Ye Lan stepped on the outer disciple and looked around the square. The hundreds of disciples who had been eliminated by themselves were cold in the deep of their eyes.

An invisible momentum emanates from his body, strong, fierce, overbearing, arrogant, with the spirit of ignoring everything and scorning the common people!

In a word, all the hundreds of disciples who are in the four or even five levels of Qi gathering are shocked. No one dares to say a word, no one dares to say no, no one dares to collide with Ye Lan, so we have to compete with him!

This is a kind of powerful momentum, not completely relying on cultivation, but from the bottom of my heart!

One by one, the hundreds of disciples looked ugly and looked at each other. They had to leave indignantly.

As for the disciple who insulted Ye Lan in public, he was beaten by Ye Lan. He cried his father and mother and broke several ribs.

"Congratulations, join my duantian Gang!"

Ye Lan turns around and looks at the teenagers who are new to duantian gang.

"Thank you Thank you

The dozen teenagers woke up one after another and said respectfully.

Ye Lan is so strong!

It is not only the strength of cultivation, but also the strength of its own momentum!

In a word, he retreated hundreds of martial arts talents, and let those arrogant beings retreat in a panic.

This ability, let them from the bottom of their hearts in awe and admiration.

"This is the Bati pill, one for each person. It can better refine your body, meridians, fighting soul and Qi, and help you improve your cultivation strength."

With a flash of brilliance, Ye Lan takes out more than ten Bati pills and presents them to the teenagers as gifts for them to join duantian gang.

At the same time, he told Su Yi and others to let them know other members of the gang well and explain the rules they must abide by after joining the gang.

After dealing with everything, Ye Lan just went to the holy tower again and went to the cultivation room to practice.

The next few days, Leiyun Town, are very calm, no major events broke out.

Many outside disciples are busy with their own tasks, earning clan points and gaining more cultivation resources.

These days, Ye Lan has been practicing in the holy tower, and her cultivation strength is advancing by leaps and bounds, from Juqi jiuzhong to Juqi jiuzhong.

Similarly, Ye Yu, Su Yi, Liu Hanyan, Su Zhan and many other members of duantian Gang have made great progress in their cultivation.

When they were in the classroom, many problems in practice were solved.

Sometimes, Ye Lan would also explain things about practice to them, and find time to refine all kinds of pills that help them improve their accomplishments and strengthen their physical strength.

Ye Lan even trained some alchemy disciples for duantian gang members.

Therefore, Ye Yu and many other duantian sect members can improve their strength better and faster than other disciples.

Nowadays, the weakest people in duantian Gang already have four levels of Qi gathering, and most of the others are in the four levels of Qi gathering.

Among them, Su Yi and Liu Hanyan are the best. One has entered the peak of Qi gathering, and the other has entered the peak of Qi gathering.

Ye Yu's cultivation has also increased sharply all the way to the peak of Qi gathering six, which is only one step away from Qi gathering seven.

All in all, under the leadership of Ye Lan, the whole duantian Gang is thriving.

The name of duantian Gang is also resounding in Leiyun Town, and almost no one dares to provoke it.


In the holy tower, the red tailed monkey came here and attracted many disciples from outside.

Many disciples are curious about the origin of the monkey?

Some brave even want to challenge it, want to subdue it, tame it as a beast pet.

As a result, all of them were beaten by the red tailed monkey. Unfortunately, the red tailed monkey took out the nest, exploded the eggs and howled.

With the cultivation method taught by Ye Lan, the red tailed monkey has been working hard these days and has improved a lot.

The body is stronger than ever.

For the monkey king eighteen sticks and monkey claws taught by Ye Lan, they are very skillful.

No, with the third move of monkey claw, Monkey King Steals Peach, it destroys the prestige of many disciples on the first floor of the holy tower, and makes many disciples feel the pain of root breaking!

"Red tail?"

The door of the training room opens, and Ye Lan comes out of it. He is stunned to see the red tailed monkey who is catching and exploding a disciple's egg.


See Ye Lan, red tailed monkey cheerfully called, a foot kick fly that outside disciple, body shape a longitudinal, jump to Ye Lan, riding on each other's neck.

