Pioneer Knight

Chapter 1006:

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The soul mimicked the man's amazement, even more proud, and said sensationally.

But what makes the soul mimicry a bit stunned at this moment is that the man didn't respond to himself, but fell into silence, without squeaking for a long time.

"Hi, boy, do you want to learn or not, but I will tell you that you regret it. Only by learning my martial arts tactics can it be so easy to leave here!"

The soul mimicry was a bit anxious.

"Then those cultivators who came here were all martial arts cultivators!"

At the moment, the man came back and asked.

"Well, that's not. Those who came to Xuanyin Valley Realm are all grudgers!"

"Then they still have someone out!"

The man said angrily.

"Yes, they went out of the wrong, but in this case, there are several powerful qi qi repairs as the basis. You think that you can easily get out of qi qi repairs now. If you can’t go, what’s more, after your Dantian blew up, it was repaired to nothing. Now the strange thing is that your Dantian is automatically recovered from inside and out again, but if you want to completely restore to the previous cultivation behavior, it is not. It’s possible, and the length of time in this one is conceivable. Rather than this, it’s better to follow me to learn martial arts tactics. After you have cultivated successfully, you can go out to the Xuanyin Valley Realm!"

The soul mimesis is said.

"How did I come in this Xuanyin Valley Realm!"

The man didn't investigate whether this was a question of learning or not, but he was suspicious and asked.

The person present is not right. It is one person and one soul body. There are only two of them. This person has been in a coma until just waking up just now, so the only object he can seek is this soul body.

"I don't know, why did you come in and ask me!"

Soul imitation said impatiently.

"But I remember that I obviously came from Dengdi. Why did I suddenly get into the Xuanyin Valley at the junction of Dongxia and Nanshang!"

The man whispered.

"Now you don't care how you came in, now you have to think about how to get out, so that you must practice my martial arts tactics!"

The Soul Mimesis said again.

"Cultivating martial arts, although I have recovered from Dantian now, can you practice martial arts, don't you also say that it's impossible for me to cultivate my martial arts to restore it to the beginning? Isn't it possible to practice martial arts differently? I practiced fighting spirit, but I also practiced martial arts at the same time. In this way, how could it be so easy for martial arts to recover!"

There was some courage between the person's words.

"You practiced martial arts!"

Now it was the turn of the soul body. He really did not expect that this kid had actually practiced martial arts, but according to his memories of thousands of years ago, it was concluded that martial arts on the Tanglin Continent had already withered, and In the past, the cultivators who broke into the Xuanyin Valley realm did not have a martial arts cultivator, all were vindictive cultivators, which means that after the battle of more than a thousand years ago, the martial arts have disappeared on the mainland of Dongling And the prevailing method is the gang of culprits who used to cultivate the ancestors of the ancestors to enslave these Tangling people.

"how is it!"

The man said lightly.

"Who are you, what is your name, and where is it from!"

A series of problems of the soul body appeared.

"Don't you stay here for thousands of years, even if I tell you the name, how do you know!"

The man still said indifferently, at this moment he couldn't take a bit of interest, and his mind was full of the scene of Deng Di that was half a moment ago.

"The boy said it quickly. As far as I know, the martial arts practice in the Tanglin Continent has been banned by the three empires for a long time. How did you practice martial arts? This shows that you must have originated from a martial art that you left behind. Cultivation is not fake!"

The soul body spoke extremely seriously at this moment, but the ethereal body fluttered back and forth arbitrarily with the flow of air.

"What kind of cultivation school, my name is Hughes, martial art cultivation is self-study, as for self-study why, you don't need to ask me, I will never tell you!"

This man was fighting against the Ouyang family in Dengdi one month ago and then blew Dantian, using his own strength to suppress the self-preservation in Ouyang's poems, thus repairing Ouyang's poetry Keep it, you are death, but as for the true meaning of death, it seems that it does not exist now. How Hughes came to this Xuanyin Valley Realm is not known.

"Thurs, self-study!"

The tone of the soul's body expressed a lot of disbelief, but Hughes had already spoken, and even if he asked him, he would not say it, which made the soul body helpless.

