Watching the huge fire, Ye Lan was directly engulfed by a dark golden flame whirlpool in front of him, just like a bullock into the sea.

The strong members of the Xuan clan were completely shocked, and their pupils were full of surprise.

"Good boy, I underestimate you for some means."

The burly man stares at Ye Lan coldly, with a grim smile in his mouth.

He stepped out, his hands spread out, and was about to cast the spell.

As a result, an arm was immediately cut off by Ye Lan's sword, and blood spattered.

"Move, I'll break your arm."

Ye Lan looks calm, tone is with unquestionable calm.

This made the burly man tremble in his heart. For a moment, he didn't dare to move.

However, he is reciting the formula in his heart and is ready to kill Ye Lan at any time.

Hoo ~

the white flame, burning violently, turned into a thin line and shot into the big man's eyebrow like light. The flame went into the sea and burned the big man's spirit.

The burning pain from the depth of his soul made the burly man tremble all over his body, sweat between his forehead and back, and cry out in his mouth. His body also fell from the height and smashed into the ground.

"I've warned you not to move, even if it's an idea."

Ye Lan looked down at the burly man who was pale and felt the burning pain of his spirit, and gave a cold warning.

That burly man's face is pale, the eye sees Ye Lan to leave unprecedented startle.

The young man in front of him is definitely stronger than himself in cultivation. Otherwise, the other party will not be able to feel his spirit and mind all at once and punish him with the law.

Think of here, burly man that is really don't dare to move, the whole person is like a corpse obediently lying on the ground, even don't dare to have a bit of bad idea to Ye Lan.

"Master, keep an eye on him for me."

Ye Lan looked at the heavenly devil saint who appeared next to him and gave orders.

And he followed Liu Xiaolang all the way to the spirit of the old man.

"Liu Liu Shao, it's really you. Are you back? "

In the spirit, the old man's surprise and weak voice came.

He knew Liu Xiaolang, the little clan leader of yuelang clan, and his father was the clan leader of Chiyou clan, with high status and prestige.

Not only that, Liu Xiaolang also has unique fighting body, which is a rare powerful holy body in the world, far better than other rare constitutions.

"Grandfather Ling, it's me. I'm back."

Liu Xiaolang listened to the familiar voice in the spirit, and felt the familiar breath in the spirit. His heart was both excited and sad.

Excited, he once again saw his own spirit grandfather, the elder of the spirit family, an amiable old man.

The sad thing is that my spirit grandfather has been badly damaged. At present, a wisp of spirit is barely supported by his strong will to survive. It will disperse at any time, and I can't help it at all.

"You didn't come back at the right time."

In the spirit, came the sigh of the elder of the spirit clan.


"After the annihilation of our lingzu, only xiaoshaozhu and I escaped here. Liu Shaoyou and yuelang clan were also exterminated. All the strong members of the clan were captured alive and put into the dungeon of Chiyou clan, the devil's den of life and death.

Liu Shao, Chiyou family is too strong. We are not rivals. It's the only way to survive to remain anonymous.

If you come back rashly, there is no doubt that the sheep will enter the tiger's mouth.

I've never asked for anyone in my life, but now I have one thing to ask for. "

The old people of the lingzu tried to persuade each other. At last, they begged again.

"Grandfather Ling, but it doesn't hurt to say so."

"My little master is just a child. Now, it's none of his business to be involved in such a disturbance. I hope you can take him away from the nine star heaven and go anywhere. Let him live in anonymity. Never tell him about the annihilation of the spirit clan and the Chiyou clan. Let him grow up happily and peacefully.

Can you promise? "

In the spirit, the old man's voice became weaker and weaker. He could be heard that he was about to end.

Liu Xiaolang is silent. He looks at the sleeping child not far away, and at Ye Lan. His face is full of consultation.

"It's up to you."

Ye Lan smiles.

If Liu Xiaolang agrees, now take the little master of lingzu away from the nine star heaven, and never come back, Ye Lan will not blame him.

After all, this is Liu Xiaolang's business. Ye Lan has no right to interfere.

