"Damn, those rebels!"

In the warship of Shenzong, a strong man named Xiuwei in the realm of Tongyou burst into a rage one after another.

They saw that there were many strong people in Longyuan. They killed many strong people in his Shenzong. Even a young monk had the power of yin and Yang!

That kind of existence is not something they can easily contend with.

"Order all warships to aim at the monk and shoot him!"

A strong member of the Jiang family gave orders in a deep voice.

"No, the strong of our God clan are still fighting in it. Once they use the destructive beam, they will die together with them!"

There was an immediate retort.

"Why do you care so much? The top priority is to kill the young monk by all means, otherwise, we will die! "

The strong man of the Jiang family, with a gloomy face, wanted to give an order in spite of the obstruction of other strong men of Shenzong.

But without waiting for his order, a huge and terrifying monster suddenly came down from the sky, with the supreme Demon power, to kill the little monk.


"I'm a disciple of master Qiyue, the ancestor of Lei family!"

A strong member of the Lei family, with a happy face.

"A demon?"

"Yes, a powerful monster has already stepped into the realm of yin and Yang!"

"That's great. With it, Shenzong will be able to hold its ground for a while. Once other ancestors come, it will be the time when Longyuan will be destroyed!"

The strong man of the Jiang family, full of ecstasy, slowly put down his token and looked out at the world shaking battle.

I saw that a fierce bull headed demon rushed to jiese. He was extremely fierce.

In the face of the sudden appearance of the Tauren demon, the little monk was solemn and didn't dare to be careless.

He held up the sky with both hands. The huge golden Buddha behind him, the light of the Buddha, and a series of Buddhist mantras hovered over his head, rapidly expanding, forming a defensive border, which blocked the fierce attack of the terrible Tauren demon.

Kazam ~

however, the strength of the Tauren demon is too terrible and powerful. Even if the cultivation of the little monk Jie se enters the realm of yin and Yang, it is difficult to bear the fierce blow of the other side easily.

As a result, we can see that the defense border on the top of the monk's head is breaking down.

The power of tyranny and destruction contained in the fist of the Tauren demon is constantly pouring into the body of the little monk jiese from the crack. It shakes his internal organs and makes his face pale.

"What kind of demon is this? How could it be so horrible? "

Little monk Jie se was shocked.

He was about to retreat suddenly to avoid the edge of the Tauren demon. As a result, without waiting for him to retreat, the Tauren demon immediately broke his defense barrier and hit the young monk's chest heavily.

Click ~

the sound of bone fracture, the color of the chest suddenly depressed down, mouth, spouting blood.

The body, like a shell, fell from the sky and blasted into a mountain in the holy land below. The vast mountain collapsed and shattered in an instant, rolling up bursts of smoke and dust, stirring up skyrocketing debris.

"Bull devil?"

In the distance, Ye Lan felt the familiar breath, suddenly looked at it, and suddenly found that it was the bull demon who dealt with the ring color!

The red blood spear moves and smashes several Shenzong strongmen whose cultivation is in the secluded realm. After that, Ye Lan moves her body straight to the location of the ox demon and flies away, trying to stop the ox demon from killing Jie se.


The ox devil roars up to the sky, and his whole body is full of evil spirit, covering the world.

Terror and oppression, such as the tide down, oppressed in the holy land, many extraterritorial ethnic strongmen, as well as Longyuan, Shenzong and Jiuyou strongmen are frightened.

When they saw the terrible momentum of the bull devil, they directly collapsed the void, a broken space everywhere, surging with the power of violent space, wantonly devouring everything and destroying everything.

So that many people have to stay away from the disaster.

The evil spirit of terror surged around the Bull Demon. Soon, a huge bull shadow enveloped him.

The power of the bull's shadow was even more terrible. Under the power, cracks appeared directly on a warship in Longyuan.

Tough as black star meteorite, and many defensive arrays can't stop the terrible pressure of the bull's shadow.

