"Next time I see them, I will take their hand and avenge the dead compatriots of the Qing nationality!"

Mu Qingyan looks resentful. In his eyes, his intention to kill is surging wildly.

Ye Lan didn't say anything. He knew that the people of the Qing nationality had always been united.

Mu Qingyan is a young leader of the Qing nationality. It's strange that he doesn't get angry when he sees that his people have died miserably.

"Let's go! See if you can find the elixir of immortality and the whereabouts of your grandfather in this world. "

Ye Lan patted Mu Qingyan's shoulder and said in a voice.

In a moment, he spread his body and flew away towards one of the collapsed and dilapidated palaces.

Mu Qingyan followed closely. The palace was very grand. Although it had been dilapidated for many years, it still exuded a kind of divine power.

The walls of the palace are light cyan. Faintly, they exude hazy brilliance and scattered breath. It seems that they contain life. It is refreshing to breathe. The pores of the whole body are dilated, and people want to take advantage of the wind.

"This palace is extraordinary. It must be the temple where the ancient immortals lived."

Mu Qingyan concluded that the Blue Palace, which had been in disrepair for many years, gave him the feeling that it was extremely sacred and solemn.

"Well! It's really extraordinary. The green stone casting the palace exudes a strong breath of life, so that the walls and foundations of the palace are covered with spiritual plants, herbs and various kinds of miraculous drugs. "

Ye Lan nodded, looked at the palace walls and foundations full of rare herbs, and felt the breath of life from the green palace. The green wood power in Ye Lan's body began to tremble, and then absorbed the breath of life from the green palace.

"Ye Lan, this is..."

On one side, Mu Qingyan saw that Ye Lan's whole body was blue and hazy, just like a blue ball of light, sending out a strong force of life.

Then, the huge and vast green palace, its walls and foundation of the residual breath of life, directly by Ye Lan's traction, turns into a stream of green air, surging into Ye Lan's body, constantly strengthening the life force in Ye Lan's body, or, green wood magic power!

"It's the green wood divine power. It absorbs the breath of life left in the green palace. I think the Green Palace should come from the same place as the green wood divine power. It may be the palace where the ancient green wood emperor lived!"

Ye Lan speculates, although it is only speculation, but he believes that his guess must be eight or nine.

This green palace is absolutely the palace where the ancient green wood God lived. Otherwise, it would not cause the resonance of the green wood God blood.

"Go in and have a look. Your grandfather got the blood of the green wood God from some ancient ruins. Now, the Green Palace has something to do with the blood of the green wood God. I think the place where your grandfather got the blood of the green wood God should be the vast and magnificent green palace.

Go in and look for some useful clues. "

Ye Lan continued.

On one side, Mu Qingyan wakes up and follows Ye Lan all the way into the collapsed huge blue palace.

"The palace is really magnificent and boundless. I don't know what kind of divine power the ancient immortals used to build such a palace?"

Mu Qingyan laments that the largest palace is only a few kilometers round.

But when Mu Qingyan came closer, he found that the Blue Palace was just a sacred stone used to build the foundation, which was thousands of feet in size. On the sacred stone, there were all kinds of spiritual plants.

The high ones are tens of feet, and the low ones are tens of feet, forming a dense forest, a forest full of endless rich aura.

Ye Lan doesn't respond, but unfolds the divine consciousness, constantly searching in this huge forest to see if he can find the whereabouts of Mu Bairong or other Qing people.

Similarly, Mu Qingyan also unfolded his own divine consciousness, constantly searching.

"There's a sense of light."

Ye Lan said.

His body was moving, straight towards the faint smell of Guangming nationality, and behind him Mu Qingyan closely followed him.

Soon, they came to a towering tree, where lay a silver robe, the body has been destroyed half of the old man, dying.

Ye Lan and Mu Qingyan have met each other before. They are powerful beings of cultivation in the triple realm of yin and Yang.

The wound on his body exudes the air of darkness. Obviously, the person who killed him is a strong man of the dark family.


Ye Lan and Mu Qingyan come forward and look at the old man whose face is as pale as paper and will die at any time.

"It's going to last until someone comes."

The old man knew Ye Lan and Mu Qingyan. On his pale face, a pale smile appeared.

