As the heavenly devil said, as soon as the strong ones of the Jiang family arrived, the strong ones of the Lei family, the Chu family and the Ji family also came one after another.

As for the strong members of the Ying family, they did not appear.

Many people don't understand what's going on?

But only the high-level figures in Shenzong knew that the Ying clan was completely destroyed.

It turns out that more than a month ago, Jiang Wanyu, the head of the Jiang family, together with Lei Tianxing, Chu lie and Ji Ruyun, found Ying Shuangying's real body in an ancient relic in Tianwaitian, who was looking for the immortal medicine to continue his life, and killed Ying Shuangying directly.

The war, unknown to outsiders, was extremely tragic.

Tianwaitian was directly pierced by them, and the ancient relic was almost completely destroyed by the power of their five Nirvana strongmen.

Ying Shuangying is the first of the five patriarchs in Shenzong. However, he can't stop Jiang Wanyu and other four Nirvana strongmen from encircling and killing him. He is bloodthirsty outside the Kingdom, and ends up with the death of both the form and the spirit and never surpassing the life.

Of course, Jiang Wanyu's four men were not easy either. Although they worked together to eradicate Ying Shuangying, they were all seriously injured, and even nearly died in Ying Shuangying's hands.

When Ying Shuangying dies, it's natural to wait for the Ying family to perish.

The only one who escaped was Ying shuangpo. The four families have been chasing Ying shuangpo, but so far there is no information about her whereabouts.

"Why didn't the strong members of the Ying family appear together?"

At the Taixu border, when some strong people of different races saw that only the strong people of the four Shenzong families appeared in the sky, but they did not see the strong people of the Ying family. They could not help but look curious.

"It's better to have one less competitor than one more. Do you still think that the people of Ying family will come to compete with us for the elixir of immortality?"

There is a look of displeasure on the face of a strong alien.

"Why do you say so much? Some people have already taken the lead to enter the ancient Taixu

Suddenly, there was a cry.

As a result, many strong people of different races refused to take the lead and rushed to Taixu.


Wind Mo smile coldly ordered, with the wind family strong rushed into the ancient ruins.

"Let's go, too."

Jiang Congsheng ordered that he also took the strong members of the Jiang family to Taixu.

Then there are the strong members of the Lei family, the Chu family and the Ji family.

"What about Lei Qingtian and Ye Lan?"

Zhong Tianyu asked. Just now, he only paid attention to the arrival of the powerful Shenzong, but didn't notice that the heavenly devil saint and Ye Lan had disappeared.

"The two of them estimated that they had already slipped into the ancient ruins!"

A senior and strong man of the Guangming clan responded.

"It's not too late. Let's get in as soon as possible. Don't let other people take the lead!"

Zhong Tianyu ordered.

Taixu ancient scene, a vast fog, hand can not see five fingers.

Ye Lan and Tian Mo Sheng Zun are the first to break into Taixu. They are directly blocked by the dense fog. Even if they expand their divine consciousness, they can't see the road ahead.

"Where are you, ye boy?"

Cried the devil.

"Right next to you."

"This place is so evil. Where did the fog come from? If you don't block people's sight, you can't even let out your Divine sense. "

The God of heaven cursed.

"Be careful."

"What for?"


"What is it?"

As soon as the words came to an end, a beetle about the size of a palm shot at him like electricity.

The beetle has a golden color and is covered with sharp barbs, which contain strong poison.

As soon as he saw the golden beetle coming, he immediately blasted the beetle to pieces.

"What the hell is this?"

"If I guess correctly, it should be the golden beetle. It lives in damp places and feeds on decaying corpses. It's extremely poisonous."

Ye Lan responded.

"It doesn't seem to be very powerful. I killed him with one blow."

The Lord of heaven responds.

"One is really easy to deal with, but if there are a group of people, even your accomplishments are hard to deal with!"

"Then we'd better leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible. I don't want to die in the hands of such a group of ghosts."

Ah ~

as soon as the words of the heavenly devil Saint fell, there were bursts of heartbreaking screams in the thick fog behind.

Ye Lan knows that it must be other alien people who broke into the ancient ruins. They were attacked by the golden beetle. At the moment, they are afraid that they have turned into a pool of pus.

As they fly, Ye Lan and Tian Mo Sheng Zun continue to go deep into the ancient ruins, ready to escape from the fog.As a result, as soon as they started, they broke into a dark hole and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

For a while, the scene in front of Ye Lan's eyes became bright.

This is a fairyland with flowing springs, waterfalls, orchid grass, green mountains and dense fog.

The aura here is much stronger than that of the outside world.

In addition, in the sky, stars seem to be within reach, flashing with hazy brilliance, and each star is falling with wisps of divine brilliance.

With a close look, Ye Lan finds out that the stars are ancient coffins, countless ancient bronze coffins!

On the ancient coffin, there are carved characters of gods and demons in ancient times, and there are also patterns of ancient ancestors offering sacrifices to gods.

"What is this place?"

Looking at the sky, the ancient bronze coffin, which was as heavy and floating as the stars in the sky, with hazy brilliance and divine power, shocked Ye Lan.

He concluded that the divine power in each ancient bronze coffin was the breath of ancient gods!

Curious, he soared all the way to one of the ancient bronze coffins in the sky.

Ye Lan grabs the lid of the ancient bronze coffin and pushes it open with all her strength.

Through that crack, Ye Lan saw the vast starry universe. In the starry universe, there was a god corpse buried, which was God's corpse.

Although it is a corpse, but ye LAN is found that the corpse is lifelike, after endless years, there is no sign of decay, seems to be sleeping, not dead at all.

"In every ancient bronze coffin, is there such a god buried in Chengdu?"

Ye Lan's heart was shocked. Looking at the vast sky, the ancient bronze coffin shining like stars was even more shocked.

How many dead gods are buried here? Or are they really dead? Maybe I'm sleeping, just waiting for the day when I wake up!

"The endless years, even after the death of the gods, will never be able to keep so vivid, just like the appearance of living people. But every corpse in the ancient bronze coffin was kept in good condition, as if in deep sleep. What's the matter? "

Ye Lan thought in her heart.

With this in mind, he suddenly looked down at the mountains and rivers below, and found that the mountains and rivers also contained special divine power. They were not randomly distributed, forming a huge divine array.

It is also by virtue of that divine array that the world has the aura of heaven and earth many times better than the outside world.

At the same time, the aura of heaven and earth is continuously absorbed by these ancient bronze coffins, and then, into the starry universe in the ancient bronze coffin, absorbed by the God corpse, maintaining the divinity of the God corpse and keeping its immortal!

"I see."

Ye Lan suddenly.

After death, the God of endless years, why his body remains immortal, Ye Lan now understands.

But many questions arose in his heart. Who was the God array? Who buried these corpses? Why did he bury these dead gods and lay such a divine array to keep them immortal? Would these buried dead gods really wake up from their long sleep at a certain time and under a special situation?

Boom ~

just as Ye Lan's mind is full of doubts, a huge sound comes from the sky.

Looking up, he saw two figures breaking into the world, fighting with each other, with amazing momentum!

When I look at it, I suddenly find that it's Yuhua fairy and Fengyun sky!

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