Liu Xiaolang is more brave and crazy in the Vietnam War, tearing through many barriers and approaching Xuantian.

The two fists dance, and each fist contains the power of terror and hegemony.

Bang Bang

One after another, he attacked xuantiantong, hit xuantiantong heavily on his chest, froze his body and flew backwards. The terrifying force was rampant in xuantiantong's body and destroyed his whole body.

Even the bullying power contained in the terrible boxing had a direct impact on his soul.

Kazam ~

kazam ~

under the crazy attack of Liu Xiaolang, xuantiantong's body continued to crumble, and finally, only a divine idea was left.


Some of the strong members of the Xuan clan were shocked when they saw that xuantiantong was defeated by Liu Xiaolang. They were directly attacked by Liu Xiaolang in close combat, leaving only a wisp of mind.

At that moment, there were several strong men of cultivation at the level of yin and Yang, who worked together to kill Liu Xiaolang.

But they can't get close at all. They are directly shocked by Liu Xiaolang's momentum. They are either severely damaged or destroyed.

Many of the strong members of the Xuan family want to rescue xuantiantong, but they are powerless.

Even the ancestor of the Xuan clan is no exception, because now he is tied down by the heaven devil saint and can't get rid of himself.

"All ethnic groups listen to the order and kill the murderer! Those who do not obey the orders will be exterminated! "

The ancestor of the Xuans gave a loud shout and gave a decisive order.

The Xuans are the overlord of the carefree land, equivalent to the emperor of the land. All the major races living in the carefree land are their vassals and their subjects.

The emperor gives orders, but his subjects dare not.

"The Xuans are very powerful. If they don't listen to the order, they will destroy the family? What if I don't listen? "

There was a cold hum.

This time, the elder of the thousand ethnic groups who led people to the holy hunting meeting looked at the ancestors of the Xuans in the distance. His eyes were full of stubbornness and unyielding.

"How dare you rebel against the Xuans?"

An elder of the Xuanshi clan points to the elder of the thousand clan with a fire in his eyes.

"So what? Since you, the Xuans, led the carefree mainland, they have been cruel and ruthless, so that the people of all ethnic groups have no way to live.

Chiyou people, even more so!

I can't stand it! "

The chieftain of the thousand clans, Lao ba.

Around, the strong people of all races were shocked, some of them couldn't believe their ears.

Thousands of people, want to fight?

Not only against the Xuan clan, but also against the Chiyou clan!

Are they not afraid of extermination?

"It's not wise for the thousand people to choose to rebel at this time! The Xuan clan is very strong, and the Chiyou clan behind it is stronger!

In case of rebellion, the whole clan will be destroyed! Such behaviour is stupid

Said a stranger.

"We Xunzi support thousands of people. Today, we are out of the control of the Xuans!"

However, it's surprising that the elder of Xun clan also suddenly announced that he wanted to turn the Xuan clan out?!

"My God, what's the matter? How could the two great races, the thousand and the Xun, turn against each other? Where do they come from? "

Some people are shocked and don't understand why the qianzu and Xunzi people turn against each other?

Even if we want to fight back, is it stupid to blatantly clamor to fight back?

"Good! Good! Good! Thousand, Xun, you two races all want to fight against our Xuan clan, very good, very good!

Who else is going to oppose the Xuan clan? "

The elder of the Xuan clan was angry.

"We Chinese want to fight back!"

"We Lin people want to fight back!"


One after another, the cheers resounded continuously.

Many of the major ethnic groups are already clamoring to fight against it.

In one breath, there are hundreds of races, and they are determined to fight against the Xuans.

Among them, qianzu and Xunzi are the five major ethnic groups in the worry free mainland, second only to Xuanshi.

Of course, some races want to be different from the Xuans, but some choose to stand under the Xuans.

There are also hundreds of other races, big and small.

Soon, the two sides were divided into two camps.

Only the Ming people chose to stay out of the affair and watch the change for a while.


The ancestor of the Xuans roared angrily.

He did not expect that at this critical moment, there was someone who wanted to fight against his Xuanshi family, which took a lot of time.

If it goes on like this, who will save Wulong?

The crowd woke up, Xuanshi clan, immediately there are super noisy Ye Lan angry kill and go.

