It's too terrible.

The three kinds of blood in Ye Lan's body protect each other, but also can't let him easily bear the terrible thunder robbery, so that his body is directly smashed into more than half, hanging the last breath.

Thundering ~

the sky, rolling clouds, is more and more heavy, the power of heaven and earth is also increasing, and the power of the twinkling thunder is more and more violent.

Indistinctly, the demon saint and others saw that the thunder turned into a fierce beast, roaring in silence.

The last shot!

As long as ye LAN can carry it, he will succeed in the robbery. In the future, every time he breaks through the heavy, he will face a stronger and more terrible punishment.

If you can't carry it, your spirits will disappear completely, and you will be doomed.

The heavenly devil Saint wanted to help, but he knew that the only way for the monk to survive the robbery was the monk himself. The help of others didn't work at all.

"Boy ye, hold on, you must hold on for me!"

The heavenly devil saint is so nervous and scared that his whole body is shaking. For thousands of years, he has never been so nervous and scared as he is today.

If ye Lan's robbery fails, he will die and die together.

Aoki's blood is constantly flowing, quickly repairing Ye Lan's injury and reorganizing his damaged body. Unfortunately, the divine power contained in Aoki's blood is not very strong. Although it can help Ye Lan repair his damaged body, it takes a long time.

And so long, enough time for the last attack on the sky.

Roaring ~

in the sky, at the center of the cloud, a terrible beast formed by thunder roared towards Ye Lan. The beast was as big as a mountain, and it was full of thousands of feet. The whole body was blue and the thunder was flashing. It was fierce and terrifying.

How can the practitioners of yin and Yang stop such a terrible thunder?

At this moment, Rao is Ye Lan feel the death is approaching, despair in his heart.

"How can I die? Rain is still waiting for me to save, and everyone is working hard for me. How can I fall in this disaster?

How can I let the tragedy of the last life repeat itself in this life

Under the threat of death and the oppression of despair, what ye LAN broke out was an unprecedented sense of war, and the desire for survival broke out in his heart.

Perhaps feel Ye Lan's desire to survive, for the death of the unwilling, Ye Lan whole body evil gas began to surge madly, crazy dance.

In the heart of eyebrow, that little cinnabar fire quickly turned into a series of horrible blood color magic lines. In a moment, it covered Ye Lan's whole body. The evil spirit was overwhelming and the killing spirit soared to the sky.


Under the oppression of the disaster, Ye Lan becomes a devil again.

But this time, he didn't lose his mind. Zhihai has a magic tower to suppress him. He doesn't dare to destroy his mind at will. He can only use it for ye LAN. It has become a big mace for Ye Lan to fight against natural disasters.

Roar ~

behind him, the virtual shadow of killing the demon emperor becomes more and more solid, and the powerful momentum is more and more terrifying.

Ye Lan's whole body is burning with the gas of blood killing, just like a Tengteng blood flame, giving people a very oppressive sense of depression.

The killing spirit flows all over his body, bringing him great power and destroying his body madly at the same time. But the blood of Aoki God is also helping him to repair his body and resist the complete erosion of the killing spirit.

"Strike the sky with one sword!"

Ye Lan suddenly drank and made the most perfect sword to strike the sky.

This sword, cut through the void, straight through the sky.

In the sword power, the power of brute God, the power of Heiyan, the power of Taiyin and the power of the sun, and the power of killing demons are combined.

With the blessing of all kinds of powerful forces, the power of this sword can be called a shocking blow.

The sword cuts at the blue thunder beast that has fallen from nine days, and collides with it. For a moment, both sides are deadlocked, and they are consuming each other's strength.

Tianmo saint was shocked, and so were Mu Tianyun and other strong members of the Qing Royal family. In Tianyun City, hundreds of millions of young people and many strong members of foreign races were completely shocked by the scene above the Qing Royal family.

Everyone has forgotten everything. In their eyes, there is only one sword, only the blue thunder beast that contains the potential of violent destruction and wants to destroy everything!

Click ~

Click ~

Lingtian Jianmang starts to break up. Ye Lan has been badly hit by the previous two thunders. Now, he tries his best to attack the sky, and the power of one sword is not enough to easily stop the terrible blue thunder beast.