"I'm Tianxi, the most powerful presence of martial arts practitioners on the Tanglin Continent!"

Speaking of the most powerful one, Gui looked proud again that day. At this moment, he had no interest in why Hughes taught himself martial arts.

"Why the most powerful, the most powerful can only nest in this place!"

Hughes poured a spoonful of cold water very timely.

"Did I not tell you kid, I met a strong enemy and was chased by the man, so I sealed my body for escape, and the spirit took the opportunity to escape into the Xuanyin Valley Realm, Only the enchantment of God and Demon in the Xuanyin Valley Realm can save my life!"

The soul body said angrily.

"Don't you say that you are the most powerful martial arts cultivator in the world, but you are being hunted down by someone else!"

Hughes now listened to the words of the guilty, and couldn't help but say that his mind was completely defined in the bragging ranks.

"Yes, I am indeed the most powerful presence of martial arts practitioners in this world, but the person who chased me is not from this world, or from this space!"

Tianxie said unobtrusively.

"It's not in this space, is there any other space in this world that doesn't work!"

Hughes was interested and asked.

"Naturally, within this vast Zhou Yu, there are multiple spaces. As far as I know, there is such a space as the Tangling Continent, and the other is the space where the person who chased me was the spiritual world. It was an inadvertent intrusion into it, and in addition to the spiritual realm accident, there is also a dark realm, which is also an unstable and variable space. Within these three spaces, there are various kinds of spiritual realm and dark realm. Spirit, this spirit world does not survive human beings, but is a variety of spiritual beasts. The dark world does not survive humans, but the dark beasts. These two spaces have already formed the opposite, and have always been in one. This state of struggle, but in a hurry, I actually encountered a gap in space, and I entered the spiritual world, but within the spiritual world, I met a dark world called Heilin. Spirit, cultivation is so powerful, martial arts cultivation is far superior to me, and then the Black Lin passed me a cultivation method, called Ling Ling Jue. The effect of Ling Ling Jue is that it can pass various spells. Produced a powerful soul call ban, forcibly pulled those spirit beasts out of the spirit world for their own use, and after that, Helin sent me back to the Dongling space again, and I was practicing the spirit quotation Later, with the growth of cultivation practice, he can gradually summon various spirit beasts to drive himself. However, after the combined attack of the **** and demon over a thousand years ago, Heilin suddenly appeared and wanted to use I killed, which made me make that decision!"

Tianxu recounted the original things, but these sounds were amazing in Hughes' ears.

The existence of multiple spaces, and the ability to traverse, then it means that the space that originally existed is also real, and it may not be the three spaces that Tianxie understands. There is at least one space, and as long as you look for When the opportunity arises, he is able to return to that space.

"Why did he kill you!"

Hughes asked, frowning slightly.

"How could I know that, fortunately, my cultivation at that time was not bad, otherwise I was afraid that I had no chance of reincarnation, and I died so unclearly!"

Tianxie said fiercely.

"Since you know about the union of gods and demons, do you know about the war that year?"

Hughes asked at this moment.

"Divine demon, the demon is not really a demon, but it makes them self-styled, and, if I have not guessed wrong, then the demon is the creature of the dark world, and what they cultivate is fighting spirit, And the breath is very similar to that of Hei Lin, but one thing I don’t quite understand is that the creatures of Hei Lin, which is clearly in the dark world, are different from those gods and demons. There is no way to practice fighting spirit, but it is martial arts. The cultivation method, after so many thousand years, I have never wanted to understand!"

Xius listened to Tianxi's words, but he was also puzzled. According to Tianxi's words, Hei Lin should also be a cultivator, but how could it be the method of martial arts cultivation, is it because Hei Lin has already betrayed the dark The system was not successful, but Hughes immediately thought of the psychic tactics, and then Helin was slightly suspicious of what he had done.

"Maybe, the practice of fighting qi is indeed inferior to the method of martial arts cultivation, so Heilin abandoned the fighting qi cultivation and chose the method of martial arts cultivation!"

Hughes said lightly at this moment, but his mind was still thinking.

"You mean, Helin could not betray the Dark Realm!"

