Pioneer Knight

Chapter 1009:

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Tian Xie said at this moment.

"You have to disappear again, what if I encounter a bottleneck while practicing?"

At the moment of martial arts cultivation, Hughes suddenly had a little dependence on the sky, so he said.

"In the case of cultivation, it is common to encounter a bottleneck. When you first cultivated qi, wouldn't you encounter it? It is the same today when you change to martial arts cultivation. Usually you say how to break through qi, That's how to practice this martial art!"

Tianxi said that he didn't give Hughes the chance to speak again and disappeared in the area.

Huston was bored, but this psychic tactic and Namo tactic again appeared in his mind at this moment.

In the dark days of the Xuanyin Valley Realm, in the dark, it slipped past and unknowingly, and did not say what exactly the spiritual tactics of the Sisi cultivator and that of the soul.

At this moment, Tangling College was in a mess. Since Hughes was killed by the Ouyang family on that day, there was no peace. At this moment, something happened again.

"Emperor Dean, Nangong Xue has disappeared in this way, will it be those who coveted Nangong Xue's arrogant control of Shuangxiu have taken it away!"

Yuan Kui asked Emperor Yang, who looked at the quiet face with concern at this moment.

Nangong Xue pondered for a long time, but there was no squeaking. However, in the face of such a situation, Yuan Kui did not dare to ask again, and had to wait for Di Yang to move.

Zong Lan is not here today, only Yuan Kui and Di Yang.

"This should not be possible, and Nangong Xuexiu's behavior is different. If someone really does this, Nangong Xue can't resist. Furthermore, Nangong Xue is not always asking you to look at Dongling College, if someone enters After the Tangling College took the Nangong Xue captive away, no one in the whole Tangling College actually found it impossible!"

At this time, Di Yang was analyzing and saying.

"But that's not the case, how could Nangong Xue disappear for no reason!"

For this proud student, Yuan Kui was quite cherished and cherished. At this moment, when Nangong Xue disappeared, he remembered jumping up and down.

"The only possibility is that Nangong Xue left, and only this explanation can be reasonable!"

Di Yang said lightly

"She left by herself, but why did she leave without telling us last time, this is simply not in line with Nangong Xue's character!"

Yuan Kui immediately retorted.

"Nangongxue's character, you know a little bit about how to act as the director of the Italian Control Institute. You can't advertise this thing. If Nangongxue really left, once Zhang Yang went out, I was afraid that it would be a bad thing. Secretly sent someone to look for it, I will tell you when there is news!"

Di Yang said with a sigh, waved his hand, and motioned for Yuan Kui to leave.

Although Yuan Kui's heart was anxious, he was helpless. He had to glance at Di Yang again. What did he want to say again? But in the end it's okay.

Seeing Yuan Kui leaving, Di Yang was a little tired, and now Di Yang is most troubled by Di Ling's problems.

When Huss died, this Emperor Bell was in a trance all day and night, and the food was not thinking. At this time, it was already haggard. Although his Emperor Yang was a deep man, he was really helpless about this matter, no matter what he said What Di Ling refused to give in.

Thinking about it, Di Yang spread his hands, and his figure flickered and disappeared.

In Di Ling's room, the figure was haggard, and it was no longer the delicate figure at the beginning. It was a little thin and weak, its eyes were helpless and helpless, its face was pale, and it was too thin to lose weight.

"Ling Er!"

At this moment, the voice of Di Yang rang in front of the door.

Di Ling deflected his head slightly, but there was no answer.

"Ling Er, it's grandpa, open the door!" Di Yang was not annoyed by the practice of Ding Ling, and patiently knocked on the door again and said

"what's up!"

What Di Yang did not expect was that Di Ling actually answered himself at this time.

"Ling Er, open the door! Grandpa has something to tell you!"

Di Yang said again.

"You say it! I listen!"

Di Ling still did not turn around, so he said.

Di Yang was helpless.

"Ling'er, if you die like this now, how can you be worthy of the dead people of your cultivation family, how can you be worthy of Hughes, although Ouyang Xie has died, but your enemies of the Xiong Family have not yet been reported, and Hughes is also In the hands of the Ouyang family, would you let Hughes die in such a way, wouldn't you be able to go down like this all day long!"

At this time, Di Yang's heart turned sharp, but he said that this statement was generally the same as what Huangpu Yuxiang said to Ziyue. Both are expedient measures.

