Red flame City, a school of jubilation.

All over the city, nearly ten thousand people of the fire clan were summoned by Zhu Yun to learn that Ye Lan has integrated the fire of life and become the spiritual symbol of his own fire clan.

If ye LAN does not die, the fire of life will never cease, and her fire clan will become more and more prosperous in the future.

As soon as the news came out, the whole city was shocked, and all the fire people were excited.

Many people began to present their best wine and many miraculous fruits, and directly held a banquet to celebrate this exciting news.

Many people of the fire clan, when they see Ye Lan one by one, look very respectful. In their hearts, they no longer regard Ye Lan as a foreigner, but as the master of the fire clan, above the head of the fire clan.

"Leader ye, it's really amazing that he took over the fire clan so easily."

The powerful ghost Terran laughs.

The fire clan has always been united. At the same time, they are extremely xenophobic. No one from other nationalities will be easily accepted by them. But ye LAN is able to accept such a group of fire clan, which makes the strong ghost clan admire him very much.

"I can't say it's acceptance. In my heart, today's Huo people are my relatives."

Ye Lan is serious.

What he said is not affectation, but a fusion of life and fire. In his blood, he has a special resonance with the fire people. That is the feeling that blood is thicker than water. Only relatives can have that kind of feeling.

"Lord Ye, I'd like to propose a toast to you. Thank you for saving our fire tribe from fire and water, so that we can continue to live.

In the future, I will follow Ye Zhu to the death and go through fire and water without hesitation. "

Zhu Yun raises his glass to pay homage to Ye Lan.

In the city, tens of thousands of fire people also raised their glasses to Ye Lan.

This is a grand banquet, gathering ten thousand people, which is unprecedented.

The warm and cheerful atmosphere makes Ye Lan very happy. Liu Hanyan and Liu Jiaojiao are also happy from the heart.

They know that from today on, they will have a group of strong and reliable partners.

The banquet lasted for three days and three nights. During the three days, the fire clan sang and danced with joy.

During these three days, Ye Lan had no time to practice. He was surrounded by many Huo people and asked about his past experience.

When I heard that there was a deep hatred between Ye Lan and Shenzong, the fire clan was extremely resentful and constantly cursed Shenzong, as if Shenzong were their mortal enemy.

"To the patriarch."

In the red flame City, in a huge courtyard, Ye Lan and Zhu Yun walk side by side.

"Lord Ye, what can I do for you?"

"To be honest, this time I came to Huo clan mainly to find people, so Lao Zhu clan leader sent someone to help me find people."

Ye Lan said.

"I don't know, who is the person Ye is looking for?"

Zhu Yun asked curiously.

Ye Lan didn't say much, but gave the portrait of Ye Yu and the master of ten thousand swords to Zhu Yun.

"Lord Ye, don't worry. I immediately ordered people to look for these two people. As soon as there is news, I will inform Lord Ye as soon as possible."

Zhu Yun looks respectful. Immediately, he calls a general of Huo clan and gives the general of Huo clan full power to arrange the search.

"Zhu clan leader, tomorrow, we are going to leave. If there is anything in the future, I will help you if you need my help."

Ye Lan said and handed Zhu Yun an order.

He needs to find Ye Yu and wanjianzun. Although there are fire tribe to help him, but the hundred Jupiter is so vast, it is not easy to find Ye Yu and wanjianzun in a short time only by the power of fire tribe.

"Lord Ye, don't you plan to stay in our fire clan?"

I wish you a surprise.

"It's enough for the fire clan to be protected by you and several elders. I have my own business to do. "

"But Lord Ye, you are the hope of our fire clan and the life of our fire clan. If you leave our fire clan, in case of life danger, it will be a disaster for our fire clan."

Zhu Yun is in a hurry.

Although Ye Lan's cultivation is strong, in this world, there are heaven and people outside. There are many practitioners who are far more powerful than Ye Lan.

No wonder Zhu Yun is so worried.

"If Lord Ye insists on leaving, please let me accompany him and protect him."

