Hoo ~

the wind blows, and the huge blue monster, with a sharp claw, sweeps away towards other super geniuses.

Ah ~

How can several super geniuses who are in the six or seven levels of Tongyou bear the power of the blue monster?

One after another in the void exploded into a blood fog, can not resist, also can not dodge.

"Go, go."

Yuhuaxian anxious road.

The two super geniuses of the Yuzu also reacted quickly and were ready to turn around to escape. As a result, they were still slow and were killed by the blue monster.

"Stars and rain."

Yuhuaxian saw that two super geniuses of his family were killed by the terrible blue monster one after another. He was immediately angry and yelled.

She did her best.

Endless raindrops, in a line, fly all over the sky, quickly entangle and kill the blue monster. Raindrops, combined with the power of yin and Yang, become extremely tough and sharp.

Once someone is entangled by the rain, he will die on the spot.

But the rain entangled in the body of the blue monster, but it is simply helpless to each other.

On the contrary, it was easily broken by the blue monster.

"How could it be?"

Yu Huaxian was shocked, and his face was full of horror.

The cyan monster is so powerful that it is beyond her imagination.

Roar ~

with a roar, when yuhuaxian was frightened, the blue monster roared and killed again. Its claws broke the void, and it suddenly approached yuhuaxian.

In the claw, the evil spirit of rushing to the sky disturbed the situation. The oppressive Yuhua immortal was as heavy as a mountain, and could not move at all.

Roaring ~

yuhuaxian was oppressed by the sharp claw and slapped on the ground.

The dust is high, the gravel is rolling, the void is broken.

When everything calmed down, a huge pit appeared on the ground. In the pit, yuhuaxian was scarred and his breath was weak.

"Green lotus Sword Fairy!"

In the far sky, a figure stood proudly, just like the God of war, with a terrible sword power all over his body.

Behind him, a huge blue lotus appeared.

The lotus flower is in full bloom, from which a virtual shadow of the sword God wearing a blue Taoist robe and holding a blue sword appears.

The virtual shadow of the sword God seems to come from the ancient times, and its power is palpitating.

Its momentum broke out, the void trembled and collapsed. The green light turned into countless sharp swords, cutting through the void and destroying everything.

Mu Qingyan, the first martial genius of the Qing nationality.

His eyes were cold and heartless, and his pupils were cold blue.

Take the sword instead of the hand and strike the sky.

Behind him, the huge sword God virtual shadow moves with his gesture, dancing his long sword and chopping heavily at the terror monster that is coming towards him.

The sword breaks through the air, rolling the power of yin and Yang, rolling forward.

This sword is as powerful as a sword.

This sword cuts the sky and the earth.

This sword is shocking.

It's palpitating, it's amazing.

Many of the surviving geniuses of all ethnic groups were thrilled to see the sword cut by Mu Qingyan, and unconsciously felt a sense of worship and awe.

Roar ~

terror monster, roaring.

Roar, shattered the sky, nine days above, a block of ancient vicissitudes of the fairy que, in its terrible roar, burst into pieces, blow into a ball of dust.

Its whole body erupts the terror evil light, the towering evil evil spirit's potential, straight passes through the sky.

Huge body, evil green light lingering, just like burning a layer of blue flame, the blue flame is very like the hell of the nether world fire, can burn the sky to cook the sea.

Green lotus Sword Fairy's terror strike, ruthlessly kill in that terror monster body, but didn't hurt each other, on the contrary was easily resisted by each other.

As soon as the pupil shrinks, Mu Qingyan's face, which has always been unshakable, reappears the color of surprise and shock.

At the same time, he faced the difficulties and rushed to kill himself fiercely with the power of the supreme evil.

Completely ignoring the powerful sword power of Qinglian Sword Fairy, monster! The real monster!

A monster that's so powerful that it's incredible!

"Mu Shao, be careful!"

Among the youth, a surviving super genius screamed.

Unfortunately, no matter how he reminds, Mu Qingyan can't avoid the fierce blow from the terrible monster.

Boom ~

a sharp claw breaks through the void and slaps heavily on Mu Qingyan. The violent force on the claw, such as the flood of sluice gate, rushes into Mu Qingyan's body and breaks his whole body's meridians and bones.Poof ~

a big mouthful of blood came from Mu Qingyan's mouth. The virtual shadow of the sword God behind him also collapsed and dissipated in an instant under that blow.

His body is like a shell, and he flies away. Along the way, he collapses one ancient fairy palace after another. From the Ninth Heaven, he falls to the ground and blows up dust and gravel.

As the smoke and dust dispersed, a huge pit with a radius of 10 Li appeared on the ground. Mu Qingyan was lying in the pit, and he was already unconscious. He didn't know whether he was alive or dead?

"Too strong! That monster is too strong. We are not rivals at all

Among these people, the two most powerful geniuses, one is yuhuaxian, the other is mu Qingyan, who has been severely damaged by the terrible monster. They can't stop the power of the terrible monster.

Many of the surviving geniuses turned pale and full of fear.

At this moment, many of them wanted to run away, but their legs and bodies didn't listen.

I'm afraid!

The fear and fear in the soul made them unable to escape in the face of the terrible monster, only to be killed.

Ah ~

the screams are continuous.

Constantly there are all kinds of genius, died in the terrible monster's claw.

This is a one-sided massacre. No matter how hard the geniuses resist, they still can't resist the fierce attack of the terrible monster.

One after another died in the hands of the terrible monster, blood spilled in the sky.

Whoosh ~

just as the blue monster was slaughtering many talents of all nationalities, a phantom figure with a sunglasses in hand suddenly came in the distance.

As soon as the phantom figure appeared, it immediately attracted the attention of the blue monster.

His fierce eyes fixed on the unreal figure, full of endless anger and hatred.

Roar ~

the blue monster roars, and the voice is full of fury.

It's huge body, jump up, fiercely kill the unreal figure holding the Taiyin mirror.

The virtual shadow is fearless. The broken sunglasses in his hands are full of divine light, and the powerful power of the sunglasses surges out, oppressing the blue monster.

The two are at war.

The battle is extremely fierce. Everyone can feel that under the battle of the illusory human figure and the cyan monster, the whole ancient god's land is shaking, the earth begins to break up, the sky begins to collapse, and the huge ancient immortal palaces are collapsing and exploding under the power of their battle.

Void, broken and together, together and broken.

The world is dark, like the end of the world.

Putong ~

Putong ~

the surviving geniuses of various nationalities felt the battle between the illusory figure and the blue monster. They could not help but kneel down on their knees. Their faces were more and more shocked, and their forehead and back were covered with cold sweat.

It's a fight between super powers, not a terrorist battle that they and other little people can easily set foot in.

Every overflowing energy tide can easily tear up their bodies, destroy their spirits and make them no longer exist.

It was not a duel between mortals, it was a divine battle!

The decisive battle between God and devil!

Ye Lan chased here all the way, and saw the cyan monster fighting with the unreal figure holding the Taiyin mirror, with a dignified look.

"Eye of the blue sky?"

Ye Lan was shocked.

"No, it's not the real eye of heaven. It should be a powerful monster of the same race as the eye of heaven in ancient times."

Ye Lan thought of the mural of the eye of the blue sky she had seen. She had seen the real eye of the blue sky in the memory of the emperor of Taiyin.

The real eye of the blue sky, it is absolutely not the blue monster can compare, the blue monster should be a strong general under the eye of the blue sky.

I just don't know why it appeared in the land of ancient gods?

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