Cow devil body!

This is the most powerful move of the ox demon. It is extremely powerful to sweep the eight wastelands.

Roaring ~

the huge virtual image of the bull, roaring and diving down, slamming into the little monk jiese in the holy land.

See that bull virtual shadow, wanton destruction of everything, no one can stop, little monk Jie se is unable to resist.

All of a sudden, a bloody light and shadow rushed by and shot on the virtual shadow of the bull. It smashed the virtual shadow of the bull, turned into a piece of light and dissipated between heaven and earth.Ye Lan came and saved Jie SE's life.

Holding the red blood spear, he stood up in the sky and looked at the distant ox demon with a frown.

"Brother Niu!"

Ye Lan cried.

However, in the distance, the cow demon, who was full of demons, did not respond at all.

His face was wooden, and his eyes were empty, as if his soul had been taken away or imprisoned.

At the end, Ye Lan just noticed that there was a little blood in the center of the ox devil's eyebrow, which was a special kind of Rune secret curse, called soul locking curse!

"Sure enough, brother Niu's spirit is locked, unconscious, he is now a puppet, damn Lei Qiyue!"

Ye Lan is furious in her heart.

To remove the soul lock curse, either kill the ox demon or let the caster untie it himself. Otherwise, no one can solve the curse.

Even if it is forced to crack, for the bull devil, it will also cause extremely serious trauma to his spirit to know the sea!

Roar ~

the bull devil roars and blows fiercely to take Ye Lan's chest.

This fist, he used all strength, let Ye Lan is dare not have the slightest underestimate.

There was a dull sound.

Terrible fist strength, impact on Ye Lan's chest, let Ye Lan's figure fall back and forth.

"Master Tianmo, that Lei Qiyue can't be killed! Otherwise, no one can save my brother Niu! "

Ye Lan is holding a red blood spear to fight with the ox demon, trying to counteract the power of the ox demon, and at the same time, she is also transmitting sound from her heart.

Nine days, is rolling Lei Qiyue, at any time to kill Lei Qiyue to heaven devil Saint listen, the offensive slowed down, no ruthless attack.

"What's the matter?"

The God of heaven and evil oppressed Lei Qiyue and responded.

"Brother Niu has been set up a soul lock curse, which needs the caster to solve. Lei Qiyue can't die

"It should be possible for Ben Zun to destroy his body and not his spirit?"

The Lord of heaven responds.


Ye Lan speaks.

"Well, I immediately destroyed his body and brought his spirit to you!"

God of the demons.

The attack became fiercer and fiercer.

In the face of the terrible attack of the heavenly devil saint, Lei Qiyue can't resist or bear the constant collapse and destruction of his body. Even though he has the power of rebirth, he hasn't been in nirvana for a long time, and his ability to use the power of rebirth is not very strong at all.

Therefore, the speed of body repair is far less than the speed of being destroyed by the God.

Soon, Lei Qiyue was destroyed by the heavenly devil saint, leaving only a wisp of spirit, which was imprisoned and sealed by the heavenly devil saint!

"Boy ye, the spirit of Lei Qiyue has been imprisoned by me."

The heaven devil Saint comes down from the sky and comes to Ye Lan's side.

"Good. I'll subdue brother Niu and let Lei Qiyue remove the soul locking curse!"

The cold light in Ye Lan's eyes flashed, and the red blood spear in her hand danced wildly, which resisted the fierce attack again and again.

After that, he stabbed the Bull Demon with a spear and turned it into innumerable silver white Rune chains.

"Brother Niu, I've offended you!"

Looking at the huge Tauren demon who was trapped in the array and covered with silver chains, Ye Lan's face was full of guilt.

"Lei Qiyue, lift the soul lock curse, otherwise, I will let you die without a place to bury you!"

The demon Saint comes to Ye Lan and gives Lei Qiyue a wisp of spirit to the other side, leaving Ye Lan to deal with.

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