However, the power of the blue thunder beast was also consumed by a sword.

At last, there was a loud explosion and a terrible thunder, which destroyed all the palaces of the Qing Royal family.Lingtian Jian Mang, the broken sword Qi, also breaks the void around the whole royal family, and a huge black whirlpool appears. The power of space, whistling and circling in this huge world, wants to destroy everything.

The frightening momentum made the emperor Tianmo and Mu Tianyun and other Qing Royal strongmen retreat suddenly. In the royal family, many Qing maidservants, princes and grandchildren, etc. also fled quickly from the Qing Royal Family under the leadership of their elders.

Bang ~

the blue thunder beast, the rest of its divine power, suddenly fell, dazzling blue thunder light, completely submerged Ye Lan's already broken body.

The huge Qing Royal family was also submerged by the blue thunder, with pavilions, palaces and mountains collapsing, disappearing and dissipating under the destructive power of the blue thunder.

"Ye boy, ye boy!"

The demon saint is in a big hurry and wants to rush into the raging blue thunder, but it is blocked by Mu Tianyun.

"Uncle Lei, you can't go, you will die!"

Mu Tianyun advised.

"Damn it, if ye Xiaozi dies, I will be finished with him! Get out of my way, I won't kill you, you son of a bitch

The demon saint's eyes were red and his face was ferocious.

"Uncle Lei, didn't you say that you and Ye Lan's life are tied together? You are all right now. That means Ye Lan must be all right! Don't be impulsive

Mu Tianyun roared, trying to wake up the heavenly devil saint who was dazzled by anxiety.

The heavenly devil saint was so excited that he suddenly thought of something, right! I'm ok now, which means Ye Lan must be ok too!

The horror of the blue thunder, slowly dissipated, crumbling void of heaven and earth, gradually restored to its original state.

The sky, the rolling clouds, slowly dissipated, in which the lingering terror of heaven and earth, also disappeared with the dissipation of the clouds.

Heaven and earth, the restoration of calm, many people can not help but grow a breath.

Many strong members of the Qing Royal family are still in fear. Is this the legendary punishment of heaven and earth? It's terrible!

They can't imagine how the people who have really stepped into the realm of emptiness and become gods and saints in the legend fear the existence of the anti heaven?

"Boy ye must not be dead, save people quickly!"

Under the calm and restless heart of the God, he took the lead in plundering the Qing Royal family, which left only a piece of ruins.

Behind him, Mu Tianyun and many strong members of the Qing Royal family also rushed to the Qing Royal family.

Looking at his huge Royal family, under the heaven and earth penalty of Ye Lan, he completely becomes a ruin and no longer exists.

Mu Tianyun has a sore face, and so do the strong members of the Qing Royal family.

Among the ruins, the God felt a faint breath, which was the breath of Ye Lan.

Looking for that breath, the demon Saint finds Ye Lan in a pile of dregs.

At this moment, Ye Lan has only one head left. His body and limbs are all turned into ashes under the terrible heaven and earth penalty, and are completely destroyed.

At the same time, his head is full of cracks. If it wasn't for the constant healing of the blood of the green wood God, I'm afraid that Ye Lan would have died miserably and ended up dead.

"You're a tough kid. That didn't kill you!"

Heaven devil Saint holds Ye Lan's head and grins.

"Fortunately, there is Qingmu Shenxue, otherwise, I will die."

Ye Lan responds with a smile.

"You can still laugh when you look like this?"

"What else? Is it hard to cry? "

"Were you not afraid just now?"

"Scared to death, I almost thought I was going to die! It's terrible to be robbed and punished by heaven and earth. I think that every time I break through my cultivation in the future, I will encounter that kind of punishment. It's hard to force me! "

Ye Lan has a bitter face. He never thought that after absorbing and refining the blood of the three ancient emperors, he would be punished by heaven and earth so early.

From now on, he will begin to prepare for going against the sky, otherwise, when the next stronger robbery comes, he really does not know how to deal with it.

"It seems that in the future, you have to find a way to make the divine blood in your body stronger and the killing evil Qi stronger. Otherwise, the more and more powerful heaven and earth punishment will surely kill you."

"That's right!"

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