"Ancient magic boxing!"

Roaring, the devil is mighty.

A fist containing the power of terror hit the Chiyou people fiercely.

Bang ~

the Chiyou people reached for their hand and easily resisted the powerful blow.

"Is there a man of some ability at last?"

Chiyou people's mouth is dangerous. When they look at it, they see the God of heaven.

"Draw a dungeon!"

At the foot of the Chiyou people, a huge array emerged. Countless green lights interweaved to form a huge prison, which bound him to death.

Mu Bairong, the old head of the Qing nationality, appeared.

"Yes, yes, there are one or two worth fighting."

Chiyou people laugh, and a sense of war breaks out again.

The battle spirit is sweeping and surging. It can easily break the seal of the array set by Mu Bairong.

"The devil

A huge figure appeared from a broken void. Niu Mengshi showed his best moves and rushed to the Chiyou people.

"Go away!"

Chiyou people gave a cold drink and a blow. They hit the ox devil heavily. When they defeated the ox devil, they also beat the ox devil out.

Even if the ox devil awakens the blood power of the near perfect Kui ox, it can't stop the Chiyou people's domineering fist.


Tianmo Shengzun and Mu Bairong seized the opportunity and set out one after another to launch a violent offensive against the Chiyou people.

The two of them were very fast and aggressive, one on the left and the other on the right.

"It's worthy of being master Tianmo and Mr. mu. Together, they can suppress the Chiyou people!"

In the temple, some of the surviving strongmen, seeing that the heavenly devil saint and Mu Bairong joined hands, were actually holding the Chiyou people to death. They couldn't help but look happy.

"No, they didn't really suppress it!"

The head of the Yu clan, the God of light and Mu Tianyun and other powerful people have found a shocking fact when their pupils shrink.

That is to say, the alliance of Tianmo Shengzun and Mu Bairong did not really suppress the Chiyou people, because the Chiyou people were calm in the face of their joint attack.

"Is this the power of Chiyou

The second prince, Xiao Molin, Huang Tianqing and other strong people of Longyuan look ugly, and their eyes are full of shock.

They have heard about the near God clan, and they know that it is the current God clan.

As the head of the nine foreign families, Chiyou, the God of war, is absolutely a terrible existence.

But what they didn't expect was that Chiyou, the God of war, would be so powerful and terrible!

Just a member of the tribe, he suppressed and killed all the top experts in his own league, and no one could really fight against him.

If we face the whole Chiyou clan, the God of war, and the whole alien clan close to the God, how can our own strength resist it?

The gap is too big!

"Our alliance Can you really fight against the near gods? "

At this moment, many high-level figures of foreign races fell into deep meditation one after another, looking dignified.

At the beginning, they formed an alliance full of confidence to prepare for the future confrontation with the near God clan.

The strength of this alliance is very strong.

There are Qing, Yu, Guangming, Longyuan and many other powerful extraterritorial races.

Many people believe that this force will be able to compete with Chiyou, the God of war, but it turns out that their ideas are still too naive.

"There's no way to fight! The Chiyou clan, the God of war, is so powerful, not to mention the whole clan close to God! "

Some people watched Mu Bairong and the God of heaven gradually fall into the downwind. They were crushed by the Chiyou clan, the God of war. Their faces were full of despair and horror.

It's over!

It's all over!

This so-called alliance, in the eyes of Chiyou, the God of war, is vulnerable, just like a group of children playing a family game!

What alliance? What's the fight against the near gods?

Joke! It's all jokes!

Stupid! It's stupid!

Boom -

boom -

two blasts, one after another.

The heavenly devil saint and Mu Bairong blasted on a wall of the temple and collapsed the wall. The whole body was cracked and mottled. The spirit was shocked and suffered a lot of injuries.

On the other hand, the Chiyou people are still very powerful and have not been hurt at all.

"See? This is the Chiyou family, the God of war. It is not the existence that ordinary mole ants can easily resist and challenge! "The Chiyou people's eyes swept coldly over many strong people of foreign races in the temple, and their tone was full of cold and proud.

