Pioneer Knight

Chapter 1001:

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Cold eyes looked at the dozens of people on the opposite side, and his heart didn't feel a little throbbing. Hughes, who was so determined, still cares about so many dozen masters.

"Relax, this ten thousand-phase seal space is not the phantom sky realm I am practicing. How can I practice this kind of phantom sky realm when I introduce Jianzong cultivation behavior? This is just a closure that I forcibly maintain with the power of ten thousand phases. It’s just a space, so you can’t know your actions in advance, but since you are in my space, you are naturally at a disadvantage. As for why, then you need to take out your strength to understand, let’s go! "

Seeing dozens of people from the Ouyang family, Hughes said coldly.

Everyone in the Ouyang family was afraid of the power of Hughes, but at this moment, they were enclosed in this space by Hughes. Whether there would be any weirdness in them, they naturally secretly guarded against it. With.

Ouyang's poems are moving, full of complex feelings, but seeing the momentum of Hughes at this moment, he is extremely frightened. In today's case, Hughes loses the battle, but it is ten in ten. The result is that Hughes died of himself The hands of the Ouyang family, but for such a result, Ouyang Shishi asked himself if he did not know how to face it, but there was no possibility of avoiding this kind of thing.

"Husi, even if it is the power of the space sealed by you, the power of all phases, although you are a legendary psychic boy, but what you are facing today makes us Ouyang family accumulate masters, you today There is no doubt that you will be able to bluff us if such tricks are made!

At this moment, the Ouyang family stood up and shouted loudly.

"Fuck you, how did I bluff you? The situation today is naturally clear to me in Xiusi's mind. Your upper and lower Ouyang family members and the top ten masters have dealt with me together. This cultivation practice is just a person of the upper and lower Jianzong. Your Ouyang family is really big. The ability, but today, even if I have died, I naturally want to put some of you back. Although there is no certainty to completely defeat you, it should not be a problem to kill one or two people!"

Hughes sneered with a grin, but his grievances reached the limit.

Seeing this, everyone in the Ouyang family couldn't help but increase their vigilance. When they looked at it coldly, they saw that Xiusi's body-struggle was gradually flowing quickly. Moreover, from the strength of the strength of the grudge, he felt that the grudge of the body was Two polar grudges that swallowed each other, and under the surface of the body, they were constantly exuding a terrifying atmosphere.

"Everyone still mentions something. This kid's skill is very weird. I'm afraid it will be lost if you don't pay attention. Although we have a lot of people, we shouldn't be careless!"

At this moment, some people reminded that when they heard it, they nodded, that is, those who cultivated to reach the realm of the sword saint did not have the slightest relaxation. For Hughes, there are too many. The odd number, a little slack, is afraid that it is on the spot.

Ouyang's poems are numb, but he has no idea. Although she is now on the side of the Ouyang family, she still thinks she can't do anything about Hughes.

Ouyang Chun’s complexion is slightly better at this moment, and the use of grudge on the broken arm is also suppressed at this moment, but the sweat between the forehead is still the same. He has not forgotten the pain of the heart just now, and, today’s broken arm I am afraid that it will have a great influence on my cultivation in the future, and my heart does not have any hatred for Hughes, but at this moment, it has not been able to get through.

Today’s Ouyang family’s move can be said to have lifted a stone and smashed his own foot. Originally thinking of being able to seek some benefit in this operation, but stealing the chicken without eroding the rice, he suffered a heavy loss. Ouyang Xie is a heavyweight master. It was because the sword sect Xiusu was killed as a kid.

"Since I want you to go together, then I don't want to spend more time with you, and the outcome of this move is that today is not the fiasco of your Ouyang family, then it is the time of my death!"

Hughes feels that the body is full of fighting spirit, and the injury is slightly improved. The internal injury is improved, but the trauma is still the same. After all, the body is not created by supernatural powers, and it is not only possible to recover in an instant. However, for the practitioner, the trauma is far less than The impact of internal injuries is great.

Although the Ouyang family and others listened to Hughes's remarks, although they were uncomfortable, but this situation was chosen by Hughes himself, then one move will determine the victory and defeat, a few words of the power of the Ouyang family, can it not be defeated by this kid.