A pair of small claws, in Ye Lan's hair, scratch here, scratch there, it seems to be catching lice for ye LAN.

"Have you finished your monkey king's eighteen sticks?"

Hearing the words of the red tailed monkey, Ye Lan said with a smile."Gee

Red tailed monkey chin pillow on the head of Ye Lan, a strange cry.

"It's a pity that we can't grasp the power of heaven and earth? Don't worry. It's not so easy to master the power of heaven and earth.

You know, haste makes waste

Ye Lan smiles.


The red tailed monkey barked again.

"Where are you going to take me? Repay me? "

Ye Lan a Leng, don't know the red tailed monkey in the end to take himself to where?

Whoosh ~

the red tailed monkey, with a vertical figure, jumps down and bares its teeth to the outside disciples. It just waves to Ye Lan and runs out of the pagoda.

Behind, Ye Lan's body flashed and followed.

One person and one monkey, galloping all the way, constantly away from Leiyun Town, unconsciously, has come to a lonely valley.

This valley is full of aura. Around the valley, there are countless rare miraculous medicines and fruits.

Some elixirs, even more expensive, have grown for at least a hundred years.

Here, it's like a paradise of elixir.


The red tailed monkey stands at the mouth of the valley, with big black eyes. He looks at Ye Lan, grins and barks.

"It's a good place. There are a lot of miracles. With these miracles, I can refine a lot of ninghun pills, Bati pills, and even Baiyuan pills that can help me break through the realm of Huadan."

Ye Lan replied with a smile that the red tailed monkey really found a good place for him.

During this time, he gave the members of duantian Gang a lot of ninghun Dan and Bati Dan, and all the elixirs were completely exhausted.

I didn't expect that when I was sad, the red tailed monkey brought him to such a good place.

"How did you find this place?"

Ye Lan looks at the red tailed monkey and asks.


Red tailed monkey claws akimbo, a face of exultant call.

"I see. This is your habitat."

Ye Lan suddenly.

This valley is the habitat of macaques.

Since the red tailed monkey was born from the sacred stone in Xianshan, it has found such a place.

Only when you drink from the holy spring in the valley and satisfy your hunger with the holy fruit and medicine, can you grow stronger and have the strength of the nine fold cultivation of Qi.

In the same way, he has been practicing in this valley since he got the cultivation method from Ye Lan. His strength has improved a lot, and he has entered the nine peaks of gathering Qi, which is equivalent to Ye Lan.

In order to thank Ye Lan, it is also clear that Ye Lan's cultivation is bound to need a lot of elixirs and elixirs. After the red tailed monkey leaves the customs, it is the first time to go to Leiyun town to find Ye Lan and bring him here, so as to repay Ye Lan's kindness.

"It's a good place."

Ye Lan smiles a little, as the red tailed monkey enters the valley, she begins to pick the elixir she needs.

On one side, the red tailed monkey also helps to pick the elixir Ye Lan needs, and constantly calls.

"Well, don't worry, the elixir can't do without you!"

Ye Lan shakes her head and laughs.

"Bold, who allowed you to enter here?"

Somewhere in the valley, a cold cry came.

Ye Lan and the red tailed monkey, looking for fame, find a few young people with a slightly burly figure, standing on a boulder, looking down at themselves.

"Are you the ones who are bold? Who allowed you to set foot here? "

Ye Lan looks at the young people and responds with a cold voice.

By his side, the red tailed monkey, half a human being's height, was also looking at the foreigners who intruded into his territory, and howled.

"Well! This place has been occupied by our crazy butcher gang. No one is allowed to enter here.

You not only intruded into the territory of my crazy butcher Gang, but also picked up many elixirs in the valley. You don't know how to survive!

If you are wise, hand over all the elixirs. Then, get out of here for me and dare to step on it again. Be careful that my crazy butcher gang will let you die without a place to die! "

The youth a listen to Ye Lan dare to speak against, can't help but drink a deep, burst out a violent momentum.

The momentum was like a mountain, which made people gasp.

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