"Master, stop talking. I'll heal you."

"Don't waste your energy. I know my injury. I can't cure it. While you two are here, I can tell you something. "The old man has a weak face.

"Old man I found the elixir of immortality in this ancient palace. The people of the dark race appear and are searching for the elixir of immortality. They want to take the elixir of immortality and give him the life of the dark demon king. Don't let them succeed

As he said this, the old man raised his hand and pointed to the distance. In a moment, he lost his breath and died.

The direction he was referring to was exactly the direction where the elixir of immortality fled.

"Let's go!"

Ye Lan slowly gets up and looks at the direction of the old man's last breath. Her eyes are full of firmness.

The elixir of immortality must not fall into the hands of the dark people!

Not only for mu Bairong, but also for the dead strongman of Guangming clan.

Whoosh ~

Ye Lan and Mu Qingyan spread their bodies one after another. They were extremely fast, flying straight in the direction of the old man.

"Gaga! There are two more kids who don't know what to do. "

In a huge tree, several strong people of the dark clan, whose accomplishments are in the triple or even the quintuple realm, hide in the huge tree. They feel the breath of Ye Lan and Mu Qingyan, and their faces are full of grimace.

"We must not let them easily step in and disturb the holy emissary. They will catch the elixir of immortality."

A strong man of the dark clan, whose cultivation is in the five realms of Tongyou, orders in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure those two little guys never come back."

The giant tree trembled, and the dark clan strongmen came from the giant tree one after another. Their bodies were covered with black scales, and their foreheads were covered with blood red single horns. The single horns were full of dark magic patterns, and they faintly sent out a trace of violent killing.

They are strong and strong. They are tens of feet away. They have one enemy, but they don't speak any more. Because they have inherited some of the blood power of killing the demon emperor in ancient times, they are almost invincible in the same realm.

"Here we are."

A strong man of the dark race, feeling the strong breath of Ye Lan and Mu Qingyan getting closer, looks awe inspiring one after another.

Just as they were about to start, they killed them with a sharp blade in the power of thunder. They were extremely fast and powerful, so that these dark clan strongmen, who were cultivated in the triple and quadruple realm of Tongyou, had no time to react. They were directly killed by Qi Qi.


In the huge tree, the strong man of the dark family in the five realms of communication and seclusion was killed by a second move when he saw the strong man of his own family. He had no power to resist. He was shocked and couldn't believe it.

In particular, when he saw his dead comrades, their forehead in the bloody corner of the remnants of the killing magic gas, into a trace of blood red gas, floating to the front of a cold face of the young body, his face was even more shocked.

Killing evil Qi is the most powerful Assassin's mace of their clan. In the universe, no one of other races can use killing evil Qi except his dark clan.

Now, a human youth has the ability to devour and kill evil Qi. How can this dark family strongman not be surprised?

"Hiding, do you need me to invite you out?"

Ye Lan's eyes swept, coldly fixed on the huge tree where the dark clan strong man was hiding, and the tone was as cold as ice.

"Who are you?"

The strong of the dark race knows that Ye Lan has found his own existence and continues to hide. Undoubtedly, he is deceiving himself.

Simply, he was born now, glaring at Ye Lan. In his eyes, his killing intention was surging wildly, and his forehead was one-sided. The wisps of killing evil Qi began to flow all over his body, making his whole body burst out with a frightening momentum.

"Passers by."

"Do you know what will happen if you kill me

"I don't know!"

"Arrogance, today, I'll let you understand that you have to die to make amends for killing the people of the dark race!"

The strong man of the dark race has a grim face and a rush of body shape. He grabs Ye Lan with his claws. Between the claws, there is a faint sense of terror and powerful killing.

This strike is absolutely difficult for the practitioners of the six levels of Tongyou. But ye LAN is no longer in the realm of Tongyou, but has stepped into the realm of yin and Yang. How can he be afraid of the dark family's strong man?

Bang ~

with a dull sound, Ye Lan breaks the attack of the dark clan strongman with one fist, and then tramples him under his feet, breaking all his ribs, making him lose the power to fight again.

"Where is the elixir of immortality? Who are all the people of your dark tribe coming here this time? "

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