"Since you are so anxious to find death, we are all you are!"

Ouyang Chun spoke only after secretly attacking Hughes.

In the past, Hughes was cold-eyed. Although it was through the silver-white grudge, that chill was still directed at Ouyang Chun and others. The latter intuitively felt cold all over the body, but Xiu Wei was so scared by Hughes, and he was immediately arrogant. It was a quick response to everyone's momentum.

"Seek death!" Hughes sneered: "You are right, I am really looking for death, but the premise is that you have the ability to kill me, otherwise, I will make you pay ten times and one hundred times!"

"Don't talk nonsense, but I want to know how bad you are except for the power of everything!"

Ouyang Chun didn't refute, but heard that one of them was already unable to bear the cynicism of Hughes. At that time, he urged the grudge, the figure flashed rapidly, and he looked for an opportunity to start attacking Hughes.

Hughes stood still in the air, his eyes flicked slightly, judging from the breath, this person was the sword saint Xie Xiuxiu. Although it is far less than Ouyangxie's cultivation behavior, it is not easy to cultivate to the point of being, but it is not easy to return, and Hughes is not in any mood at this moment. His purpose is to strike all those who attack him next. Kill yourself, otherwise you will die yourself.

"It's a good one, and he's a sword saint, and I want to see what kind of sword saint your Ouyang family is. I hope you are better than Ouyang evil fight!"

Hughes' immediate employment is not bad, so he screamed, and the two angers of the Zhou body came out violently, sweeping under the space of the Zhou body, I saw that Hughes' figure turned into a light and disappeared here. Within the space.

Seeing the disappearance of Hughes, everyone couldn't help but stunned, and their hearts sank. This Hughes' arrogance was so deep, but it was just Jianzong's cultivation. This is not reasonable in terms of cultivation principles, but what makes them more worried now is What did Hughes mean?

The person who came out with a single challenge is also fast in body style, and it is difficult to match its speed with the naked eye, but? With Hughes showing like this, he obviously fell into the disadvantage.

The person didn't stay, he had to lift his heart and looked around, but was shocked. If this Hughes was in this space, then his breath should be able to be noticed by himself. For supremacy, he is the realm of sword saints, and Huss is just Jianzong. On this point, Huss should not disappear under his own induction, but this thing happened so clearly to himself. before.

"Although you are doing sword saint cultivation, but at this speed, it is like challenging me. You are not qualified. Think about how Ouyang Xie was defeated by my men. But you don't know why, but I tell you now It doesn’t make sense to come because you can die now!"

Just under the man's look around, but unexpectedly it was above his head, only to hear the cold voice of Hughes in his ears, the man's heart shuddered.

"Be careful!"


At this moment everyone watching the Ouyang family reminded them, but they heard a loud bang, and saw that the person was hit by the top of the head, and the result was just like the Ouyang evil.

The man even died with a cry of screaming and screaming.

Hughes appeared at the moment, with a strange smile in his mouth, but such a killing was an inexplicable pleasure. Although Hughes' mind was not aware of this feeling, but how could he let him think about it This is what he needs now.

In this space, the power of Wanxiang is not just a closed space, but one of the most important points is to hide his breath into the power of Wanxiang. These people in the Ouyang family are all cultivated. It’s superb. If you quickly make a surprise attack with your own way of doing things, it will definitely not work, because reaching their level has not only judged the opponent visually, but the feeling, and this feeling comes from the opponent’s breath. Sensitive capture of breath can play a more effective role than visually, and can more accurately grasp the opponent's actions, but Hughes uses this omnipotent force to force the breath emitted by his own body into it. In this way, how can others sense his breath, that is, there is no way to capture his own trace, and his own body is fast, and he can’t capture it visually, which is under the panic of the person. Approaching his body, this is the way to kill.

