"This gate is forged from black gold and refined iron, and it also integrates the magic iron left by ancient gods and demons. It is very strong.

It's hard to open without a key! "

In front of the gate leading to the 16th floor, the colossal Dragon God cening heavy road.

"We'll join hands and attack hard?"

Ye Lan looks at the giant dragon and asks.

"Maybe, it works!"

Julian first pondered, then nodded in response.

"Ancient magic boxing!"

On the one hand, the heavenly devil Saint took the lead in a terrorist attack.

Boom ~

and then there was another big bang. Liu Xiaolang also launched a fierce offensive.

Hoo ~

the wind is blowing hard, and GUI Lingwei is also bold.


The dark golden fire was raging, and countless dark golden fire dragons roared to the closed door.

The joint strike of several Nirvana strongmen landed on that door, making it tremble, but it is very difficult to smash it.

"This door is really strong!"

Ye Lan looks dignified.

"Ye boy, don't you have that key?"

"What key?"

"The key from the Dark Lord!"

The Lord of heaven responds.

"Will the key do?"

"Whether it's OK or not, you have to try, right?"

Said the devil.

Ye Lan nodded and took out the key. Qi poured into it. The key was bright. Under the control of Ye Lan, the key immediately turned into a beam of light and disappeared in the door.


The scene, dead silence.

Just waiting for Ye Lan they think can't open the door, suddenly, a dull click sound issued, the closed door, suddenly open.

A beam of light, fly back to Ye Lan's hand again, impressively is that black jade key.

"Can this key really be opened?"

Ye Lan and others are surprised when they are happy.

"The four of us, master Tianmo, master tortoise and grand clan leader, are in front of us.

The rest of you wait here for news and charge at any time. Do you understand? "

Ye Lan orders.

A group of giants have taken orders, and those who were rescued also secretly nodded.

Whoosh ~

with a flash of light, Ye Lan, four of them, entered the gate of the 16th floor one after another.

The next second, it's spinning.

The four of them came to a world of flames.

The sky is burning.

On the ground, magma rushes.

The whole world is very hot and irritating.

It's like baking in here.

"In the 16th floor, who are the strong ones being held?"

Ye Lan looks at the giant dragon and asks in a voice.

"I've never been to the 16th floor, and I'm not sure."

Julian shook his head.

"Master tortoise, what do you know

Ye Lan looks at GUI Lingwei.

"It is said that in the 16th floor, there are three saints of the Ming people."

GUI Lingwei responded.

"Ming nationality?"

"Yes! A long time ago, worry free mainland, Ming said respect, that family had many saints

GUI Lingwei said.

"If you have the name of a saint, you must be in a state of emptiness."

The God of heaven exclaimed.

The three sages of a clan are all powerful in the realm of emptiness and divinity. This shows how brilliant the Ming clan was.

"Yes, those who are strong in the realm of emptiness are regarded as saints. The Ming people used to be the six saints of a family, and their brilliance was no less than that of the nine foreigners of the near God family in the past. "

GUI Lingwei nodded.

"Then why did the Ming people fall into such a predicament?"

"Because of Wu Han!"

"Xiao Lang's father, the last Chiyou clan leader?"

"Exactly! At that time, the Ming people called Zun Wuyou, who worked for Wu Han and was loyal.

Wu Han rebelled against the Chiyou clan, while the Ming clan did not turn back and the six sages helped each other.

Unfortunately, Wu Han was defeated and captured. The six sages of the Ming family died miserably, and the remaining three were said to be trapped here.

As a result, the Ming people were desolate, and they were under the Xuans. "

"It turns out that behind the Ming people, there are such secrets."

Ye Lan suddenly.

Now he can understand why the ancestor of the Ming nationality had such a reverent look on his face when he heard Wu Han's name.

When he heard that he and others wanted to fight against Chiyou, he also chose to stand on his side without hesitation.

Dare to love, Ming and Chiyou early feud.

Now, willing to serve Chiyou, is nothing more than to find a glimmer of life, to turn the tide."If so, we will disperse and look for the three sages of Ming nationality, which will be a great help for us to fight against Chiyou."

Ye Lan said.

"Not bad!"

GUI Lingwei nodded.

