Wu ~

when ye LAN five people discovered the cemetery where thousands of ancient demon saints were buried, there was a cry of heaven shaking sadness in the depths of the historic site.

Wailing sound, earth shaking, accompanied by a mighty evil spirit of terror!

Even though they are far away, Ye Lan's five feel great pressure, as if there is a mountain blocking their chest, which makes them short of breath.

Ye Lan and Tian Mo Sheng Zun are OK, and they can resist the terrible pressure with powerful means.

But Zhu Yun, Mu Qingyan and long Xiao couldn't bear it. They were suppressed one after another and couldn't move.

Blood gas, like a raging tide.

The vigorous wind is like a sharp knife.

Ye Lan five people, on the body's clothing robe, all is by that gang breeze to tear out a son.

"Wansheng stove!"

Ye Lanxin read a move, eyebrow heart, Wansheng furnace fly out, hang down the wisps of God awn, the monstrous spirit breath burst out, the three people of Mu Qingyan shrouded in them, to avoid them from being the heavy blow of the pressure, or even death.

"What the hell is that?"

The heavenly devil said.

"It should be the magic weapon of soul soldiers left by some ancient great demon, or it may be left by the demon king or the demon emperor!"

Ye Lan speculates.

Hum ~

he was just guessing that the red blood spear in his hand suddenly began to vibrate. It also gave out a sharp sound, which contained the spirit of the demon emperor. In a moment, it was overwhelming and surging out, which actually blocked the monstrous spirit of the deep place.

Gradually, the lament from the depths of the monuments stopped, and the vast and terrifying evil spirit also quickly receded like the tide.

Red blood spear also returned to calm.

This scene, let Ye Lan five people amaze incomparably.

"Young ye, do you want to have a look?"

The devil asked.

"Master, you stay here to take care of Qingyan. There are many good things in this demon holy cemetery. You can search for them by the way.

I went to the depths of the historic site to see what it was. I let out such laments and burst into a terrible situation. "

Ye Lan responded.

"Can you do it by yourself?"

The God of heaven was hesitant.

In the past, the lament and terror from the depths of historic sites were extremely vast. Even though they were far away, the cultivation of the God of demons could not bear it. If we were close, who knows what it would be like for the unknown to erupt the lament and terror again.

If Wan Yiye LAN can't bear it, he will die in it, and then he will play with it.

"With the red blood spear, it should not be a problem!"

Ye Lan responded.

"Well, be careful. In case of danger, I will come to save you as soon as possible."

It's from the devil.

Nodding, Ye Lan's figure was vertical, and she flew away with a red blood spear toward the place where the sad sound came.

In front of the scene, such as streamer like fly back, Ye Lan also don't know how long he flew in the end.

For a long time, he just came to a vast starry universe.

In fact, it is not the real vast starry sky outside.

Here is a star universe created by some great power with his own supernatural power. It's vast and almost the same as the star universe of the outside world.

This makes Ye Lan can't help feeling that those famous supernatural powers in ancient times are simply terrible, far from ordinary people can imagine.

As soon as he entered the starry universe, the red blood spear in Ye Lan's hand began to vibrate constantly. A trace of the spirit of the demon emperor formed a continuous stream of blood gas, drifting towards the deep of the starry universe.

Along with the blood, Ye Lan is also flying all the way.

Gradually, he saw a huge palace, the Grand Palace, almost a huge ancient star of life.

Blood red palace, each cornerstone, has a million Li square, and such a piece of cornerstone, build and cast into a palace, you can imagine how vast the blood palace, almost can't see the edge at a glance.

The bloody palace, which has existed for many years, is full of decay and vicissitudes.

The wall is full of terrible cracks. Obviously, there was a big war here!

Floating into the palace, Ye Lan can be seen everywhere, a decadent body.

These corpses were not the corpses of the human practitioners, but the corpses of the demons in the ancient demon world. They all died miserably. The rotten corpses would turn to ashes when touched.