Some of them kill Liu Xiaolang to save xuantiantong.Seeing this, the qianzu, Xunzi and other powerful people, who are against the Xuanshi clan, are killing those powerful people under the Xuanshi clan who want to kill Ye Lan and Liu Xiaolang.

The two sides started a fierce battle in an instant.

"You Ming people also want to oppose our Xuan family?"

At this time, an elder of the Xuan family comes to Ming Fanxiao and stares at him coldly.

"No," he said

Ming laughs and responds respectfully.

"So, don't you fight for my Xuan family and kill those rebels?"

"I'm sorry, I Ming people don't want to participate in this, so as to avoid heavy casualties."

Ming responded with a wild smile.

"Don't listen to me. Do you want to be exterminated?"

The elder of the Xuan family was aggressive and his tone was not good.

"Extermination? If you have courage, try it for the Xuans! "

Ming laughs wildly and blows angrily, shaking the elder of the Xuan clan to vomit blood and fly out.

He is not a good-natured person and never fears threats from others.

If it had been in the past, Ming Fanxiao would never dare to challenge the Xuans openly.

However, this time is different from the past, the Xuan family has been rebellious.

For some reason, hundreds of ethnic groups, such as the qianzu and Xunzi, have been clamoring for rebellion.

Everyone has twisted into one with each other, which makes Ming laugh wildly for no reason.

He wanted to fight the Xuans for a long time, but he didn't dare because he was not strong enough.

"All the people of the Ming people listen! All the members of the Xuan clan will be killed without mercy! "

Ming burst out laughing.

The Qians and Xuns are all against each other. It's time for the Ming people to fight against the bleeding.


After Ming laughs wildly, many strong and talented people of Ming nationality drink together and go straight to kill the Xuans and the strong people of all races who choose to continue to be loyal to the Xuans.

A big war broke out!

However, there are too many strong members of the Xuan family.

Although qianzu, Xunzi and Mingzu were willing to take other races to revolt, they could not stand the fierce attack of Xuanshi.

More and more qianzu, Xunzi and Ming strong people died miserably.

In a short time, the major rebellious races such as the thousand, Xun and Ming were trapped.

"Well! This is the end of your revolt against our Xuan clan. Now, all of you are going to die, and your clansmen will pay a heavy price for your stupid behavior! "

A Xuan clan elder Lang Sheng Dao.

His face was full of satisfaction.

"Oh? How can you make them pay a heavy price? "

A cold voice came, Ye Lan slowly came, the whole body burst out of terror.

After absorbing the magical power of the sorcerer dragon, his accomplishments increased again, and he stepped into the nirvana quintuple realm.

Previously, there were strong men of the Xuan clan and other races who wanted to kill Ye Lan secretly. As a result, they all died under the natural disaster when ye LAN broke through the cultivation.

"Boy, don't be too wild! If you kill Wu Shao, Chiyou will not forgive you lightly!

Now, you are also seriously injured. Do you think you can escape with the help of many powerful people like me? "

That Xuan clan elder is not afraid of Ye Lan.

Although Ye Lan's cultivation and fighting power are strong, the sorcerer dragon has made him suffer a lot, so he will not be able to exert his peak fighting power.

But his side is different. At present, he still has a lot of peak combat power.

There are ten strong people in Nirvana.

In addition, there are more than 30 strong people in the five or even nine levels of yin and Yang.

There are many people who are able to communicate with you and break the fetal boundary.

In addition, the powerful members of the silver, maniac and other races.

He firmly believes that Ye Lan must die under the iron hoof torrent of his Xuan clan.

"The Xuans are really crazy. I don't know if the tortoise family will take part in this war! What about it? "

A cold voice suddenly rang out.

Void broken, a shadow, from the void air.

The leader is Mr. Yuan.

Behind him, there were several powerful monks in black robes.

Those practitioners are all the strong ones of the Tiangui clan. Everyone has the momentum of cultivation. They are the ancestors of the Xuanshi clan!

"The tortoise family?"

Seeing the man who appeared, all the members of the Xuan family and the strong men under their command suddenly turned pale.

Rao is the ancestor of the Xuans, who is fighting with the heavenly devil saint. He also has a startling look.

One by one, they are in a state of panic!

On the other hand, the people of the thousand, Xun, and Ming nationalities who are different from the Xuans are very excited.

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