Although the opponent is Jian Sheng Xiu Wei, but Xius Jian Zong Xiu Xiu, its strength is far more than this state, and this method of using the body method to hide in the space is from the beginning when he entered Deng Di When the three great sword masters of the Zhao Liang family met, in the past, Hughes didn't quite understand what kind of fighting skills those couples were, but after thinking for the past six months, they understood, so hidden The trace space is not a mysterious method of fighting technique, but it only uses its own fighting spirit to conform to the airflow of the space to reach a speed that the naked eye can't reach. It is like disappearing in the space and stealth, but there is still a way of doing this. The loophole is the concealment of the breath. When I met the three people at first, if I didn't catch the three people's breath fluctuations accurately, I was afraid that I would have suffered a big loss. Although Hughes forced the two grudges to force the body at the same time, making his own speed and body faster than others, but to completely conceal his breath was out of the power of using his little control. Inhaling your own breath to achieve the purpose of not being captured by others, so that you can really achieve an attack.

And that man’s skill is Jianxiuxiu, and his strength is not bad, but he is inferior to Hughes in terms of his body, and he is far inferior to Hughes in comprehension in space. Under such circumstances, the defeat is already doomed .

Seeing this, the crowd could not help but yelled a few times, and saw that another person died in the hands of Hughes. Everyone in the Ouyang family was trembling but gritted their teeth. Only Ouyang’s poems were sad and sad. Hughes at this moment.

"The kid is so bad!"

Just as Hughes stabilized his body, he heard another person screaming again, and then came a breath of powerful force.

Immediately afterwards, dozens of power attacks came.

When Hughes checked, his heart was awkward, and he should come back after all. It was just a small episode just now.

Hughes quickly looked around, but saw that all the masters of the Ouyang family actually came together to perform their own fighting techniques.


At this moment, Hughes sneered, but when the two grudges in his surrounding body merged again, he suddenly started to form a vortex-shaped power flow in front of his body. During this period, the force was violent and powerful. The vortex expanded and the space above and below Hus was completely blocked.


Hughes only listened to the bang, but the body above him was just born under the weight of a ten thousand pound hammer, and the blood veins were disordered in an instant. The corner of the mouth suddenly came out of blood, and the trauma on the body was again. Deterioration, blood flowing out, can not bear to see.

Under such hard resistance, there is absolutely no possibility of opportunism. At that time, the power of the joint attack of that kind of person was all at once, and it hit the whirlpool in front of Hughes.

Hughes clearly felt that the body was gradually approaching the limit at this moment. It is conceivable that the power of gathering everyone was extraordinary.

but? At this moment, Hughes was moving again, but the force on the whirlpool formed by the dragon and phoenix fighting in front of him was gradually decreasing, and the speed of this force reduction was obvious.

Susie's heart suddenly became overjoyed. The swirl formed by the dragon and phoenix's fighting spirit was transformed by Hughes according to the simple meaning of yin and yang in practice. All things created by yin and yang, but they can also swallow everything. This swallowing is generally the same as the power of the ten thousand phases, but the principle of swallowing is different. At first, Longyang Fengqing used the power in the five animal plates to divide the ten thousand phases in his body. The force suppressed this. Hughes was a baby at the beginning of his life, but his consciousness was an adult. Since he practiced yin and yang in simple meaning, he can clearly perceive the power attributes of those five beasts. The strength of mutual swallowing is the force at which the dragon and phoenix are forced to force each other to swallow the surface, which is generally the same. Although the attack power gathered by dozens of people initially hit themselves hard, but in this way, the tendency of the dragon and phoenix to swallow each other is gradually strengthened. Under this, the attack power of the collection is also constantly being attacked. This vortex swallowed, and, more to the surprise of Hughes, Hughes was able to notice the rebound of his own strength as the swallowed attack power disappeared.

For such a phenomenon, it is undoubtedly the most favorable for Hughes, and this situation is also unexpected.

At this moment, everyone in the Ouyang family also gradually noticed the difference, and they also clearly noticed that under the combined attack power, at this moment, it was like being gradually caught in the swamp quagmire, and gradually unable to bear the force. Road.

Seeing this situation, everyone felt that something was wrong, and they wanted to extract all kinds of fighting attacks. However, it was such a move that made these masters of the Ouyang family frightened.

"Why, how could this happen!"

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