"Old devil, if you want to kill me, you are hundreds of years early."

The heaven devil saint is now born, and his whole body is full of evil spirit, resisting the crazy burning fire.

Jiang Wudi frowned slightly. He didn't expect that the heavenly devil saint was so powerful that he didn't return to the peak!

I really don't know what terrible power of destruction will erupt once the heavenly devil Saint returns to the peak state.

Whoosh ~

while Jiang Wudi was stunned, the demon Saint pushed Jiang Wudi close in the blink of an eye, hit Jiang Wudi's cheek with a blow, and directly broke half of his face. His head almost exploded, and his mind was destroyed.

"Damn it

Jiang Wudi cursed in a low voice and was about to fight back.

But see, the attack of the heaven devil saint, is just like a storm, let him even have no chance to fight back.

"The devil

The evil spirit rolled and turned into a huge black devil. The devil opened his mouth and swallowed up Jiang invincible.

A very erosive evil Qi is eroding Jiang Wudi's body, intending to destroy his body and spirit.

However, Jiang Wudi's intention to survive is very strong, and his cultivation strength is not weak. He has more powerful means to protect himself.

Therefore, it is totally impossible to melt Jiang Wudi easily because of the strong eroding evil Qi contained in the demon body.

Boom ~

the void is broken. In the sky, an array appears and a figure rushes out of the array.

The speed of that figure is extremely fast, and the divine power contained in it is also extremely fierce. As soon as he appears, he directly kills the heavenly devil saint.

The devil didn't dare to underestimate. He clapped his backhand and blocked the blow of the figure.

Deng Deng Deng

The heavenly devil Saint retreated a few feet, while the figure retreated dozens of feet.

In the demon, Jiang Wudi took this opportunity to escape directly. He flashed to the figure and watched the demon Saint coldly. He quickly used the power of rebirth to repair the damage left by the evil spirit.

"Jiang Wanyu, did you come too?"

The heavenly devil Saint looked at the figure that suddenly appeared, and his eyes were full of cool colors.

"Master Lei, I haven't seen you for many years. You are all right."

Jiang Wanyu hugged his fist, with a polite face, but his tone was cold, and his eyes were full of killing.

He knew that there were many strong people in his family who died under the heaven devil saint. Even his younger brother Jiang Congsheng was killed in the ruins of Tianlan star field.

"Don't be polite to me. You're here. Other people should be here, too?"

The holy one looks cold.

"Not bad."

Jiang Wanyu didn't deny it. As soon as his voice fell, the heads of Lei Tianxing, Ji Ruyun and Chu lie came out one after another.

Five, full of five Nirvana strongmen appear, the divine power is amazing, Rao Shitian devil Saint also feel dull and depressed.

"Lei Qingtian, at the beginning, let you escape, this time, I will never let you escape easily again!"

A cold voice came, and Lei Qiyue also appeared slowly. At the beginning, in the battle of blue blood city, he fought with the heavenly devil saint. Because he killed a ten thousand swordsman halfway, he failed to get rid of the heavenly devil saint.

Now, after more than a year of painstaking cultivation, Lei Qiyue has made a smooth breakthrough, from the original half step nirvana, into Nirvana at one stroke.

"Six Nirvana?"

The dignified color on the God's face became stronger.

One person alone against the six nirvana, he can not do, unless it is in his peak state, maybe that is possible.

"Lei Qingtian, this time, you still have ye LAN who can't fly!"

Lei Tianxing stares at the demon Saint coldly, and his tone is cold.

"What? More people bully less people? "

The God of heaven is not afraid. He looks at Lei Tianxing and raises a smile.

His divine sense can sense that this piece of heaven and earth has long been laid a net by the people of Shenzong. At this moment, the strong members of the four families of Shenzong, who are outside the country, pour out.

"Yes, there are more people bullying less people. What can you do?"

Lei Qiyue's face was cold and arrogant, and her eyes fixed on the heavenly devil saint.

"More people bully less people? ha-ha! Is your Shenzong down to the point of becoming a mob? "

A roar of thunder, rolling from outside, a mighty power, but also from outside the fierce oppression and down, like a torrential river, from the sky down, boundless terror.

