There are lots of stars collapsing and collapsing, in which there is a violent and fierce breath, and then you see a huge monster, rushing out with a roar.

They all belong to the same kind of existence as the will of heaven. In ancient times, they were a group of terrible monsters who killed the immortals.

In ancient times, these hundreds of millions of demons rushed into the jurisdiction of the emperor yuxu and slaughtered all kinds of immortals, which caused the emperor yuxu's great anger. He painted the mountain and river world with yuxu's pen and sealed these hundreds of millions of demons.

Endless years have passed, and many of those hundreds of millions of demons have died in the mountain and river world, but there are still some powerful beings who have survived the endless years of suffering, and have lived to the present and persisted until the black robed man rescued them!

Although the power of these black monsters is far less than the peak state of endless years ago, they still can't be underestimated. Each end has the terror power of nirvana.

Moreover, now, there are thousands of such black monsters, which have survived until now, escaping from the seal.

In other words, the black robed man has thousands of terrorist forces comparable to the nirvana strongmen.

This force, I'm afraid, can compete with the near God clan in the world!

Bloody palace, Ye Lan is preparing to follow the black robed man all the way, want to see what the other party is doing here?

Suddenly, he felt the end of the starry world, and there was a very fierce and cruel breath!

Every breath made him tremble from the bottom of his heart.

"What happened?"

Ye Lan brow deep lock, in the heart of doubt.

as like as two peas, he could not understand why he had such a powerful and terrible savage, and the same breath was the same as the black monster he had seen in the ancient god's land and the black monster who was released by the black robe.

The body shape moves, the leaf LAN path flies toward the star universe that spreads the terror and cruelty.

When he arrived here, the breath of terror and destruction had already disappeared, and he didn't know where to go?

Only countless pieces of debris, floating in this piece of stars, you can see that there was a very fierce war here.

"This is "Jade fragments?"

Ye Lan saw a piece of transparent jade about the size of his thumb, in which there was a trace of residual divine power. According to the information in his mind, he recognized it at a glance, and the jade was a fragment of yuxu stone.

With a glance, Ye Lan saw other places, and there were many such fragments. Her body shape was vertical, and she kept giving the broken pieces of jade to her pocket.

After some patching up, it is found that these fragments can be combined into a magic pen, which is the magic weapon of the ancient yuxu emperor - yuxu pen!

"It's yuxu's pen. It's the ancient yuxu's pen. How could it be here? How could it be destroyed? "

Ye Lan was shocked and surprised.

Yuxu God Emperor is one of the five God emperors in the divine world, and this is the demon holy cemetery, which is the place of the demon clan.

How can the magic pen of the emperor of a generation exist in the demon holy cemetery of the demon clan?

This is what surprised Ye Lan.

Hum ~

Ye Lan is curious about how yuxu pen of yuxu God Emperor could be in the demon holy cemetery when the red blood spear in his hand suddenly trembles, and a trace of the spirit of demon emperor is continuously injected into the broken yuxu pen.

But see, in the spirit of the demon emperor influx, originally is broken into pieces of yuxu pen, even in a little bit of healing.

Although the divinity was not there, it was restored with the help of the spirit of the demon emperor.

"How can it be? The spirit of the demon emperor in the demon world can actually heal the yuxu pen of the yuxu God Emperor? "

Ye Lan is more shocked and curious.

But he knew that since ancient times, the demons were against the gods.

The demon king in the demon world is a demon, but the yuxu emperor is a God.

The two are opposite to each other.

Gods kill demons, demons kill gods, each other, water and fire do not allow.

Their power is more mutually exclusive.

However, the spirit of the demon emperor contained in the red blood spear can heal the Yu Xu pen, which has to make Ye Lan confused and shocked.

Holding the yuxu pen in his hand, Ye Lan was dazed, and didn't come back for a long time.

Whew ~

yuxu pen suddenly darts, in which a drop of blood essence flies into Ye Lan's body, and turns into a majestic power.