"Well, how can I take revenge with my current practice!"

Di Ling said that her eyes were filled with tears, and now her brain is full of scenes of meeting with Hughes for the first time, as well as the words of Yuan Tongfei, the aunt who repaired the domain name a dozen years ago. Although Di Ling was still small at the time, it still remembers those words.

If it was not the sinful behavior of the Ouyang family, I am afraid that today, more than ten years later, I am not a cousin of Hughes but a wife of Hughes. This is what the original domain name Yuan Tongfei said to Dili, who was only two years old. God Ling of this point doesn't feel that there is anything wrong with it, because he is very clear about his life experience. He is not a relative niece who repairs a domain name, but just a brother who repairs a domain name. However, all this has changed drastically with the disaster of seventeen years ago, but finally surprised the survival of Hughes, but still in the battle more than a month ago, Hughes died. The only child of the Xiujia family that he knows now is still dead, and it is Xiusi. This is because Di Ling is very difficult to accept.

"So, you must cheer up now and practice well to avenge your cultivators. You must wait until that day!" Di Yang said again.

"Then one day, when will that day go, Grandpa, how can I wait for that day, can I still wait for that day with my current practice!"

Di Ling still said so frustrated.

"Who said no, Grandpa didn’t say it all the time. Your talents are excellent. As long as you work hard, Grandpa will help you to practice. Then Grandpa has confidence in you, and the day of revenge will not be far away. If you are so eliminated, Going on, there is no hope of revenge!"

Di Yang saw this and said.

However, for a long time, there was no movement in it.

Di Yang was suspicious in his heart, and even then he was a bit worried. Was his words counterproductive?

I was about to knock on the door and shouted, but the door was just opened.

"Grandpa, I must avenge the Xiujia up and down!"

At this moment, I saw Di Ling's pale and pretty face covered with tears and came out. Looking at this, Di Yang said firmly.

Seeing Di Ling has such a change, Di Yang was surprised for a while, but even with a happy heart, looking at Di Ling you, Di Yang's face was actually smiling. For Di Yang, perhaps only in front of this granddaughter Only then will this expression appear.

"Okay, Grandpa will do his utmost to help you improve your cultivation, but you must not be able to dissipate like this during this period of time. You must have confidence!"

Di Yang raised his palm slightly and stroked Di Ling's hair.


Listening to Di Yang's words, Di Ling burst into tears again.

There are three types of psychic spirits. According to the formulas of psychic spirits taught by Tianze, Xius was practicing within Xuanyin Valley Realm. During the period, it was naturally bumpy. However, as Tianqi said at the beginning, the path of cultivation It is a constant ups and downs, there is no smooth practice.

The first form of the three types of spirits, the spirit-enlightening technique, is the ability to summon some spiritual beasts that are lowered in the spiritual world, so that they can control it, but when facing powerful opponents, Those summoned spirit beasts are basically unable to help. Therefore, the spirit-enlightening style is the weakest summoning technique, and the prohibitions produced by the spirit-enlightening style are not very powerful.

However, even if this is the case, enlightenment-style cultivation is indispensable in the spirit-inducing tactics, because although enlightenment-style conjugation is weak, it is the foundation of the spirit and the handsome spirit after cultivation. The foundation of this spiritual cultivation has not been laid well, so it is impossible for the summoning spirits who practice later to reach the stage of great success.

The three types of Ling Ling are divided into three paragraphs. Naturally, they are the first paragraph of the spirit, the first paragraph of the spirit, and the last paragraph of the handsome spirit. Each paragraph represents a different prohibition, but such a recipe is not always available. Because the psychic tactics are the martial arts tactics. Naturally, it is extremely important for the martial arts element of the body. Only when one’s own martial arts elemental cultivation reaches a certain level, can one further cultivate the spiritual spirit of the next stage. The tactic, only after the realm has been upgraded and broken, can it have enough strength to maintain the more powerful prohibition of the psychic tactic.

"The spirit of the empty world, all methods are the same, the order of the imperial spirit, the prohibition of the true element, the vein of heaven and earth, the source of the body, the source of enlightenment, the beginning of controlling the spirit!"

Hughes muttered in his mouth.

This is the spiritual formula of enlightenment, in which the zombie dad is the martial arts element of spiritual beast cultivation in the spirit world, which is the same in all methods, from the vein of heaven and earth, and also the source of the spirit beast’s body, as long as the spirit in the vein of heaven and earth The prohibition above can control the low-level spirit beasts whose strength depends on the aura of heaven and earth.

