"Yes, we've got them all. What can you do?

To tell you the truth, if you surrender, I may be able to save their lives.

Otherwise, as long as I give an order, they will all lose their heads! "

The burly middle-aged man made a cold threat. He could see that the young man and the men in the warship were companions.

"To die!"

Ye Lan eyes a Li, on the sole of the foot, black inflammation rolling, crazy burning.

The burly middle-aged man suddenly uttered a shrill cry, his whole body burned up, and his body quickly turned into ashes.

"Where are my companions?"

Ye Lan's eye light sweeps and looks at other star robbers with strong accomplishments.


Those star robbers looked at each other, broke through the void one after another, and wanted to escape.

As a result, a beam of light burst out, restoring the broken void behind them, making it impossible for them to escape.

Then, these star thieves saw another figure and flashed by.

The fierce palms were imprinted on their chests.

Poof ~

these star robbers spit out a big mouthful of blood, and then they fly backward and hit a wall.

A little weaker, is the binocular outburst, died on the spot.

The one with stronger strength is seriously injured and dying, hanging his last breath.

"Say, where did you catch all the people on this warship?"

"Ha ha! I won't tell you when I die, just wait for them to die in the endless star field

That star thief laughs wantonly, as if let Ye Lan eat shriveled, let him feel extremely happy.

"Some people, always like this, do evil things themselves. Originally, if you tell me, I will give you a happy.

But now it seems that it's a bit cheaper for you to die happily. "

Ye Lan shook her head.

The star thief looks a change, the secret way is not good, concluded that Ye Lan must use some inhuman torture means to torture themselves, get useful news from his mouth.

As a star thief, he naturally knows how to torture those who have a hard tongue, and how to know what means can make people feel all kinds of pain without dying immediately.

At this point, the star thief wants to blow up the gate of God and die with Ye Lan to avoid the torture of Ye Lan.

But unfortunately, he is still a step late, Ye Lan first he a move, directly broke his knowledge of the sea of God door, let him simply can't self explosion.

At the same time, silver needles were stuck on the special acupoints of his whole body to seal his spirit, so that he could not die.

"You What are you going to do? "

The star thief felt bad, and his face became more and more flustered.

"Said, let you die happily, too cheap you."

Ye Lan light smile.

He reached out and pulled out a fingernail of the star thief.

As the saying goes, the fingers are linked to the heart.

Fingernail is pulled out abruptly, that kind of pain can't be described by words.

Even though the star robber has been fighting for many years, experienced life and death battles, suffered a lot of injuries and suffered a lot, he has never tried to get his fingernails pulled out.

The pain made his whole body twitch. He breathed cold air in his mouth and sweated between his forehead and back.

"You You kill me! Please

"Said, will not let you die happily."

Ye Lan said.

With a wave of his hand, he pulled out the fingernail of the star thief again. The scream lingered for a long time in the huge warship, piercing the eardrum.

"Stars, they are stars. I'm at the helm of the Dragon thief

Finally, the star thief can't bear to tell Ye Lan everything.

"Where is this star?"

"ZIWEIXING region, the outer zone, where the wind and sand all year round, looks like a huge sand ball, the environment is extremely bad."

"Very good. You told me everything. I will make you die happily."

Ye Lan said.

With a flick of his finger, he broke through the air, penetrated the head of the star thief, and killed him easily.

"Now, go to yinghuoxing first, save Chiwei and Qingyun, and then try to go to Ziwei ancient star!"

Ye Lan said in her heart.

He took out the star compass in his arms, set the star domain coordinates for the star, and then started the star warship and flew all the way towards the star.

Purple Osmunda star domain.

It's vast.

There are tens of billions of stars in this vast region.

Among them, there are 12 living stars, which are located in the center of the purple Osmunda field.And one of them is the most prosperous giant star, which is well-known in the field of purple Osmunda.

It is the ancient star of crape myrtle, on which there is a bright family, and there is a legendary super strong God of light.

It is said that the God of light in the ancient star and even the whole field of crape myrtle is the absolute top super strong, respected by all spirits, like a God.

It is also true that the ancient star of Lagerstroemia indica is extremely prosperous, which is the core of the twelve life stars.

In the same way, there are some stars on the edge of the purple Osmunda region that are suitable for human habitation. However, they are not suitable for ordinary people because of their harsh environment and perennial sandstorm.

And such stars, many people used to call it the stars.

One of the most famous stars is the one with the Trojans hiding.

The sparrow dragon robber is a big star robber group in the purple Osmunda star domain.

They specialize in robbing other star domains, businessmen who want to go to 12 life stars, such as crape myrtle, star wanderers or other extraterritorial racial strongmen, etc.

Every year, a lot of strong people die in the hands of the experts of the sparrow dragon bandits. Many even volunteer to join the sparrow dragon bandits and become one of them, which makes the notorious star bandit group more and more huge.

Rao is an ancient star of Lagerstroemia indica. The Guangming clan has sent troops to encircle and suppress many times, but only to treat the symptoms rather than the root cause.

The people who steal are too cunning.

The so-called "cunning rabbit three caves".

The Guangming people don't have enough information about the sparrow dragon robbers.

Every time, they march in large numbers to kill a star where the sparrow dragon robber is hiding, but in the end, they will always find that they have jumped in the air, and even be schemed by the sparrow dragon robber's strongmen, resulting in countless deaths and injuries.

In a word, Trojans are like a pile of weeds that can't be burned out. After burning one batch, a new batch of weeds will grow again soon, which is a great headache.

"Yinghuoxing, is it here?"

Ye Lan stands quietly in the starry sky, and the warship has been brought into the magic tower by him.

He looked down at the huge stars in front of him, all dark yellow, mixed with strange black.

That is the streaked black fog produced by the rotation of the air flow, which makes the huge dark yellow planet look like a demon in black veil from a distance, emitting a disturbing smell.

Whoosh ~

Ye Lan dived into a streamer and flew towards the huge dark yellow planet.

Soon, Ye Lan broke through the black belt fog around the giant planet and landed on a sand dune somewhere inside the planet.

"Sure enough, the star environment is bad enough.

The air is thin, and there is no aura at all. Ordinary people here will die soon.

Ordinary practitioners can never survive in this place.

Only those who are above the realm of birth have some means to survive in this star for a short time.

Is such a place, the headquarters of quelong thief, really here? "

Ye Lan is lost in thought.

However, he couldn't help it, so he had to search carefully here. Maybe he would find something.


Ye Lan is full of divine consciousness. Suddenly, she senses that there is a faint breath in the sand dune not far away.

With a vertical figure, Ye Lan comes to the sand dune and waves her hand. The strong wind howls and the dust rolls, revealing a bright silver fox buried in it.

"The people of the Guangming clan?"

Ye Lan was stunned to see the bright silver fox. He did not expect that he met the people of the bright family in the desolate Yinghuo star. Moreover, the people of the bright family were seriously injured and beaten back to their original shape.

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