land has become a mystery. Many people don't know what's going on?

Finally, three days after the disappearance of the Star Palace and Tianlan Pavilion, a more shocking news came that Shenyu pavilion was suddenly destroyed.

The whole house of Shenyu pavilion was cut off and died. The owner of Shenyu Pavilion, Kun Tianci, is also missing, and his life and death are unknown.

This news, no doubt, became a huge storm, swept across the Holy Land in an instant, shocked the other eight sects in the holy land, and also shocked many practitioners and extraterritorial ethnic strongmen in the holy land.

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