However, although Hughes can understand its meaning, now as Hughus’s martial arts training is, it is simply not enough to produce a prohibition that emphasizes the pulse of heaven and earth, so as to summon the spirit beast of the spiritual world. Yin and Yang Zhenyuan are all gone. Although my own Dan Tian's inexplicable reply now, but it takes a period of time to restore Yin and Yang Zhenyuan to the original state within a period of time.

When Xiusi practiced in the simple meaning of yin and yang, he reached the state of supernatural powers, and was able to use the senior Jurchen elementary elements to attack, but after a short time, everything had to be repeated. Although this process is a little long, for Hughes, faith still exists. Furthermore, the time flow within the Xuanyin Valley Realm is five times that of the outside world. In this way, he can actually be more Use the time difference within the Xuanyin Valley realm to practice.

Of course, all this has to be re-cultivated Yin and Yang Jianyi, it should be because, for the cultivation of Yin and Yang Jianyi has already had a certain experience, it is much easier to come back at this moment than it was in the past.

The country of the Southern Merchants is located at the southernmost tip of Dongling. For more than a thousand years, the national power of the Southern Merchants has been constantly increasing. This generation of monarch Xin Nai is a literary and military genius. The upper position has made the Southern Merchants a few years ago. The unprecedented prosperity of the national power, the people live and work in peace and prosperity, a scene of prosperity and peace.

At this moment, within the borders of the Southern Merchants and the northern part of Jizhou, everyone in the Su Family was worried.

The land of Jizhou, which is the most powerful of the Su family, is Jizhouhou, the country of the southern merchants.

This generation of hereditary knights is named Su Hu. In this peaceful world, the strength of the Su family is even more prosperous. Under the influence of this strength, it will naturally suffer from the people of the same dynasty. Coveted, there is no impeachment of villains, but today the Holy Spirit is enlightened, but the Su family's strength has been preserved so far.

In fact, the Su family is not like the threat of the Nanshang royal family as the officials said. The Su family only wants to protect themselves and can be prosperous for generations. However, the gentleman is frank and frank. Although this generation of Southern Shang Dynasty lords are wise, there are people on the Chaoye who have slandered the reputation of the Su Family. In the long run, how can Zi Xin, as the ruler of a generation of monarchs, feel at ease, this is not just now, Chao Ge The place was already an urgent matter of eight hundred miles, and Zi Xin issued a decree, urging Su's up and down to the Chaoge Face Saint.

In this place where Jizhou is far away from Chaoge, it is a glory to get the monarch to summon this, but now the Su family can't be happy.

What the imperial edict said, Su's up and down, the significance of which is very obvious, Su's forces have already caused hidden worries in the heart of the monarchs, and this kind of holy things, the family rushed to Chaoge, showing that Zi Xin was thinking It is time to act.

"Father and mother, don't we really want to rush to Chaoge all?"

At this moment, when Su Hu and his wife were both ugly, they saw a pretty woman during this slim period, and suddenly there was a burst of fragrance, but the woman's pink blush, the fragrance of her body, and her eyebrows were moving. The following is full of magnificence, the cherry lips are slightly moved, but it seems that there are so many kinds of styles. When it is a peerless beauty, under the Juan Luo skirt lining, this woman is more interesting.

This woman is the daughter of Su Hu, named Su Daji. Su Daji has been taught by the secular etiquette of the Su family since she was a child. She can sing and dance, and she looks like a country. beauty.

Su Hu and his wife Su Daji asked her daughter when they saw each other. They could not help but glance at each other, and they all sighed slightly.

"Yes! Since the emperor made this decree this time, it shows that our Su family forces have threatened the emperor's heart, and at this moment, let us go to Chaoge for the purpose of probing our heart. As long as our Su's resistance, then the Chaoge army will be fully pressed towards my land in Jizhou, so that the back cover of our Su's operation for hundreds of years will only be burned, and even worse, The people living here will also be attacked by the flames of war, and have since fallen into the depths of fire!" Su Hu said with a sigh.

Su Daji listened to Su Hu's words, and her brows were wrinkled.

"Then our Su's family went to Chaoge. Once the emperor took the opportunity to make trouble, then our Su's would not be over!"

Su Daji was born with beautiful beauty and brilliant intelligence. At this moment, she was worried.

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