"Get up!"

An old man in a blue and gold robe, with crane hair and childlike face, looked at the many disciples kneeling down and said with a friendly face.

"Elder Xie!"

A group of disciples of the outer gate, shouting together again, got up one after another and stepped aside.

"Tianhai, let the strongmen forge the challenge arena and prepare for the third stage examination!"

The old man turned to look at Lei Tianhai behind him and said.


Lei Tianhai nodded respectfully.

Hand a pick, take down the waist of a black rune.

The real Qi poured into the rune and suddenly rose into the air, blooming the dark light.

As the black light suddenly appeared, the ground rumbled and moved, as if there had been a big earthquake.

Ye Lan and other 300 young talents, as well as many practitioners around, can feel the strong vibration from the ground.

A lot of people were surprised and didn't understand what happened?

It was not until they saw some huge figures walking out of leiyunzong Mountain Gate with heavy steps that they suddenly realized.

I saw the figures, one by one shirtless, wearing simple black armor.

Each one is the size of a mountain, ten feet high, and full of explosive power.

Where they passed, the huge trees were trampled under their feet like straw, the branches and leaves were flying, the smoke and dust were everywhere, and the earth was rumbling.

Seeing those huge figures, thousands of practitioners could not help but gape.


Lei yunzong's strong existence, they move slowly, but they have great power. They can pull out mountains and have infinite power.

The skin is like steel. It can ignore any physical attack from the practitioners under the birth environment. It's extremely terrifying!


Some people were too frightened to speak.


For the first time, they saw a giant like a mountain!

"It's Lei yunzong's specially trained strongman!"

Some people respond, and their hearts are full of shock.

"Leiyunzong is worthy of being the first large gate in our piaoyue city. It is famous for the whole Longyuan empire. Unexpectedly, it cultivates such terrible giants in its gate!"

Some practitioners lamented that Lei yunzong could cultivate powerful people.

Many people nodded deeply and were shocked by Lei yunzong again.

At this moment, the people were silent, looking at a giant strongman, waving a huge iron axe in his hand, to flatten all the surrounding hills and cut off all the thousands of huge trees.

In a short time, casting a huge competition arena, the heart is amazing!

After casting the challenge arena, several powerful men took a heavy step again and disappeared in the huge mountain gate of Lei yunzong.

"Next, I announced that the third stage of the assessment, officially began!"

The old man looked at the whole scene, gathered his breath in his throat and said in a loud voice.

All of the audience woke up from the shock of the previous strongman cutting the mountain and casting the challenge arena, and cheered excitedly one after another.


Every year, when Lei yunzong recruits new disciples, only the third stage of martial arts competition is the most eye-catching.

Naturally, thousands of onlookers can't wait to hear the old man announce that the third stage of the examination has begun.

Similarly, the three hundred young talents who successfully entered the third stage of the examination were all eager to show their skills.

"Tianhai, you are in charge of the next affairs."

The old man looked at those young geniuses. Their childish faces were full of excitement and a smile appeared on their faces.

He turned his head to look at Lei Tianhai and said.


Lei Tianhai takes orders to step forward and look around.

"There are two rounds in this contest. In the first round, 150 people will be eliminated directly. Those who enter the second round will become our disciples directly.

In the second round, there will be a wheel fight. Each person must challenge 149 opponents. The ranking order will be determined according to the number of wins and losses.

The higher the ranking, the clan will be given corresponding clan points to show the reward.

Do you have any objection? "

Thunder sky sea long voice way.

"Deacon Lei, do you want to eliminate 150 young talents in the first round?"

One of the three hundred young talents, looking at Lei Tianhai, asked aloud.

"That's right!"

"Isn't that unfair?"

The boy responded.

"How unfair?"

Lei Tianhai asked.

"Among the three hundred disciples, there is a great disparity in their strength.Some of them may be in the double or even triple accumulation of Qi, some may be in the fourth or even the seventh accumulation of Qi.

If one round comes down, Juqi triple wins over Juqi double and goes to the second round.

Juqi four met with Juqi seven, directly eliminated, unable to promote.

However, it is obvious that the four important factors of gas accumulation are stronger than the three.