In addition, Ye Lan also saw a black monster with the size of ten thousand feet!

They have been dead for many years. Some of them have been punched through their chests, and some of them have been split in two.

And these black monsters are of the same kind as heaven's ambition!

"The bloody palace retains the remains of the ancient battlefield.What are these black monsters?

If they fight with immortals and kill demons, can they be enemies to the whole world? "

Ye Lan was shocked in her heart. She didn't know what kind of fierce and shocking war happened in ancient times.

God is dead, demon is dead, demon is dead!

While walking, Ye Lan looked around and found that there were many elixirs on the ground. Some of them dissipated because of the long time, while others still retained a trace of vitality.

The red blood spear is still trembling, and the blood gas is still drifting towards the deep of the palace, guiding Ye Lan forward.

This magnificent palace, Rao is based on Ye Lan's cultivation, but also a full flight of two or three days.

He came to an ancient hall, surrounded by mottled and broken traces. Only in the middle of the hall was a blood colored altar. On the altar, a blood colored token about the size of a man's palm was floating, sending out wisps of evil spirit.

Indistinctly, that wisp of evil spirit, formed a head of terror monster appearance.

There are twelve monsters, one is like a Taotie in ancient times, the other is like a black ox in ancient times, the other is like a Dapeng in ancient times, and the other is like a lion dragon in ancient times

It was the Dharma phase of the twelve ancient demon kings. The virtual shadow of the twelve demon kings circled around the bloody token.

They are petite, about the size of a baby's fist, but ye LAN can feel the rich and vast charm from them!

"It's said in the ancient books that the demon emperor in ancient times used bone to refine utensils, blood to refine amulets, and noted the power of the twelve demon kings to form a big order. It's a blood weeping order to command the demons in the demon world. If you get it, you'll become the master of the demon world and all living beings in the demon world. Don't dare not follow it!"

Looking at the token about the size of an adult's palm on the altar, and the appearance of the twelve demon kings circling around the token, Ye Lan thinks of the story about the ancient demon emperor's blood crying order recorded in an ancient book.

Now, isn't the bloody token exactly the same as the bloody order recorded in ancient books?

"In the demon world of ancient times, all the demons were destroyed. What's the use of this blood weeping order?"

Ye Lan gave a bitter smile.

However, he thought that the blood weeping order contained the spirit of the demon emperor. It was made of the ancient demon emperor's own bones and blood, combined with the power of the twelve demon kings. It was also a very important treasure. If it was successful, it would be of great use.

Heart next horizontal, probe a hand is to grasp toward that cry blood order.

Wu ~

however, as soon as Ye Lan's hand reached out to the blood weeping order, an earth shaking cry burst out from the blood weeping order.

A surge of monstrous spirit, is also a surge of explosion, the hovering roaring twelve demon king virtual shadow, is also a rapid roar bigger, Qi Qi angrily killed to Ye Lan that burst from the palm, will ye LAN hard hit spit blood upside down, the body directly burst most of the side!

If not for the timely protection and cure of Aoki's divine power, Ye Lan would be dead now.

Hum ~

just when the blood weeping order began to revolt, the red blood spear in Ye Lan's hand suddenly burst out blood light, and the terrible spirit of the demon emperor wrapped Ye Lan round and round to avoid the evil power of the blood weeping order, which posed a threat to Ye LAN.

That weeping blood makes one feel the red blood spear in Ye Lan's hand, the spirit of demon emperor contained in it, immediately, return to calm again.

When ye Lan's body recovers under the cure of Aoki's divine power, Ye Lan just reaches for the blood cry command again.

This time, the bleeding order did not attack Ye Lan again, but let it ask.

"It's a powerful token. It contains the spirit of the demon emperor and the power of the twelve demon kings. Previously, it almost died under the blood weeping order."

Looking at the token in her hand, Ye Lan couldn't put it down. Her eyes were full of ecstasy.

Today, if it were not for the red blood spear, it would not be easy for him to take away the crying blood order so easily!

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