"Everyone, we must worship each other sincerely, so that we can avoid disaster and war."

In the back mountain of a small village, an old man with a cockscomb head and hundreds of people in the village stood in front of a statue, solemnly giving orders.

The statue is more than 100 meters high. It was made according to the fable of an ancient immortal. It is very powerful and awe inspiring.

Under the statue, there is an altar, on which incense and many fruits, meat and other offerings are offered.

"Village head, we have been worshiping God for so many years. Now, we are still plagued by war. When we set foot in the village, we are often harassed by bandits and robbers. This Does it work?

God, can you really protect me from stepping on the village? "

Below, a villager who steps on the village looks at the old village head standing under the statue with a look of hesitation.

The rest of the villagers in Tata village are also full of doubts.


After worshiping God for so many years, I still suffered a lot when I set foot in the village, and was often harassed by some bandits, so that the people in the village could not make a living.

Originally, there were tens of thousands of villagers in Tata village, but now there are fewer than a few hundred of them.

Is it useful to worship God?

"If we worship each other sincerely, God will protect us."

The old village head responded.

Below, there are hundreds of villagers stepping on the village. No more words. The old village head has a very important position in their hearts.

These years, if the old village head had not taken them all the way to Tibet, I'm afraid they would have died in the disaster of war.

"Listen to me, everyone on your knees."

The old village chief continued.

He took the lead in kneeling toward the statue left behind at an unknown time, and hundreds of other villagers who stepped on the village knelt down one after another.

"From now on, bye..."

The old village head gave a loud drink.

Boom ~

in the sky, suddenly, a ball of white light fell down, smashing the altar in front of the statue.

When the white light ball fell, the strong wind directly lifted the old village head who was about to kowtow and kneel down. Many villagers who stepped on the village were also swayed by the roaring wind, and their buttocks fell to the ground, crying with pain.

"Ouch! But the fall is killing me, my old bone It's almost broken! "

The old village head cried bitterly and staggered to his feet, rubbing his waist.

On one side, there are young people who set foot in the village. They quickly help the old village head, and their faces are full of worry, for fear that something might happen to their old village head.

The rest of the villagers in Tata village also got up and looked at the white light ball that suddenly fell from the sky. Their faces were full of surprise.

"Immortals show up, immortals show up!"

The old village head cried out excitedly.

In my heart, I believe that it must be I and others who have worshipped each other for many years, which moved God and brought down the gods who came to save me from stepping on the village.

"Kneel down, kneel down, reverence, reverence."

The old village head immediately called and knelt down to the ball of white light. The suspicious villagers of Tata village didn't think much about it. They knelt down again immediately with unprecedented sincerity.

The white ball of light slowly dissipates, showing the figures of Ye Lan, Tianmo Shengzun, Mu Qingyan, Zhuyun and Longxiao.

As soon as they appeared, they saw the villagers of Tata village who were worshiping devoutly and chanting words. They were stunned.

"We What's going on here? "

The God of heaven looked at the hundreds of villagers who were worshiping in Tata village, with a confused face.

"I should be worshiping God!"

Ye Lan looked at the 100 meter tall statue behind him, and suddenly realized that he and others might break into other people's worship place by mistake.

"Worship? Is there a God in the world? These foolish people are hopeless

The heaven devil Saint said strangely.

"Lord Ye, let's get out of here first."

On one side, Zhu Yun proposed.

"Not bad."

Ye Lan nods and is about to take the four heavenly demons to leave Tata village.

Below, the old village head immediately yelled: "don't go away, don't go away, please save the people who step on the village!"

"What's the matter?"

Ye Lan steps down and looks at the old village head.

"Some immortals, but God sent them?"


"What are the places where the immortals came to visit my village?"

"It's just a mistake."

"By mistake?"

The old village head was shocked. He thought Ye Lan five people were gods sent by heaven to save them. However, they were not gods or gods sent by heaven to save them.

However, he thought, Ye Lan five people from the sky, no different from the gods, the inevitable means to heaven.Simply, no matter Ye Lan, whether they are sent to save them or not, they quickly come forward and kneel to the ground.

"How about some immortals, please come to my village and enjoy the delicious food?"

"We're here. There's something important. There's no time to delay."

"Without delay, without delay, the immortals can rest assured."

"Lord Ye, time is pressing. We have to go to the ruins of the demon emperor!"

"Don't worry, there's something in this village!"

Ye Lan responded.

He felt that in the sea of consciousness, the magic tower was trembling. It was obvious that there were fragments of the magic tower in the Tata village.

"Old man, please get up. Let's have a talk in the village. "

Ye Lan smiles and helps the old village head up.

The old village head was overjoyed. He called the villagers to prepare good wine and food, and took Ye Lan to his house all the way.

Tata village is very poor.

Because of the disaster of war and the fact that the villagers have been hiding all the way to avoid the disaster of war, there is no good food and wine, some steamed bread, pickles, porridge and so on, which is the best thing that all the villagers can provide.

Ye Lan even saw that the houses of these villagers in Tata village were very simple and shabby, belonging to the existence that they would collapse in an instant when a strong wind blew.

"A few immortals, don't give up. These steamed buns, pickles, fruits and so on are the highest delicacies that I can offer in Tata village. Just enjoy them."

The old village head's house is also very simple and shabby. The house is not big enough to accommodate five or six people.

And hundreds of villagers in Tata village are surrounded by this small thatched cottage, which is surrounded by three floors inside and three floors outside. One by one, through the window, they stare at Ye Lan five people in the house.

Some of the children who have set foot in the village, with big black eyes, stare at the delicious food on the table and swallow their saliva one by one.

They want to eat those sweet and delicious steamed bread very much, but their adults warn them that it's food for immortals, so they can't eat it casually!

Ye Lan looks around and sees the children in Tata village. They are yellow, hungry, thin, malnourished and in poor health.

Some of the villagers in Tata village are almost the same.

Obviously, the disaster of war brought them not only death, but also despair and unspeakable pain.

"Village head, let the children in the village eat all this!"

Ye Lan thinks that he is not a savior or or a kind-hearted person, but he is not a vicious person either.

People are long flesh, ask, the world, who can do the real unfeeling?

Looking at the withered, yellow, hungry and thin children in Tata village, Ye Lan can't bear to eat the "delicious" table they just got from the village.


The old village head was in a bit of a dilemma. In his heart, he hesitated.

"Let him eat, I can't eat these things."

The God of heaven is domineering.

The old village head immediately nodded and told the villagers to give the "delicacy" of the table to the children in the village.

"I don't know, village head, how did you come to such a poor situation when you set foot in the village?"

Ye Lan asked.

"Immortal God, you don't know something. Originally, Tata village was also a rich village. There were tens of thousands of people in the past.

Unfortunately, since the disaster of war, we have been stepping on the village year by year.

In these years of war, we stepped on the villagers of the village. They died and fled. There are less than a few hundred people left now.

In addition, after years of war, bandits were rampant. When I set foot in the village, I was often harassed by bandits, so that I became such a poor place today. "

The old village head told me that his heart was full of sadness and pain.

"Isn't Li the ruler? They don't care whether you live or die? "

"Who cares about us? The Li people have always been overbearing. They haven't oppressed us. It's kind of them! "

The old village head sighed bitterly.

"Village head, no, no! The bandits are coming again

Ye Lan and others are talking about the condition of the giant spirit star, suddenly, outside the house, came a stampede village villagers panic cry.

As soon as I heard the bandits coming, the old village head's face changed greatly. All the villagers who stepped on the village also changed their faces, and they were in a panic.

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