"Now, I'll give you a chance. Those who follow will prosper and those who rebel will perish.

However, those who sincerely submit to the Chiyou family, the God of war, will surely keep them safe.

Otherwise, what is waiting for you will be the disaster of extermination! "

In the temple, many people heard the voice of the Chiyou people. They looked at each other and hesitated.

"I, Yun family, would like to join Chiyou!"

Cloud also song Lang voice way.

He who knows current affairs is a hero.

The Chiyou clan, the God of war, is too strong. It is not possible for these forces to join hands to fight against it.

Instead of fighting against Chiyou, the God of war, and destroying the whole family's life and future, we should choose to surrender to ensure the prosperity of the world.

With the Yun family taking the lead in defection, other major ethnic forces in the temple who had joined the alliance also defected to the Chiyou family.

Just one person!

Let this newly established alliance fall apart in an instant!

Chiyou family, the God of war, is really too powerful to imagine.

"The grass is the grass!"

Ye Lan laughs and shakes his head. He finds that those who choose to withdraw from the alliance and join Chiyou are all the extraterritorial ethnic forces who used to follow Shenzong.

Of course, there are some extraterritorial races who do not choose to surrender, but still stand on Ye Lan's side. Among them, there are the three headed races.

"Well! Those who know current affairs are heroes. I advise you not to be stubborn any more.

The Chiyou clan, the God of war, can't be easily countered by us. If you want to live, you'd better surrender

Cloud also loose cold hum, the vision swept to sweep leaf LAN etc., the face is full of domineering color.

"When you are a dog, you can be so satisfied. It seems that you are born to be a dog slave."

Ye Lan disdains to respond.

"Boy, do you know what you're talking about?"

Yun Yisong stares at Ye Lan coldly. In his eyes, his killing intention is surging.

Whoosh ~

Ye Lan is holding a red blood spear. In her body, the killing evil Qi breaks out completely. At her feet, she kills Xiang yunyisong angrily.

Its speed is extremely fast, the speed of the move is faster.

When a spear comes out, Yun Yisong is about to kill him. The latter doesn't even have the ability to resist.

"I said, you are the natural slaves of the Yun family!"

Ye Lan tone Sen cold, floating into the vitality of the gradual loss of cloud also song ear.


Among the Yuns, several of them with strong accomplishments were red eyed and roaring.

The body shape moves, they all kill toward Ye Lan.

Puff ~

puff ~

puff ~

the red blood spears move in succession, and blood lights emerge one after another.

Those cloud family strongmen who join hands to kill Ye Lan are killed by Ye Lan's red blood spear one after another.

With the start of the killing, the killing evil Qi in Ye Lan's body is rising wildly.

The momentum that erupts all over the body is also more and more powerful.

"Chiyou, the God of war? The current Protoss? ha-ha! In my Ye Lan's eyes, you are just a mole ant. Sooner or later, you will be destroyed! "

After killing Yun Yisong and many strong members of the Yun family, Ye Lan's cold eyes stare at the Chiyou people.

He has the sun in his right eye and the sun in his left eye.

The cinnabar fire in the center of eyebrows burns completely, and the killing evil spirit is raging in his body.

"It's a little interesting. It's really rare that people have the power of the four emperors in ancient times. What's more, I dare to speak well and I'm crazy.

It seems that you don't know the strength of Chiyou. Today, it's necessary for you to have a good taste! "

Hum ~

the Chiyou people's face sank, and the violent momentum burst out in their body, and they oppressed Ye Lan violently.

Under his powerful pressure, Ye Lan's body suddenly disintegrates. Fortunately, Aoki's divine power constantly repairs and maintains his body.

"Strike the sky with one sword!"

Ye Lan resisted the surging and mighty pressure and cut it out with a sword instead of a hand.

A Lingtian sword, across the world, straight to kill the Chiyou people.

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