Zhu Yun pleaded.

"You are the head of the Huo clan. The Huo clan still needs your leadership. If you leave the Huo clan rashly to protect me, who will take care of the affairs of the Huo clan in the future?"

Ye Lan responded.

I wish you a moment of silence and embarrassment.

"Don't worry, leader Ye. He's very talented and powerful. He won't have an accident easily."

The strong of the ghost tribe advise each other at the right time.

"Even so, I'm not sure. In this way, Lord Ye, please let me send two elders of our fire clan to accompany Lord Ye and protect him. How about that?"Zhu Yun said.

It's hard to be gracious. Ye Lan knows that if he refuses again, he'll be so anxious that Zhu Yun will lock himself in the fire clan and won't go out.

His present status in the fire clan is not what it used to be, but the fire of life. The future and hope of the fire clan are very important for the fire clan.

"Not bad."

Ye Lan nodded.

"Mr. Kun and Mr. Xu, I'll take care of you two."

Wish cloud see Ye Lan nod to agree, can't help but be overjoyed, quickly call him fire clan in the most powerful two elders.

The strength of the two fire clan elders is in the triple realm of yin and Yang. In the whole fire clan, their cultivation status is second only to Zhu Yun, and they are the first-class strong men in the fire clan.

Even though their accomplishments are only in the triple realm of yin and Yang, it's no problem to challenge the quadruple realm of yin and Yang and even the top realm.

Once the two join hands, they can resist the strong of the five realms of yin and Yang, which is a very powerful force.

At least, in the whole Nansha Island, there are few strong people of other races who can fight against these two super strong people.

Let him two people protect Ye Lan comprehensive, wish cloud also can rest assured a lot.

"Thank you for taking care of me."

Ye Lan looks at old Kun and old Xu, with a sunny smile on her face. She is very polite and modest. She doesn't have any bossy appearance because she is the leader of the fire clan.

"It's a great honor for the two of his subordinates to be around him."

Mr. Kun and Mr. Xu hold hands respectfully.

In the past, they were all responsible for protecting Zhu Yun and protecting his safety. Now, they are ordered by Zhu Yun to protect Ye Lan. To tell the truth in their hearts is also somewhat contradictory. After all, they are not familiar with Ye Lan, and they are not clear about Ye Lan's personality and style.

But now, see Ye Lan and not because of the identity of the fire clan to pressure their head, but later generations of the ceremony to their two people show extremely respectful.

Kun old and Xu old, that is in the heart of Ye Lan You Ran gave birth to a good feeling.

The next day, Ye Lan said goodbye to Zhu Yun and left the red flame City, which caused a stir in the whole city. Many Huo people saw each other off outside the city one after another.

"Kunlao, where is the nearest city?"

Ye Lan and others are riding on the back of a flaming beast changed from Kun Lao. He looks at Kun Lao and asks.

"This place, called the wasteland, occupies nearly one third of the area of Nansha Island. It is extremely vast and vast. The whole wasteland is a desert Gobi with few people.

The nearest city is also the blue blood city thousands of miles away, which is the territory of the demon clan.

If Lord Ye wants to go to the city to look for people, he can go to the blue blood city. Nansha Buzhou is under the control of the demon clan. They are the minions of the Lizhi clan.

If you enter their territory, you will get more information. "

Mr. Kun responded truthfully.

At the same time, he tells Ye Lan that the place where they and others are located is called the wasteland, which is the largest desert Gobi in Nansha Island. It is also a very dangerous place. It is a forbidden area in Nansha Island, and few people dare to enter it easily.

In order to avoid the pursuit of the power group, the Huo clan, with the help of he Bo, entered the wasteland, built the red flame City, and lived an isolated life.

"It's a long way to the blue blood city. The ruins are also extremely dangerous. There are many ferocious demons, birds and beasts. Many wanted criminals in Nansha Island Escape here. They are as fierce as tigers and bloodthirsty as life.

Lord Ye, we have to be careful. "

At the end of the day, Mr. Kun reminded me again.

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