"Master, can you say less?"

As soon as master Wan jianzun saw the demon saint, he was angry with the two ancestors of Shenzong. He could not help feeling a lot of pressure.

"Don't cut in when adults talk!"

The devil has no good way.

Master Wan Jian was stunned and depressed. This was the first time that he was called a little fart, but he couldn't refute it.

Because everyone present is hundreds of years older than him in age!

"Ji Ruxue, you can really pretend to be calm. Your woman was designed by that old woman to go to bed with me, and then she committed suicide.

How can you bear to keep away from the old woman?

I don't know if you don't like your woman with a heart of stone, or are you afraid of the old woman? "

The heaven devil saint's eyes swept, and then he sneered at Ji Ruxue.

Ji Ruxue's face was gloomy, and her anger was boiling in her chest.

On one side, Ying shuangpo hears the words of the heavenly devil saint and moves in her heart: "do you mean that Ji Ruxue is the one who made friends with Yi'er and let Yi'er's heart secretly promise?"

"What? For so many years, you old woman didn't know?

Oh, how do you become a master? It's a failure.

However, it's not all your fault. Ji Ruxue is very deep in the city. You won't know anything he doesn't want you to know in your life.

No wonder you've been hoodwinked by him for so many years, and now you can still show up with him and want to fight side by side. "

Heaven devil Saint Zun said with a strange look on his face.

Attack the city for the bottom, attack the heart for the top.

The heavenly devil saint was once the son of the Lei family of Shenzong. At that time, he was the head of the five Saint sons and daughters of Shenzong. He was gifted and powerful. He was the best in the world. Few of the younger generation could surpass him.

In Shenzong, he had such a prominent position and high prestige. Naturally, the God devil Saint at that time had a lot of contacts with many top-level people in Shenzong, even with some humble little people under Shenzong.

Not to mention being able to master the minds and personalities of all the deities, but the secrets, minds and personalities of at least half of the people, the heavenly devil saint can basically understand and master them.

It's very difficult to deal with the four great ancestors only by wanjianzun.

Therefore, the heavenly devil saint is going to try to start a war between Ji Ruxue and Ying shuangpo, and let them fight each other.

In this way, facing the remaining Jiang Daojian and Chu wanxiong.

Even if master Wan Jian is defeated, it's no problem to take him to escape.

"Say it

Ying Shuang Po's face was gloomy and she yelled.

Although part of the reason is that she did it, Ying shuangpo always thinks that if her lover Yi'er didn't fall in love with other men, that would not have happened, and her lover would never have committed suicide. The idea of

has been hidden in the mind of Ying Shuang Po. For thousands of years, she has been sending people to secretly investigate who their love likes.

Once you find the other side, no matter what the other side is, you will definitely cut it!

Seeing Ying shuangpo's reaction, the demon saint was overjoyed, and the secret fish took the bait.

Immediately, he began to talk about the secret underground relationship between Ying shuangpo and Ji Ruxue.

Naturally, in this case, the heavenly devil Saint did not forget to make Ying Shuang Po completely angry, so that she could vent her anger on Ji Ruxue's head.

"Master, don't listen to his nonsense. How can the devil's words be true?"

Ji Ruxue finds something wrong.

On the contrary, Ying shuangpo had already stepped into the half step nirvana for a long time.

Strength and means are far above Ji Ruxue.

If Ying shuangpo is really instigated by the heavenly devil saint, she will be in trouble.

Ji Ruxue believes that even if she doesn't die, she will peel off her skin.

"Yes! Mr. Ying, Lei Qingtian knows that he is deliberately provoking the relationship between you and brother Ji! His words can never be trusted. "

On the one hand, Chu wanxiong is going to be a peacemaker. At this juncture, he doesn't want Ying shuangpo to fall out with Ji Ruxue. At that time, it will be difficult for him and Jiang Daojian to keep master Wan Jian and master Tianmo.

"But some of the things he said are exactly the same as what I sent people to investigate. If it's true or not, old lady, I can only tell. You don't have to say it! "

Ying shuangpo's face was gloomy, and her eyes were full of murders.

At this moment, she no longer pays attention to the heaven devil saint. Her eyes are fixed on Ji Ruxue.

As soon as she is watched by Ying shuangpo's eyes, Ji Ruxue feels a chill on her back. Her whole body is bristling with sweat. Her whole heart is beating wildly, and she feels uneasy.

"Ji'er, do you have something to say?"Ying shuangpo said, her tone full of anger and killing.

While saying that, she is a side slowly toward Ji such as blood step by step approach.

"Master, I admit that I did have a love affair with Yi'er, but is her death up to me?

If you didn't force her to get along with the demon saint, Yi'er would not commit suicide with the sword.

If you want to talk about why Yi'er died, you are also responsible, master! "

Ji such as blood not reconciled said.

Yi'er was his favorite girl when he was young. After Ying Shuang's mother-in-law had a relationship with Tianmo Shengzun, Ji Ruxue was furious and tried to find Ying Shuang's mother-in-law and Tianmo Shengzun for many times.

But at that time, his strength was too weak, far from being the opponent of Tianmo Shengzun and yingshuangpo, so he buried his hatred and anger in his heart and waited for one day to revenge.

Originally, the time was not yet ripe.

But today, unfortunately, she was poked out by the demon saint. Ji Ruxue didn't intend to cover it up any more. She simply pointed out the matter and blamed Ying shuangpo.

"Well, you Ji'er, how dare you blame me if you cheat my apprentice?

Today, if I don't tear you apart, I won't call you Mrs. Ying! "

The old woman cried angrily.

The anger that had been suppressed for many years burst out at this moment.

She holds a crutch and kills Ji Ruxue.

On the other side, Ji Ruxue looks awe inspiring. She doesn't dare to underestimate. She also uses the power of yin and yang to resist Ying shuangpo's crazy fight.

It's just a breath. The two of them will fight for no less than hundreds of rounds, and the further the Vietnam war goes, the more they have hit the dark and silent starry sky.

Chu wanxiong, who was full of consternation, and Jiang Daojian, who looked slightly ugly, were left behind.

"The crazy man who beat the old lady was so stupid that he was instigated by Lei Qingtian in a few words.

What's more, Ji Ruxue's brain is sick. She knows that old lady Ying is eccentric, and she dares to blame each other. Isn't she looking for death? "

Jiang Daojian sees that old lady Ying and Ji Ruxue are fighting fiercely. He can't stop them. He can't help but curse in a low voice.

"What are you doing? Why don't you go? These old guys all appeared, but the son of the Jiang family, the son of the Ji family and the daughter of the Ying family did not appear.

If I guess correctly, those three little dolls must deal with ye Xiaozi!

Hurry up, it's late. If you die, I'll play with you! "

It's a pity that Jiang Daojian and Chu wanxiong are left when they see that they are willing to instigate the old woman to fight with Ji Ruxue.

Heaven devil Saint immediately greets master Wan Jian and asks him to run for his life!

Master Wan Jian wakes up with a start and runs away quickly with the demon saint. He admires the demon saint in his heart. Although his cultivation has not recovered to the peak, his mouth and the way to use people's heart are amazing.

Fortunately, such characters as the demon saint are friends, not enemies.

Otherwise, wanjianzun does not know how to deal with such a sophisticated, gifted and powerful terrorist existence.

"Want to run? How can it be that easy? "

Jiang Daojian's face sank. Seeing that master Wan Jian ran away with the demon saint, he quickly chased him.

Chu wanxiong followed closely.

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