This sound of thunder startled six people of Lei Tianxing and many powerful people of Shenzong in the holy land.

Many people looked up, but saw that a group of green light from outside quickly came, easily penetrated the net of heaven and earth jointly laid by the four powerful families of Shenzong, and blasted out a big hole.

Qingguang falls over the Holy Land and dissipates slowly. A great figure suddenly appears. It's not someone else, but mu Bairong, the old clan leader of the Qing nationality.In addition to Mu Bairong, among the Qing people, many elite and strong people also came to accompany Mu Bairong to the holy land of Shenwu, to fight for the holy God of heaven and for Ye Lan!

Rao is mu Tianyun, who doesn't have much affection for Tianmo Shengzun and ye LAN. He also comes to Shenwu holy land to confront Lei Tianxing and other leaders of Shenzong.

"Qing nationality?"

Jiang Wanyu's eyes were shining and his face was dignified.

The Qing nationality is one of the major ethnic groups in foreign countries. It has a rich foundation, which is no less than that of other religious families.

Mu Bairong, who also knows something, knows that the other party and the heavenly devil saint are brothers of life and death, and they are powerful in cultivation.

Similarly, among the Qings, Mu Tianyun, the current patriarch, is also a master of nirvana!

Not only Jiang Wanyu looks dignified, but also Lei Tianxing, Jiang Wudi, Chu lie, Ji Ruyun and Lei Qiyue frown.

Many of the strong members of Shenzong are afraid. Of course, they are just a little afraid, which is not enough to make them afraid.

After all, a young people, the powerful members of the four big families of his Shenzong, can still destroy it. It's not enough to be afraid.

"It's better for you, the Qing people, not to interfere in the affairs here. Otherwise, our Shenzong has a lot of means to let the strong people of the Qing people who come here this time never come back!

Master mu, you should know that it's very unwise to use the power of your youth to carry the four families of Shenzong. "

Lei Tianxing looks at Mu Bairong and exhorts him.

There is no lack of threat in words.

"What? Are you scared to be an old man? "

Mu Bairong is not afraid. He doesn't listen to Lei Tianxing's advice. He only knows that whoever dares to move his brother will play with him!

"Master mu, don't be stubborn. What clan leader Lei said is very true. I'm afraid it's not enough for you Qingzu to fight against our Shenzong!"

Jiang Wanyu has spoken. Now, he is in Shenzong and has the authority of the head of Shenzong.

"I don't know, plus my bright people, whether they can compete with your Shenzong?"

A beam of light came from outside. The God of light came to the holy land of Shenwu with many strong people of the people of light to support the Qing people. The people of light had already made a grudge with Shenzong in the ruins. If we don't take this opportunity to get rid of Shenzong.

In the future, once Shenzong grows stronger, there will be great difficulties for his bright people!

"What about the rain clan?"

Another beam of light came from outside. The Yuzu clan leader and the Yuzu powers came together to the holy land of Shenwu, with great momentum.

This is the first time that the three major ethnic groups, Qing, Guangming and Yu, have joined hands!

If we say that the arrival of the Qing nationality only makes Lei Tianxing, Jiang Wanyu, Jiang Wudi, Chu lie, Ji Ruyun and Lei Qiyue slightly afraid.

Then, with the coming of the Guangming clan and the Yu clan, the three major races join hands, which is not only to make his six people fear, but to fear!

Among the three races, there are four Nirvana strongmen, and five Heaven devil saints.

Among them, Mu Bairong's fighting power is enough to top the two nirvana, and the heavenly devil Saint breaks out with all his strength. As long as he is not superior to Jiang Wudi, he is also able to top the two ordinary Nirvana strongmen.

That is to say, the three races, together with the heavenly devil saint, among them, the nirvana strongmen have the same actual combat power as the seven Nirvana strongmen.

On the contrary, there are only six of them who live in Nirvana. Excluding Lei Qiyue, who has just stepped into nirvana, there are only five!

There is such a big difference in the peak combat power. How can we fight?

Looking at this scene, Lei Qiyue, the ancestor of Lei's family, can't help regretting that he said more people bullied less people!

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