Dong ~

Dong ~

Dong ~

in the dark, there are bursts of Dong sound, which seems to come from the ancient sound, mixed with the frightening roar, making people shiver.

Ye Lan and others are surprised. They look up and see that there are countless demons in the dark. They are roaring in silence and rushing towards the temple. They are hitting the gods who are guarding the temple.

The demons are extremely terrifying, but the power of Shenzhong can't be underestimated. For a moment, they can't break through Shenzhong's defense.

"Those monsters..."

, as like as two peas, surprised him. He found that the appearance of those monsters was exactly the same as the ancient dark monsters that he had encountered in the memory of the sun god.

"Is it difficult to be a monster in the dark? Is it the will of heaven in ancient times?

In fact, the night in the ruins is not the punishment of the gods? "

Ye Lan guesses and frowns.

"What are those things? What a terrible life

Liu Jiaojiao also saw those dark monsters who were fighting and roaring silently in the dark, and her face was full of fear.

She saw the dark monsters, which were completely from the depths of her soul, as if they were the natural enemies of mankind.

Not only she, but also Liu Hanyan and the two strongmen of the ghost tribe were shocked to see the dark monsters rushing and roaring in the dark. They were afraid that the dark monsters would rush into the temple.

On the contrary, Mr. Kun and Mr. Xu are calm and completely unmoved. It can be seen that they have long been familiar with the dark monsters in the night outside the ruins.

"No one knows the origin of those monsters. However, according to various legends, they were all plundered and punished by immortals, destroying many powerful races that once violated taboos in the ruins."

Mr. Xu responded.

Ye Lan is silent. He knows that the legend is wrong. Those dark monsters are enemies of gods. How can gods use them as punishment to destroy many powerful races that once lived in the wasteland.

Among them, there must be some secrets that others and even the whole world don't know.

As for the truth behind it, it is not known.

The night is very long. The outside world, those dark monsters are still circling, flying, roaring, emitting a terrible power, frightening people's hearts. They have no entity, just a group of soul like smoke and fog.

Ye Lan knows that these dark monsters are extremely terrifying and powerful. If they are not soul bodies but entities, the broken statues around the temple can't resist their invasion.

Time is like sand, slowly passing, I do not know how long, the night receded, demons dissipated.

They come and go like tides, but where they go is not known.

"It's morning."

Mr. Kun got up slowly and moved his muscles.

As soon as the sleeve of the robe waved, the flame rolled and the force of yin and Yang circled. In a moment, a huge flame beast appeared in front of them.

Ye Lan and others jump on the flame beast and continue to march in the direction of blue blood city.

The speed of the fire beast is very fast, and the scenery all around is retreating rapidly.

Gradually, the night began to approach again, Ye Lan and others also saw in the distance of the Gobi, there is a small village.

In front of the village, there is a river, which is the river of life in the Wasteland - Nansha River.

The river is hundreds of feet wide and thousands of feet deep, and its length is unknown. It is said that the River traverses the whole wasteland, so it becomes the river of life in the wasteland.

In the wasteland, many small villages are built along the river and make a living by fishing and hunting.

This is not, Ye Lan and others will see the distance, in the Nansha River, there are some fishermen, driving the boat, smooth driving in the turbulent Nansha River, the end of their day's hard work.

The boat is full of fresh shrimps, fish and crabs unique to Nansha River. These fresh shrimps, fish and crabs are very big, all of which contain a strong aura. Eating them can strengthen the body and help to practice.

"Those fishermen are not simple."

Looking at the fishermen who were driving the boats, the strong one of the ghost people looked very serious.

The Nansha River is extremely fast, so it is difficult for birds to cross and for a feather to float.

Naturally, it is impossible for ordinary people to control the boat smoothly on the Nansha River.

However, the fishermen were able to do it easily, which showed that they had the strength and means to drive the boat on the Nansha River to catch fresh crabs and shrimps.

"People who can survive in ruins are not simple."

Old Xu smiles.

"Let's go. Those fishermen and I are old friends. We always rely on their help when we need to buy goods."

Xu continued.

Fire beast, under the control of kunlao, went straight to the small village on the other side of Nansha River.The Nansha River is swift and deep, and there are many powerful and terrifying water monsters in it, which ordinary monks can't cross easily.

However, kunlao's cultivation is powerful, no matter how fast the Nansha River is, it can't wash out the fire beast he formed. No matter how strong the water monster in the river is, after feeling the terror of kunlao and Xulao, they also give way one after another and fear three points.

Hissing, continuous.

The fiery flame on the flame beast evaporates the turbulent water of Nansha River, and makes a hissing sound, emitting bursts of white smoke.

This scene attracted the attention of the fishermen who sailed the boat.

"It's true that friends come from afar. Lao Kun and Lao Xu, long time no see. What are you going to buy this time? "

On a fishing boat, an old man with a coir raincoat on his head was smiling.

The old man's skin was dark. Under the sunlight, he was cold and cold. His whole body was covered with barbs. He looked very creepy.

He is tall and burly, half the height of an ordinary human monk. At least one foot away, he is full of explosive power and muscles.

The momentum is inherent, which gives birth to the spirit of a strong man, which makes people dare not underestimate.

On the back of the fire beast, Ye Lan, Liu Hanyan and others can clearly feel that the old man's cultivation momentum is not weak. Kunlao and Xulao are the strongest among the fishermen!

"It's said that things are good in the blue blood city. Lao Kun and I plan to go in for a walk. I don't know, Mr. Liu, what can you do to make us enter the blue blood city smoothly?"

The flame beast and Liu Laomo's fishing boat are facing each other from afar. Xu Laomo gets up, bows and smiles.

"Take a seat in my village first, eat some snacks and drink some tea. Just in time, I caught a lot of fresh food in Nansha River earlier. I'll cook it in one pot later, so that you two old guys can enjoy it."

Mr. Liu was warmly invited.

He and Xu and Kun have known each other for a long time. Although they are not brothers, they are more affectionate than brothers.

"Medium rare, please."

Kun Lao's expressionless response.

"Yes, I know your taste."

Old devil Liu said with a smile.

He leads the way in front of him, taking Xu laokun, Ye Lan and others all the way to the village.

The village is not big. There are about a dozen families with a total population of dozens. Liu Laomo is the strongest in the village and is elected the village head of Liujia village.

Ye Lan and others looked at Liujia village with great interest, and found that the houses in the whole village were very simple, all thatched cottages, but they were clean and tidy, giving people a very refreshing feeling.

Around the village, there are four statues.

Every statue is ten feet high.

Some statues are Vajra with feet on the tortoise and a demon dragon in hand.

There are also some holy fairies who want to fly with their swords.

These four statues are all lifelike, as if in the statues, the ancient gods are sleeping.

These four statues are the treasures to protect liujiacun from being eroded by the night. They are the symbols of liujiacun and are very important to them.

Every day, liujiacun presents incense and snacks in front of the statue to show respect and pray for peace.

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