The existence of triple environment, can promote, the existence of quadruple environment, can't promote.

How can it be fair? "

The teenager responded.

Many people feel the same way.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I, Lei yunzong, pay attention to the word" Yuan ".

Those who can be promoted show that they are predestined with Lei yunzong. Those who cannot be promoted show that they are not predestined with Lei yunzong.

In addition, as you said, Juqi triple meet Juqi double, can be promoted smoothly.

Qi gathering four meets Qi gathering seven and is eliminated directly.

It's not right to decide the outcome in one round.

But don't forget, in addition to the dominance of talent and strength, the qi movement of a cultivator is also essential for a cultivator to reach the peak in Shenwu land.

For example, two strong men in the same realm.

A bad luck, can't climb the peak.

A person with strong fortune can win the highest position.

In comparison, Qi transportation is also very important for practitioners.

In the first round of this competition, Lei yunzong wanted not only your talent and strength, but also your own luck.

If you have good luck, you can avoid the strong enemy and advance smoothly.

But if you don't have good luck, no matter how strong you are, you will encounter more obstacles and you won't be promoted smoothly. What's wrong with that? "

Lei Tianhai tells us.

Thousands of practitioners nodded suddenly.

Indeed, what Shenwu mainland lacks is not a strong man with extremely high talent and strength.

In this world, a practitioner should not only have super talent, but also have enough Qi to really win the highest martial arts.

Talent and strength dominate, but Qi Yun can't be ignored either.

The first round of the third stage competition of Lei yunzong tested not only the strength of the 300 young talents, but also their own luck.

If Qi transportation is strong, even if Qi gathering is two, it is possible to survive under Qi gathering seven practitioners.

After all, luck is illusory. Who can tell?

After listening to Lei Tianhai's story, the young man who questioned the injustice of the first round no longer spoke, and the rest of the people fell into silence, feeling that Lei yunzong's assessment was not improper.

After all, people have shown that the test is not strength, but luck!

You are not lucky to be promoted. Who can blame you?

Although Lei yunzong's reason is some rogue, it has to be admired!

"Do you have any objection?"

Lei Tianhai looks at the three hundred young geniuses and asks again.

The crowd was silent and shook their heads.

"If you have no objection, start drawing lots. From one to three hundred, those who draw one will fight against those who draw three hundred, those who draw two will fight against those who draw two hundred ninety-nine, and so on. Do you understand?"

Lei Tianhai orders.

Smell speech, Ye Lan and other 300 young genius, have nodded.

One by one, they began to come forward and draw numbers.

"Brother Ye Lan, how much is yours?"

Ye Yu asked.

"Number ten!"

Ye Lan said with a smile.

"That's great. I'm No. 100. Your opponent is not me!"

Ye Yu breathes a sigh of relief. If she meets Ye Lan by drawing lots, she will have a headache.

In the distance, Su Yi, Su Zhan, Liu Hanyan and Liu Jiaojiao come forward one after another and ask Ye Lan and Ye Yu for the number they drew. In the end, they are glad that they haven't met.

"What's your number?"

In Bai's home, Bai Mo looks at Bai Wuyou and asks in a deep voice.

"Two hundred and ninety!"

Bai Wuyou took out the number sign and responded truthfully.

"What about Ye Lan?"

Bai Moli asked.

He hopes that ye LAN and Bai Wuyou will meet each other and lose in Bai Wuyou's hands.

But if ye LAN draws in the number sign, does not have the worry with the white correspondence, then, he Bai Mo leaves the abacus to be able to be defeated.

"Bai Shao, don't worry. Ye Lan's No. 10 just corresponds to me!"

White worry mouth slightly lift, secret way his luck is good, draw Ye Lan when the opponent.

He firmly believes that it's easy to defeat Ye Lan's Qi gathering quadruple realm with his strength of Qi gathering quadruple realm.

To be a disciple of Leiyun sect, he will be sure to win!

"Good! Good

Hearing Bai Wuyou's words, Bai Mo nodded with a sneer on his face and looked at Ye Lan in the distance. Deep in his eyes, he was full of cold color.

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