Liu Xiaolang was caught in a dilemma and pondered for a moment. He just said: "I'm sorry, grandfather Ling. I'm sorry that I can't agree with you. I'm going to fight Chiyou to the end. I'm going to avenge my mother, the many people who died in yuelang, and the heroes of lingzu and other alliance races.

What's more, when I come back to nine star heaven this time, I want to save my father from the cave of life and death, master Wan Jian, and all the clansmen and allies captured by Chiyou!This is my determination to come here. If I disobey this determination because of the safety of the little Lord, I will feel guilty all my life.

So, please forgive me. It's hard for me to agree.

However, there is one thing that the younger generation can promise the spirit grandfather, as long as I Liu Xiaolang is still alive, I will never let the last trace of blood of the spirit clan die away. "

"Hahaha, there's a great character in the moon wolf clan. Liu Shao, I'll ask you. I'm going to Jiuquan to protect you. I wish you to fulfill your dream... "

The voice of the elder of lingzu is getting weaker and weaker. Gradually, it is completely out of hearing, and the last ray of spirit is scattered with the wind.

Liu Xiaolang stood in silence, his face full of pain. He grew up and came to the sleeping child. He picked it up and held it tightly in his arms.

"From now on, I'm your brother and you're my brother. My brother will protect you for the rest of your life. Unless I die, you will never be hurt."

Liu Xiaolang swore secretly.

"This little guy is not a simple, rare celestial body."

Ye Lan comes forward and looks at the child in Liu Xiaolang's arms.

"Brother ye, what is the heavenly body?"

"It's a rare ancient spirit body. It's said that people with heavenly spirit body have the effect of life and death, human flesh and bones. It can be called a treasure medicine in the world. It can help the practitioners to prolong their life, and it's more pure and powerful than the blood of the heaven turtle family.

Moreover, once the practice begins, the stronger the power of the ancient spirit, the stronger the effect of its blood, which is enough to make those who are strong in Nirvana and even in the realm of emptiness crazy.

This kind of constitution only exists in legends. I have seen some records in ancient books. I never thought that today, I have seen a rare celestial body. "

Ye Lan's heart is astonished. The nine star universe is really not an ordinary place. It has such a rare constitution as tianlingti.

Moreover, Liu Xiaolang, who has a unique fighting style, is also from the nine star universe.

Now, Ye Lan is more and more interested in the nine star universe. He really wants to see what kind of scenery it is in the nine star universe where the current Protoss live, and what kind of talents and talents there are among the major races and the nine foreign races near the gods, which are enough to dominate the universe and control hundreds of millions of races.

"In this way, isn't the heavenly spirit equivalent to..."

"That's right. It's a rare miracle drug, and it's not a general miracle drug."

"Brother ye, it's confidential. Can't you tell me? I don't want my brother to be foolproof because of the heavenly body. "

Liu Xiaolang pleaded.

"If you recognize him as a brother, he is also my brother. I will not betray my brother. "

Ye Lan responded.

"Thank you, brother Ye."

"Don't thank me. You'd better settle him down and let him stay in the sky map. Maybe it's safer."

Ye Lan orders.

Turning around, he walked towards the strong man of the Xuans and crouched down. Ye Lan coldly looked down at the big man in front of him, "where is the cave of life and death?"

"I don't know."

Ye Lan doesn't say a word, directly light a white real fire, start to burn the spirit of the burly man a little bit, the pain of the other party can't help rolling and wailing.

"I am I really don't know! "

Cried the big man, trembling all over.

See, Ye Lan found that the other side does not seem to say false, a grabbed each other's collar, "then tell me, who knows?"

"I, the ancestor of the Xuan clan and the current head of the clan, the venerable xuanming, may know something about it."

The burly man was afraid that Ye Lan would burn his soul with white fire again, which would bring him more pain than death. He simply did not hide it and told everything directly.

"Where are you, the ancestor of the Xuans?"

"After a while, there will be a hunting meeting of the Xuans. The ancestors will appear at that meeting and preside over it."

The burly man responded truthfully.


"Every sentence is true, never conceal."

Without saying a word, Ye Lan's palm is filled with white fire, which rushes into the big man's sea of knowledge and quickly burns his spirit.

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