Tianxie couldn't help but said in amazement: "It's not right! Heilin came to this Tangling space with the **** and demon later, and he always wanted to kill me!"

"He didn't betray the Dark Realm, but wanted to practice the Spiritual Encouragement through you to evoke the summoning in the Tangling Space and to suppress the Spiritual Realm. Then the purpose of her practice of martial arts is to create the Spiritual Enlightenment But as for its true purpose, no one knows, I am just making a guess here!"

Hughes said at this time based on his guess.

Tianxie fell into contemplation, and for a long time did not use words.

"Maybe his purpose is the whole spirit world!"

Tianxi said slowly at this time: "No, there is this Tanglin space!"

"Why did the gods and demons jointly attack the martial arts cultivators who lived in the Tangling space!"

Hughes still had some interest in the divine things, he asked.

"I didn't know it at first, but now I know!"

Tianxie's tone was a little heavy.

"What do you mean?"

Hughes asked carefully.

"Because the cultivator's tactics on the mainland of Dongling are also martial arts, and when I entered the spirit world, the tactics of those spirit beasts are also the tactics of the dongling martial arts. Because of this, the dark world has already sensed the crisis. The realm is connected with the stewardess of Dongling, or it is combined with each other, then the dark realm is afraid that it will completely disappear from this Zhouyu space. Therefore, they have taken such a move!"

"But why did Helin kill you? I'm afraid it's not that simple!"

Hughes said quietly.

"Why did Heilin pass me the psychic tactics at first, but he didn't practice but let me practice, which certainly has a reason, and let me enter this Dongling space to practice, which certainly has a reason, and later, I want to Killing me should be for this psychic tactic, but if it is just because the psychic tactic is not possible, there should be other reasons!"

"But how can this Xuanyin Valley Realm keep your soul body!"

Hughes asked again at this moment.

"If the gods and demons were really the creatures of the dark world that I had guessed at the time, then there are two factions in the dark world, and when the gods and demon confronted the practitioners of Dongling, they also suffered heavy losses, so they joined together. A strong seal, this seal was set by the power of the masters of the gods and demons, but there was a weakness in between, that is, the seal of the gods and demons could not block the entrance of the body of the soul. This was what I discovered at the beginning, so it was in the black forest Under the chase, he abandoned the flesh and entered the seal, but Heilin couldn't get into it, which saved the soul body, but recently it was discovered that the soul body entered the Xuanyin Valley Realm. This enchantment can no longer be left out. One of the purposes of this enchantment is to block others from entering, and the other is to seal the ghosts in it!"

"You mean, this Xuanyin Valley is..."

"Yes, the battlefield when the gods and demons united against the Dongling martial arts cultivators was in this Xuanyin Valley. Countless gods and demons and martial arts masters fell here. After I entered the Xuanyin Valley Realm, It only survived due to the strength of the soul body. Most of the souls of the gods and deities and martial arts practice masters were actually broken after the war, but only a little soul breath remained, but this became my soul body. Long-term dependence!"

Tianxu said so.

"But why do you still say that someone has been here, didn't you say that you can't enter outside of the soul body!"

Hughes asked again at this time

"After the strong seal has subsided in its position, there will be a seal loophole. How can the magic of the combined seal of the gods and demons be so powerful hundreds of years later, and after hundreds of years of transformation, Tanglin On the mainland, there are gradually vindictive masters. Under such a situation, in the face of the seal that has already appeared, it is natural to find opportunities to come in, but after entering this Xuanyin Valley Realm, after hundreds of years of precipitation The soul of the **** and the devil is still very powerful. Those masters who cultivated and entered it were either swallowed by this soul or escaped by virtue of vigor, but they will still be hit hard in their meridians and hearts!"

"So that's the case!"

Hughes knows a lot about Xuanyin Valley Realm, but also knows a little bit about its dangers. Then the popularity of those who broke into Xuanyin Valley Realm on Dongling Continent is not exactly what Tianxie said, as such, according to Tianxie It is said that in the Xuanyin Valley Realm is only suitable for the survival of the soul body, but how do you explain it in such a good condition, is it because the body cannot achieve all the powers.

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