Ye Lan heart a shock, feel that from the yuxu pen into the blood essence, a fine feeling, found that the blood essence actually contains the spirit of the demon emperor!

The majestic power turns into a torrent and flows all over Ye Lan's body.

In that power, there are some fragmentary memories. In the memory of

, Ye Lan saw a jade with a size of Xu, born with seven orifices, absorbed the aura of heaven and earth, absorbed the essence of the sun and moon, and changed the vitality of all things.Day after day, year after year, this jade with seven orifices suddenly exploded, earth shaking, from which a baby was born.

The baby rose in the face of the storm and directly turned into the size of a mountain, causing a catastrophe in the secular world, with countless deaths and injuries.

As soon as the picture turns, the baby is accepted by an eminent monk and becomes a disciple under his command.

Only because the eminent monk recognized that the baby was born of heaven and Earth Spirit stone, and could become an immortal in the future.

The baby followed the eminent monk and practiced day and night, but when he was born, he caused a catastrophe in the secular world, which led to the destruction of life. At that time, the practitioners in the secular world regarded him as a demon.

As a result, the baby was despised by the secular world. He didn't feel the slightest warmth in the world. He worked hard all day. Only the eminent monk accompanied him. In addition, he was friends with demons and beasts.

The memory clip, like a movie, is playing slowly. Ye Lan saw the growth of the baby, reached the peak all the way, became an immortal and preached, and became the first person to become a God at that time as a demon who was despised by the world.

At last, the baby entered the divine world, and after training, he gradually grew into the emperor of the immortals, calling himself the emperor of yuxu!

In the past, those monsters who grew up with him and practiced with him all the way became immortals and proved the Tao.

Such as Taotie, Heiyu, Dapeng, lion dragon, Zhuque, Qinglong, Baihu, Xuanwu and so on, these are the ancient twelve demon kings handed down by later generations!

The memory fragment arrived here, Ye Lan suddenly realized that the blood that just entered his body was the blood of yuxu emperor.

In the memory, all about is the growth process and memory of yuxu emperor.

"So it is, so it is. The emperor of yuxu is the demon emperor, and the demon emperor is the emperor of yuxu!"

Ye Lan wakes up with a start, and immediately understands why the spirit of the demon emperor contained in the red blood spear can break and reshape the yuxu pen of the yuxu emperor.

Because they belong to the same master!

Since the endless years, many people have spread legends about the immortals in ancient times, but how many people can really know the ancient things in the endless years?

Therefore, all along, people of later generations have always believed that the demon emperor is the demon emperor, and the yuxu emperor is the yuxu emperor. I never thought that the demon emperor and the yuxu emperor were just one person.

It's just the legend left by the ancients, which caused the misunderstanding of later generations!

In my mind, the past and memories of yuxu emperor are still playing back.

When ye LAN saw that the yuxu emperor became a God, he quickly occupied half of the realm of God and competed with the other four emperors.

And in his self appointed empress, in the secular world, demons and beasts practice Taoism and rise up, they will be directly led by the yuxu emperor, and become demons and immortals in the divine world!

Under the guidance of eminent monks, Emperor yuxu knew that only by doing good deeds could he live forever.

Therefore, those who practice Tao and ascend to the divine world are restrained!

The picture jumps. As Ye Lan expected, yuxu emperor is also attacked by the unknown monsters of heaven's will!

Taotie, Heiyu, lion dragon, Kui Niu, Dapeng and other legendary twelve demon kings were all killed in the great war.

Not only the twelve demon kings, but also the demon saints and many demon immortals under yuxu emperor died one after another.

In his grief and indignation, the emperor of yuxu painted the mountain and river world with a yuxu pen. At the cost of burning his own soul, he sealed hundreds of millions of demons and kept them in a starry world forever. He took the yuxu pen as his representative to suppress them.

And that piece of star space is naturally the world Ye Lan is in!

This is the cemetery of demon saint, and also the place where hundreds of millions of demons were granted by yuxu shenhuang town in ancient times!

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