So, Ye Lan four people quickly spread out, in this boundless flame world, looking for the whereabouts of the three saints of Ming nationality.

Ye Lan four people a scattered, deep in the flame, a shadow slowly emerge.

It was a burly man, full of fiery masculinity.

A pair of eyes, cold through the flame of the Sen Hong, shocking.

The momentum on the body is also powerful and overbearing, which makes people tremble.

On the surface of the body, the special veins interweave into a totem, full of a great and unpredictable power.

"Here comes a group of people who are not afraid of death!"

The young man gave a cold smile.

"How? Let's make a bet and choose one of our opponents to see who can kill each other first? "

A coquettish voice rang out. A red haired woman with hot clothes and hot figure appeared from the fire. She also had a special tattoo totem, and her whole body exuded a strong and terrible atmosphere.

With the appearance of this woman, a rickety old man and a 20-year-old youth also appeared one by one.

"I'll take the one who's full of demons!"

In response, the man in his prime kept an eye on the direction of the God's departure.

"Then I'll choose the giants!"

Women smile.

The rickety old man didn't speak. He went straight away and chased GUI Lingwei.

"Losers, guard this prison for a hundred years!"

The Chiyou people, who looked like 20 years old, said in a deep voice.

Body shape a flash, path straight to the direction of Ye Lan fly to kill and go.

Hoo ~

the flames are burning and churning.

Blazing high temperature, so that the space is constantly distorted collapse.

Ye Lan walks through the world of fire, constantly looking for the whereabouts of the three sages of Ming nationality.

Boom ~

suddenly, the void collapses, and a torrential flame falls from the sky, just like the sky fire coming to Ye Lan.

Roar ~

the dark golden flame surges wildly, turns into countless fierce fire dragons, and rushes to the sky to meet the falling sky fire.

Hiss, hiss, hiss

Tianhuo and countless fire dragons collided with each other, making bursts of hissing sound, deadlocked.

The terrible turbulence caused by the collision of the two directly makes the four sides of heaven and earth like waves, breaking and collapsing one after another.

"I have some strength. No wonder I'm here!"

A voice rang out, and Ye Lan went to see a shirtless young man coming through the void, surrounded by flames, as if the God of fire was in the world.

"Chiyou people!"

Ye Lan's eyes narrowed and recognized that the young man in front of him was a member of Chiyou clan. The symbolic totem tattoo on the other side showed his identity.

"What race are you from? How dare you intrude here? Don't you know how powerful it is? "

Young people look at Ye Lan, cold voice way.

"Dead man, you have no right to know my name!"

Ye Lan responds coldly.

"Arrogance! I'm a Chiyou, a natural warrior. There are very few races in the world that can be compared with Chiyou.

You are an unknown little hairy child. How dare you speak freely in front of me? You are ignorant and ridiculous

The young man's brow was slightly frowned, his face was not happy, and his heart was angry.

This is the first time that he has been looked down upon like this.

As a member of Chiyou people, he was born arrogant and arrogant. Which race of people would not respect him when they saw him?

In the eyes of foreigners, he, the Chiyou people, is God!

Untouchables collide with gods.

This is treason!

Hoo ~

dive, and the young man, with a fury, rushes to Ye Lan.

Totem on the surface of the body releases the evil spirit of terror, and dazzling lights emerge.

The momentum of his whole person soared several times in an instant.

With one hand, the world is turbulent and the destructive power is amazing.

"Well! What's the fear of Chiyou people? "

Ye Lan was cold and disdainful.

One blow of fury, the power of brute God and the evil spirit of killing surge wildly.

This fist, compared with the young man's hand, is more powerful and domineering.

Boom ~

puff ~

Click ~

fists and palms hit each other, breaking out the energy fluctuation of terror.

The young man spewed out a mouthful of blood, his body flew backward like a shell, and his arm was smashed and broken under Ye Lan's terrible fist."This No way

Young shocked, he and Ye Lan a war, unexpectedly fell in the downwind?!

How is that possible?

Chiyou people are born with noble blood. They are born fighters. They are strong in body and fighting power. In the same realm, no one is an enemy.

The young man in front of him, however, was equal to himself. How could he hurt himself so easily?

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