"Black jade, where is it?"

Turtle Ling Wei looks at Ye Lan and asks in a voice.

Ye Lan reaches into her arms and takes out the piece of black jade, which was snatched from the dark family demon king at the beginning.

Mr. Yuan said that this black jade will be useful in the cave of life and death.

"Master, what is the origin of this black jade?"

Ye Lan gives the jade to Gui Lingwei and asks.

"This jade, named Tianmo jade, comes from the demon star.

The cave of life and death is built according to the magic star. The only one that can open the door of the cave is this kind of heaven magic jade.

Originally, we planned to sneak into Chiyou and steal one, but now, it's unnecessary! "

GUI Lingwei responded.

With that, he pinched the formula, and the power in his body poured into the magic jade.

Buzzing ~

the magic jade bursts into the sky, and the evil light bursts into the sky.

Whoosh ~

it flies to the huge dark star in the distance.

A long black bridge, from somewhere in the dark stars, quickly extended to the foot of guilingwei.

"Let's go!"

GUI Lingwei said.

A foot on the black long bridge, behind, Ye Lan three closely with each other.

As soon as they set foot on the long black bridge, the long black bridge is like light, sweeping towards the dark stars.

Standing on the long bridge, Ye Lan and others can feel a terrible force of destruction lying dormant and perching outside.

"Outside the grotto of life and death, there are all kinds of powerful forces of evil stars, which are hard for ordinary people to cross, even the strong in Nirvana is no exception.

In addition, there are all kinds of border formation to protect the grotto of life and death.

It's hard for those who don't master the real magic power to enter the cave of life and death easily! "

GUI Lingwei said in detail.

Ye Lan is awe inspiring.

Soon, a huge city appeared in front of them!

"The territory of the giants!"

Guilingwei explained.

Whoosh ~

the long black bridge disappears.

Ye Lan four people, is appeared in a hill, standing on a rock, looking at the distance that towering huge city.

That city is too big!

It's bigger than most people think.

Its existence, I do not know how long time, the whole body is made of an unknown black iron stone, each iron stone is heavier than Wanjun, hundreds of feet long, tens of feet wide, more than ten feet high, just like a black mountain.

The huge city is forged by black iron stones as big as mountains!

Liu Xiaolang and Tianmo Shengzun were shocked by such a magnificent sight.

How many years, manpower and financial resources will it take to build such a magnificent city?

"That city is called the giant city. It is the only place for the giant people to live and reproduce in the cave of life and death.

Giant city is very vast. For us normal people, that city is just like the holy land of xuanhuang of Xuanshi clan. Even, it once existed. It covers an area of a country!

Today, there are 200000 people living in the giant family. "

GUI Lingwei introduced him and said that he changed into a giant.

"If you enter giant city, you should not use our original appearance. Otherwise, the guards of giant city will expel us or even kill us.

For the sake of unnecessary trouble, you should become a giant and enter into it again. "

GUI Lingwei said.

Ye Lan nodded, but also do all shake their bodies, into a giant.

Four giant, all the way to the giant city.

Roar ~

with a roar, a huge monster suddenly rushed out of the desert and deep underground.

This giant scorpion looks like a poisonous scorpion, but its tail has three huge black poisonous hooks.

The size of his body is several times larger than that of Ye Lan, the giant incarnated by the four of them!

In front of this suddenly appeared giant monster, Ye Lan four people change giant, unexpectedly some tiny!

Hoo ~

when the strong wind blows, the troll's tail and three long black poison hooks suddenly stab Ye Lan, Liu Xiaolang and Tianmo Shengzun. The speed is extremely fast.

Whoosh ~

poof ~

a sharp roar came. Before ye LAN and his three men could kill the troll, a sharp arrow shot through the troll's head in the distance and killed him on the spot.

Ye Lan and others raised their eyes and saw the dust and smoke billowing in the distance. One by one, a giant wearing animal leather clothes and holding a simple bow and crossbow was running towards here.

"Three hook scorpion, today, finally caught it!"

The giant at the head is full of vigor. He is thousands of feet tall. His whole body is like a dragon. He is full of fierce spirit.

His whole body is also emitting a palpitating power.Nirvana!

In front of that giant, absolutely has Nirvana strength.

Behind him, there are also several giants who are as tall as before, but are much older.

The momentum of those giants is much weaker than that of the first young giant, but they are also strong in Yin and Yang!

"Who are you?"

Looking at the giant of Ye Lan's four incarnations, the young giant was stunned and couldn't help looking puzzled.

This is a desolate place outside the giant city. It is a wild and fierce place, inhabited by countless ferocious poisons.

In the giant city, ordinary giant practitioners did not dare to go deep into this wild and fierce place.

But ye LAN four incarnation of giant, but it is in this one, and fortunately end of live, this is quite surprising.

"We are hunting here. Before, we were almost killed by the three hook scorpion. Thank you for your help!"

Without waiting for Ye Lan to speak, GUI Lingwei stepped forward and said first.

"Hunting? Don't you know it's dangerous here? I don't think you have a good cultivation. How dare you go deep here? You really don't know how to live or die! "

The young giant looked directly at Ye Lan and said impolitely.

Roar ~

suddenly, in the wild and fierce land, there was another roar.

A figure came from the far sky. It was a huge black tiger, which was many times bigger than the third hook scorpion!

Not only is the size many times larger than the three hook scorpion, but also the momentum is far stronger than the three hook scorpion.

The three tiger heads, like the great mountains, are ferocious and terrifying. They are fierce and fierce.

"Three evil tigers! Why is it here? "

An old giant, in a low voice, exclaimed in horror.

The three evil tigers, in this wild and fierce place, are all terrible monsters with great reputation. The powerful of Nirvana quintuple realm are far from its opponents.

Now, the strongest one here is the young giant, but his cultivation is no more than the double realm of nirvana. If they want to deal with the three evil tigers, they can't see enough!

However, to the horror of those old giants, not only the three evil tigers appeared in front of them, but also a huge and terrifying monster appeared in other places.

The three monsters are all powerful in cultivation, and the three evil tigers are all terrible beings comparable to the nirvana quintuple realm cultivators.

"It's over, surrounded!"

Several old giants quickly get together and look back to back at each other in four directions. Four horrible monsters block the road. They have nothing but despair in their hearts.

Similarly, the young giant also has a face of despair.

If he only deals with three evil tigers, he can guarantee that he can unite with the strong under his command to resist one or two and fight for the time to escape.

But now, there are three monsters that are not weak at all. Even though the young giant is helpless, his mind is completely ruined!

"What are you going to do?"

Suddenly, the young giant roared. He saw Ye Lan, GUI Lingwei, Tianmo Shengzun, and Liu Xiaolang's giants, heading for the three evil tigers and other four powerful and terrifying monsters. In his heart, he was angry and anxious. He secretly scolded Ye Lan for their stupidity and ignorance of life and death.

"Of course, kill them!"

Ye Lan responded.

"By you? I was almost killed by the three hook scorpion before. If it wasn't for the prince, you four would have already... "

Hear Ye Lan's words, that young giant is quite disdainful, can't help but utter sarcasm.

But before I finish my words, there is a loud sound, one after another.

The three evil tigers and other four monsters, who are comparable to the nirvana quintessence practitioners, all died miserably and were killed by Ye Lan's four people one after another.

And Ye Lan, the four of them, killed three evil tigers and other four monsters. It seems that they didn't spend much effort

Hissing ~

there was a sound of cold air. Until now, the young giant and his several giants realized that they had underestimated Ye Lan's four!

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